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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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ke maybe potentially possibly releasing another song in closeness and orbiting such greatness as venucci thrussy and bitch like a dog and she only ever reallydates dogs but no beastiality and beauty cause she is not beautfl and somebody lied to her several times saying her poetry was hot and it was nothing of the sort nothing like that but what is beautiful is mariners apartment complex on a breezy and oceany and windy and kinda sunny but also mostly cloudy the big puffy circumulous and psinius kinda that look like bleached cotton candy peppering down ashes of invisible smok onto all the children and the children's children in this very very very very very every very veryr very very veyr vyerv yerve yrevvye hot planetal orbting earth because mariners apartment compex gives off such nongreasy and healthy kale wehategrass symptonmonius vibes that can only be surmounted by another beachy breezy easy peazy squeezy easy breezy beautiful cover girl type song that can only really come close to surmounting the unstoppable and immovable mountain of MAC like the big ac but less fat and more flop and no cheese because she's done no promo for this album that is rumored and hypothesized to be 13 tracks long but she has never even confirmed this and not even apostoles can confirm that and he fucked little boys and was usually kinda right at times for ancient grecian sbut not for miss lana banana bobanan fee fi fo fum danamal copa cabana cubana hannah montana del riggery because you know what i can't tell anyorre what songs might be on the album and in your car sounds like a very very very nice song and title and track and singular sole uno record to listen to among the same cardinal and cardiovasular arterous vein that you can find venice bitch swimming through i your bloodstream like a dazzling and 80s scented gondola strolling through the crowded muddy water circuits of venice italy not to be confused with venice californium or venice texas or even paris texas because lana could never screw up her geography and in your car sounds like that and howt do spiepear sounds kinda like an olden book with the leathery spine that's kinda like mine with the twine from a past cows uterus woven into soft silk then put through tumultuous quests to find it's inner being and personal direction in this journey and game we all cal life an

Just so u know I ready this in New York's voice. We staaaan 




Loooooool at first I thought that's what she meant. I was like, "wtf, who is Norman and he is sexually fucking Rockwell? Why did she choose this ugly title?" How naive I was

I mean I wish it were that way w me, but I think I heard VB first, and heard the ref and decided to do some bing'ing, but yes it's not a conspiracy theory it's fact. Different lanes, same highway tho  :krylie:

Venice Bitch sounds fresh as a daisy after every listen

Was actually listening to it driving in the rain and it was perfect. That song's so versatile imo 


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I will accept her friendship with these baddies only if she makes This Is What Makes Us Girls no.2

Remember how we used to party up till 9

going out and looking for a taste of vegan lyfe

vaping in the small town firelight

(healthy drink of water on ice)


Sweet 33rd and we had arrived

walkin down the street as they whistled "GO DIE!"

stealin tesla cars with the wannabe guys

the gays said we'd never make it out alive


Yeah they're all my new best friends

nikeEs in our hands, swayin in the wind

while we start to laugh, mascara runnin down our little baddie eyes

"Lana, how i hate those gays"


This is what makes us old

we look for approval as our music gets worse

its something gays would die for, its a curse

dont cry about it, dont bitch about it

This is what makes us old

we all stick together cus nothing is getting sold

dont cry about it, dont bitch about it

its never gonna happen


:hair: :hair: :hair:



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Remember how we used to party up till 9

going out and looking for a taste of vegan lyfe

vaping in the small town firelight

(healthy drink of water on ice)


Sweet 33rd and we had arrived

walkin down the street as they whistled "GO DIE!"

stealin tesla cars with the wannabe guys

the gays said we'd never make it out alive


Yeah they're all my new best friends

nikeEs in our hands, swayin in the wind

while we start to laugh, mascara runnin down our little baddie eyes

"Lana, how i hate those gays"


This is what makes us old

we look for approval as our music gets worse

its something gays would die for, its a curse

dont cry about it, dont bitch about it

This is what makes us old

we all stick together cus nothing is getting sold

dont cry about it, dont bitch about it

its never gonna happen


:hair: :hair: :hair:


how does it feel to finally contribute something meaningful and truly entertaining to this site for the first time ever terrestrial lobium meningitis

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how does it feel to finally contribute something meaningful and truly entertaining to this site for the first time ever terrestrial lobium meningitis

is this your way of telling me you enjoyed my poem, SAPHO Syndrome?



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Remember how we used to party up till 9

going out and looking for a taste of vegan lyfe

vaping in the small town firelight

(healthy drink of water on ice)


Sweet 33rd and we had arrived

walkin down the street as they whistled "GO DIE!"

stealin tesla cars with the wannabe guys

the gays said we'd never make it out alive


Yeah they're all my new best friends

nikeEs in our hands, swayin in the wind

while we start to laugh, mascara runnin down our little baddie eyes

"Lana, how i hate those gays"


This is what makes us old

we look for approval as our music gets worse

its something gays would die for, its a curse

dont cry about it, dont bitch about it

This is what makes us old

we all stick together cus nothing is getting sold

dont cry about it, dont bitch about it

its never gonna happen


:hair: :hair: :hair:

Why does this sound like a rap song

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I feel like we're not getting our message across enough. We need 60 posts a day about Venice Bitch in here, doesn't matter if it's new stuff, you could just repeat that "Venice Bitch saved me and is amazing" it checks out. Also I feel like the gays aren't getting it. Maybe you we should start PMing members too? Just insult them and call them deaf that'll work. I just feel like we need to say it more, like really make it get old ya know? Like rub it in people's faces till the member numbers drop on lanaboards. I believe in us! Now everyone get your daily repetitive recycled Venice Bitch mantras ready and don't forget to @ people and say they're stupid and that it's just your opinion and that it doesn't matter that every third post on this thread is "Venice Bitch is *insert positive adjective*' :awkney2: I believe in you sisters!


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I feel like we're not getting our message across enough. We need 60 posts a day about Venice Bitch in here, doesn't matter if it's new stuff, you could just repeat that "Venice Bitch saved me and is amazing" it checks out. Also I feel like the gays aren't getting it. Maybe you we should start PMing members too? Just insult them and call them deaf that'll work. I just feel like we need to say it more, like really make it get old ya know? Like rub it in people's faces till the member numbers drop on lanaboards. I believe in us! Now everyone get your daily repetitive recycled Venice Bitch mantras ready and don't forget to @ people and say they're stupid and that it's just your opinion and that it doesn't matter that every third post on this thread is "Venice Bitch is *insert positive adjective*' :awkney2: I believe in you sisters!


Sis, let it go. :deadbanana:

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7 September 2018- 9 January 2019

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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she better have bumped it up to 16 tracks like the good sis lust for life - we deserve perfect quantity and perfect quality of music after this long period of waiting





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