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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. this on top of her going to new york and italy... we could really be winning!!!
  2. reminded me of how the transition from paradise to UV had me in shambles when i was ending middle school and starting high school... anyway i really hope we can get that kind of jump in sound again especially from her current work (more so with jack - which isn’t bad or anything it’s just become really familiar to a point where a lot of it feels.. the same old kinda thing) *BB is very cute too but it doesn’t feel that unique as an album
  3. shes probably just watching twin peaks again and having a good time doing so coz now she has another excuse to not release anything im fearing!! in the meantime... gonna need a repress of ntmt on vinyl missed my chance at OU back in the day
  4. paradise ultraviolence and honeymoon are top tier... sorry everything else!!! *BTD and LFL are close behind especially with the connection they have as albums in general
  5. for some reason this gave me endorphins
  7. honestly the fact that she (and her label) dont make acoustic albums/eps for her records is such a loss considering she goes out of the way to make the recordings to begin with also reminder to everyone that the radioactive acoustic exists
  8. no justice for just desserts huh
  9. you know i don’t wanna complain b/c we’re getting something but out of the entire (and may i say ICONIC) casper balslev album/other photoshoots they did.. they still stick with the original cover.. same with the deluxe the album photoshoots deserve much better!!!
  10. god i wish she’d put it back on her set list her live performances of it are always so gorgeous
  11. I didn’t know there was a behind the scenes to an unreleased better than that music video!! also lana looks soo cute with the flannel and dress combo and the bright red nails
  12. twenty one pilots esp like 2015 when they, melanie and halsey (also never got into apart from select songs but i might try with her again) were the mains of the alt pop scene
  13. heres one i tried a couple years back ^_^ (you can see some mistakes with like random uncolored areas, but i think i got the color scheme pretty good!!)
  14. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    even with her art she can easily make prints of it and sell those for a (hopefully) reasonable price and then auction off the original for a higher price.. she could even make stickers and stuff too. and shes also into photography too so like????? literally has SO many options and with her status she has the resources available.... but she instead chooses to sell a fugly necklace for 666 dollars... the delusion of it all !!
  15. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    this is so embarrassing
  16. electras tenth coming up with no anniversary edition in sight... sad!
  17. That her and marina are/were these music industry “besties”. It’s not the same like it used to be, but like.. the fake fan edits of them together, fake interviews where they’d mention eachother and of course when they did start hanging out for a bit that.. added to the whole thing but looking back on it, it just seems more of just a friendship and appreciation for each others art
  18. Escapism


    class of 2013 gave me a breakdown ... it really brings out my mommy issues
  19. god i cant wait to eat up once we finally get a release
  20. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    I feel like she wrote herself into a corner going with the whole school theme to begin with and making content specifically for the movie. (I believe she said something along the lines of how if she couldn't visualize it for a music video the song wouldn't make it). Where as crybaby's theme and concept had enough breathing room where she was able to create a variety of songs that still felt whole and part of the album.
  21. "Holy sh$@. Literally I am mind blown. It made me see her in a new light. I suspected she was a dark siren. These poor celebrities... I seriously thank you so much for making this. More people need to see this, they truly do. I feel the truth in my heart."
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