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  1. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    We have HLH in 320, it was one of the very first things Jldr gave us on the first day of the forum opening up.
    Not to imply that MP3 is "good quality."
  2. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Anytime i've heard her speak on the subject, she has only ever mentioned YouTube. You can see it too in the footage, the compression artifacts are very visible, in varying degrees, in all the found footage in her videos. I've always found that interesting, how that places her in the current era, she is a product of these times, the generation that grew up online. And that little detail, the fact that shitty video compression is a big part of the aesthetic of her videos, is another reason why i classify Lana Del Rey as a postmodern artist, and shun all those labels that suggest that she's merely a throwback to a bygone era.
    I don't know where that footage that you're asking about comes from, but i just noticed that in the Diet Mtn Dew video she used footage from that
    ! Which i still haven't ordered but intend to. It looks so, so great.  
    Re: studying metaphysics, Maru wrote the following in THE CLUSTERFUCK THREAD:
  3. CHATEAU MARMONT liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Chords and scores for songs   
    I believe she plays the entirety of Get Drunk on the low E, like someone who's been playing guitar for a week   Not that it matters anyway, it can be played to your liking--all on the E or a combination of the E and A strings. Or you can just smash your guitar to smithereens and get drunk 
    A bit of advice to those who are interested in more than just playing along to a handful of your favorite songs, and would like to work toward being competent musicians: with songs like Get Drunk where it's all single notes, try to pick them out by ear, it's the first and most basic step in some of the best ear training you can give yourself. It may be frustrating at first, but it's really not that difficult, and it gets easier with time and practice. It'll really, really develop your overall playing and ear/listening. Train your ear to recognize notes. You will thank yourself later. 
    And for those who are a little more serious and ambitious, moving on to picking out chords will enrich your overall musicianship tenfold. It'll take more time than picking out single notes, of course, but it's invaluable training. A little tip: keep in mind that most of Lana's song only use major and minor triads (3 note chords) and each song is usually just 3 to 5 total chords, so it's not that hard to play around and find the chords. I mean, think of it this way: there are only 24 different chords to pick from, right? (though there are a handful of her songs that have the occasional 7th or suspended chord or whatever). 
    If you're just interested in playing along to the occasional song here and there for fun, then kindly ignore everything i've just said. Actually, you should just ignore everything i've ever said and will say and just get hammered. 
  4. CHATEAU MARMONT liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Chords and scores for songs   
    Uh oh. Mixing flats and sharps and being a semitone too high. Mr. Perfect Pitch comes along, wincing at the mere thought of a song not being in its correct key, and flats everything a half step to restore peace throughout the land.
  5. lanaismamom liked a post in a topic by Monicker in I Don't Wanna Go   
    Hello Twin Peaks. Easily one of her very best songs. MORE HARPSICHORD, ELIZABETH, PLEASE.
  6. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Afraid   
    I was just listening to this song while making a sandwich. Gosh, it’s such a good song. It’s so tender and heartbreaking. It’s an especially great song for nighttime. I love the loose quality it has, how it sounds like it was just a quick and spontaneous thing, recorded one night in a sudden flash of inspiration, like it just needed to come out. I love how understated but unique the backing track is with that incongruous drum machine and the little weird noises. I wouldn’t change a thing about it. 
    These lyrics, i think, are some of her most heartfelt. It’s just chock-full of such simple yet powerful and poignant lines that i think a lot of people can relate to. I especially love the line “the panic and the fear.” Anyone who suffers from panic attacks knows that it’s one of the worst feelings in the world. 
    Doesn’t the chorus sound like something you’ve heard before in another life? That melody seems to perfectly capture the song’s sentiments, that sense of feeling trapped and that realization that you have to do something, make some sort of change in your life. Your dead-end relationship has sort of become your comfort zone. You think you can change the relationship or even the other person, but you know you’re just lying to yourself. 
    Her falsetto in this song has a strange quality to it, it’s almost hysterical. And at the end when she abruptly comes out of it back into her lower register (as she’s repeating that she’s done being afraid), it makes me think of, like, when you’ve been crying for hours and you just suddenly snap out of it because you just physically cannot cry anymore.  
    What a fucking song.
  7. caribbean blue liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Taylor Swift copies Ride?   
    I just saw this mentioned in a status and started to watch the video out of curiosity, but i couldn't watch more than a minute and a half of it. Jesus.
  8. Quincy liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Taylor Swift copies Ride?   
    I just saw this mentioned in a status and started to watch the video out of curiosity, but i couldn't watch more than a minute and a half of it. Jesus.
  9. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Taylor Swift copies Ride?   
    I just saw this mentioned in a status and started to watch the video out of curiosity, but i couldn't watch more than a minute and a half of it. Jesus.
  10. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Lizzy is hiding somewhere in a truckers magazine   
    Maybe she got paid 100 bucks to let men with a foot fetish rub her feet?
    Or to pee on men?
    Or to be photographed nude?
    Or to masturbate or have sex with her boyfriend(s) in front of men in motel rooms? Or for wealthy businessmen in nice hotels?
    Or to abuse and humiliate masochists?
    Or to stand at an intersection wearing a sign for a local business?
    Or hand out flyers?
  11. jellygal liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Lana's Old FaceBook/Twitter   
    How do you have these? Are you friends with her? Is that it? I want 2 B fRiEndZ with her
  12. lili liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Brite Lites   
    I can't believe i didn't realize sooner that the guy's count-in at the beginning of the demo is also on the record. Which is weird because the guitar from the demo is not on the record and neither is her vocal take. I'm guessing the demo was used as a scratch track to program the beat or something, but she liked his voice/counting enough to keep it in? I wonder who the guy is. 
  13. hayden del rey liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    General and fact-based Lana-related questions that are easily answered and not intended for their own discussion.
    “Which interview was it where Lana mentioned being a fan of David Lynch?"
    "What performance was it where Lizzy did the cover of The Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A.?"
    “What’s Lana’s brother’s name?”
    “What was the name of that boarding school that Lana attended?”
    You know, stuff like that.
    --Any questions about specific discussion topics that already have a home somewhere on the forum, such as individual songs in the Lyrics section, past photo shoots in the Gallery, unreleased/demo songs in the Audio section. Questions pertaining to specific subjects such as these can still be directed to those existing threads.
    --Discussion type of questions that are a matter of opinion. Eg: “Who do you prefer, Lana or Lizzy?" or “What do you think would happen if Lana went on SNL again?” Those are opinion-based topics for on-going discussion that are not appropriate for this thread, and are better suited for their own thread.
    ***Before you ask your question, have a look here at the thread dedicated to rumors and debunked myths about Lana Del Rey, as the answer to your question might very well already be there.
  14. caitonline liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    Shall we invite Pat over to this thread for some insight? I bet she'd love to comment. Pull up a chair, Pat, please. 
    I bet Rob & Chuck regularly rock the fuck out on 4 hand piano, tearing up the living room and setting it on fire, while Lana is off in a corner being all doom & gloom and giving Momma Grant headache after headache in typical oldest child fashion. Lil brat Lizzy. NO WONDER U WERE SENT 2 BOARDING SKOOL
  15. Brat liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Lana Without Make-Up   
    I have yet to see one single photo of her not wearing makeup. Y'all know what makeup looks like, no?
  16. Neon Palmmm liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Lana and Shiny Toy Guns   
    I was finally able to read this all for the first time. My head is kind of spinning. 
    God, this person wrote a lot and was very fiery. I don’t know that that sort of zeal can be faked. Or more specifically, when someone sounds that passionate about supposed events, chances are they’re not making things up, or at least not entirely. She is also almost neurotically specific and repetitive about locations and names. It sounds like a person who was, in some way, wronged or saw, firsthand, questionable behavior toward others that she is strongly opposed to, and wants the people responsible to be held accountable.
    But then that weird, endless tirade about how music today is corrupting the youth, how the record industry should take responsibility for all problems in society, that they are mostly responsible for crime, pedophilia, rape, and violence against women, all the while using words like evil and so many CAPS. Dude......wut? I really wish people who make these sort of claims would realize that these things have been around since the beginning of humanity.
    She sounds like someone who's a little "off." Which i hate to say because if she and others really were sexually and mentally abused, there’s nothing worse than dismissing a person as hysterical and discrediting their account. Plus, trauma can make people sound crazy    Even just her writing style and the way she is so incredibly repetitive comes off as someone who has had trauma. Also, based on her language, it seems she had already done a good amount of talking to lawyers.
    The comments under hers piss me off so much, and are so typical of the lowest lows of the internet. I love when people get angry at someone with a mental illness (if she is indeed mentally ill), and call them a BITCH. Ugh, i hate people. One single person (the last comment) responded in a civil manner and refrained entirely from insults. 
      If this stuff really did happen, i really hope that she and others are okay and that the guilty parties are dealt with accordingly. I don't know, i feel like something probably happened here. Why put so much energy into accusing specific people? Those people must have done something, but the question is what exactly and how severe was it. 
    Very puzzling piece of the puzzle. My head hurts and i feel depressed now. 
  17. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    Shall we invite Pat over to this thread for some insight? I bet she'd love to comment. Pull up a chair, Pat, please. 
    I bet Rob & Chuck regularly rock the fuck out on 4 hand piano, tearing up the living room and setting it on fire, while Lana is off in a corner being all doom & gloom and giving Momma Grant headache after headache in typical oldest child fashion. Lil brat Lizzy. NO WONDER U WERE SENT 2 BOARDING SKOOL
  18. fishtails liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    General and fact-based Lana-related questions that are easily answered and not intended for their own discussion.
    “Which interview was it where Lana mentioned being a fan of David Lynch?"
    "What performance was it where Lizzy did the cover of The Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A.?"
    “What’s Lana’s brother’s name?”
    “What was the name of that boarding school that Lana attended?”
    You know, stuff like that.
    --Any questions about specific discussion topics that already have a home somewhere on the forum, such as individual songs in the Lyrics section, past photo shoots in the Gallery, unreleased/demo songs in the Audio section. Questions pertaining to specific subjects such as these can still be directed to those existing threads.
    --Discussion type of questions that are a matter of opinion. Eg: “Who do you prefer, Lana or Lizzy?" or “What do you think would happen if Lana went on SNL again?” Those are opinion-based topics for on-going discussion that are not appropriate for this thread, and are better suited for their own thread.
    ***Before you ask your question, have a look here at the thread dedicated to rumors and debunked myths about Lana Del Rey, as the answer to your question might very well already be there.
  19. Elina liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Afraid   
    I was just listening to this song while making a sandwich. Gosh, it’s such a good song. It’s so tender and heartbreaking. It’s an especially great song for nighttime. I love the loose quality it has, how it sounds like it was just a quick and spontaneous thing, recorded one night in a sudden flash of inspiration, like it just needed to come out. I love how understated but unique the backing track is with that incongruous drum machine and the little weird noises. I wouldn’t change a thing about it. 
    These lyrics, i think, are some of her most heartfelt. It’s just chock-full of such simple yet powerful and poignant lines that i think a lot of people can relate to. I especially love the line “the panic and the fear.” Anyone who suffers from panic attacks knows that it’s one of the worst feelings in the world. 
    Doesn’t the chorus sound like something you’ve heard before in another life? That melody seems to perfectly capture the song’s sentiments, that sense of feeling trapped and that realization that you have to do something, make some sort of change in your life. Your dead-end relationship has sort of become your comfort zone. You think you can change the relationship or even the other person, but you know you’re just lying to yourself. 
    Her falsetto in this song has a strange quality to it, it’s almost hysterical. And at the end when she abruptly comes out of it back into her lower register (as she’s repeating that she’s done being afraid), it makes me think of, like, when you’ve been crying for hours and you just suddenly snap out of it because you just physically cannot cry anymore.  
    What a fucking song.
  20. Elina liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Sirens - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    LOL, good one. 
  21. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Ben Mawson Lana Boards Appreciation thread   
    Just hold on a second, he'll be in here shortly to answer this question. 
  22. PrettyPartyFav0r liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Your Lana Collection   
    I'm sorry. That's very bleak. But not too long before things change, so hang tight.
  23. PrettyPartyFav0r liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Your Lana Collection   
    Literally? What did they say about it, if you don't mind me asking?
  24. Elina liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Radio   
    I love Radio, especially the demo, which is the version i will talk about. That opening is like an explosion of Skittles shooting up into the sky--that silly fake harp, the digital finger snaps, that bass drum that drops, and  the drone that sounds like you’re warping through a happy wormhole--and you just know that the next three and a half minutes are going to be blissful. I think the album version really dropped the ball by changing the way the songs starts. Anyway, this recording just has such a perfect feel, something that i think is hard to capture in songs, but once you have it, it’s like you can do no wrong with a song. It’s like if the song was half a BPM different or one instrument was mixed a tiny bit too loud or too low, it might all come crumbling down. But fret not, because it’s perfect. That chorus is pure gold. It’s so airy and light, that must be the music that plays when you’re skipping on clouds. The double tracked vocals are like an auditory candy bar. And the vocoder is amazing, let’s throw a fucking vocoder on here and have it panning back and forth, Lizzy, this song needs to be even more perfect. I love the little cheap sounding 8th note hi-hat rhythm throughout the song--it sounds like something a kid sitting in their bedroom would have playing from their battery powered Casio in 1991, trying to make a great song. And, finally, those counter melodies on the synth during the last chorus are like flying into the sunshine. But, like ataraxia mentioned, there is an underlying sadness that pokes through a little, and that is one of my favorite qualities in pop music. 
    I still like the album version (which is built around the basic tracks of the demo) but you-know-who fiddled around with it too much and, i think, lost some of that feel from the demo. Still though, probably his least offensive reworking.
    R                    A                    D                    I                    O  
  25. revadece liked a post in a topic by Monicker in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    I can agree with that to an extent even though i'm very wary of binaries, especially as absolutes, or absolutes of any kind, really. We're on the same page with the piano analogy, but not for the same reason that i imagined was your intent in making the analogy: the piano and its black & white keys are a human construction--not rooted in a natural phenomenon--much like the social construct of reducing being down to these polarizing masculine/feminine "fundamentals." BTW, the harpsichord and some fortepianos, which both predate the pianoforte, have the black/white key scheme inverted.
    What i was referring to is bolded in the following:
    Also, a lot of this soul/ego duality is sexist and too reductionist and essentialist. Why should these ontological attributes have to be tied to gender? Does that have any real value? Is it not dismissive of our complexities and ambiguities? I mean, integrative = feminine and separatist = masculine? I find that rather insulting. What do those qualities really have to do with the socially constructed ways in which men and women have been segregated throughout history? And what about those who don't fit into a gender binary? I just don't get why this stuff has to be described in terms of a male/female dichotomy.

    P.S. I do enjoy reading your posts, so i hope you don't take any of this "the wrong way."
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