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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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It's the sun. And the heat. LA is diet hell :derpna:


The people also, land of the rich, home of the fake. A lot of people who want to be famous, actors and comedians especially who act how they think they need to act to be liked and get parts. A lot of kids of rich parents who don't do anything and want to be friends of celebrities and a lot of rich celebrities and actors who are also putting on fake personalities all patting each other on the back at how great they are.

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Hopefully Chuck mentions this to Lana and then she'll finally say something. That's literally all the fans want, just ONE simple statement about the progress of NFR. This could all be avoided if Lana just communicated with fans from time to time.

That's what we all literally want, but let's be real, if Chuck shows this to Lana: UOgkBu3.jpg Probably she'll get mad and do the opposite nnnnn

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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It’s bizzare how she can’t say anything just ‘I don’t know yet I will let you know” I think Lana see’s patience as just a matter of respect and that she should not have to say anything. We should just be good little children and wait for our presents. While I agree their is truth that we should be respectful, she knows how much we adore her and are excited so owes us at least a small update. I think the other possibility is she dosn’t want to admit that she’s delayed things as she knows she’s fucked up by saying ‘top of the year’ when it isn’t. She has a very defensive personality so this would explain her behaviour. She dosn’t want to lash out at fans so turning off Instagram comments and giving the silent treatment means she avoids any conflict. She knows, if she says something it will be snappy and bitchy.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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I think its funny how ppl say Lana has made it so she doesn't have to try anymore.. there are still a lot of people who don't even know who she is, like she is not Katy Perry level of popstar fame. Now I know that's not necessarily her niche, but still I think our vision is skewed as fans. Fame is fleeting and she definitely is going to have to work if she wants to keep her lifestyle, dont get it twisted


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I think its funny how ppl say Lana has made it so she doesn't have to try anymore.. there are still a lot of people who don't even know who she is, like she is not Katy Perry level of popstar fame. Now I know that's not necessarily her niche, but still I think our vision is skewed as fans. Fame is fleeting and she definitely is going to have to work if she wants to keep her lifestyle, dont get it twisted



To be fair - if someone doesn’t know who Lana is it’s usually someone who’s not really into music on its own and listening only to the radio. Literally everyone who’s not living under the rock knows who Lana is. So yeah, she totally made it.


And I wouldn’t be so sure about her making a living only from her music career. Yeah, it has started everything, but she’s definitely investing her money in something besides that.

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I think its funny how ppl say Lana has made it so she doesn't have to try anymore.. there are still a lot of people who don't even know who she is, like she is not Katy Perry level of popstar fame. Now I know that's not necessarily her niche, but still I think our vision is skewed as fans. Fame is fleeting and she definitely is going to have to work if she wants to keep her lifestyle, dont get it twisted


She's not Katy Perry level of fame but she's still worth millions of dollars and did it while getting hardly any radio play aside from the tragic remix, I think she's made it 


And right now her lifestyle is writing poetry on her typewriter, ignoring fans, and hanging out with her new baddie friends which I'm sure she has enough money to do for the next few decades. 

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I think its funny how ppl say Lana has made it so she doesn't have to try anymore.. there are still a lot of people who don't even know who she is, like she is not Katy Perry level of popstar fame. Now I know that's not necessarily her niche, but still I think our vision is skewed as fans. Fame is fleeting and she definitely is going to have to work if she wants to keep her lifestyle, dont get it twisted


I don't think Lana cares about being in the spotlight anymore

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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She's not Katy Perry level of fame but she's still worth millions of dollars and did it while getting hardly any radio play aside from the tragic remix, I think she's made it


And right now her lifestyle is writing poetry on her typewriter, ignoring fans, and hanging out with her new baddie friends which I'm sure she has enough money to do for the next few decades.

I don't think you understand how easy it is to blow through millions of dollars when you're living a certain lifestyle, especially in California. Stars go bankrupt all the time. Also, plenty of people who aren't living under rocks don't know or care about Lana. Like I said, our vision is skewed because we're fans js


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It is sad. Her “chameleon soul” being a product of needing constant validation.


I miss the AKA/BTD/UV mentality of “I’m a weirdo, fuck you.”


When she first rose to prominence most critics trashed her and even the general public relentlessly made fun of her for being "fake"; a caricature, a fictional character created by label executives. And I think, as a response to that onslaught, her fanbase still rushes to staunchly defend her authenticity and proclaim her auto-determination if they ever come into question. I will admit that at first I was one of the people who saw her as a ditzy bimbo who got a sad girl makeover like the Barbie doll in Katy Perry's You're So Gay video, nothing more than an industry pawn, no different than the rest of them. But the more I learned about her, the more I changed my mind, and at some point came to think of her as almost wholly original. An artist who has her idols and her inspirations, but still became who she is on her own.


Years later, I've reached the conclusion that the truth is a bit more complicated than that. It's not black and white, either/or... She's a groupie incognito posing as a real singer, whose life imitates art. She's a loyal follower of a cult leader. She has borrowed (and lied). I remember watching her old trailer park interview where she's asked about her "Hawaiian rockabilly glam" style (or sth); she answered she got the idea from an old boyfriend. We know even the original idea for her stage name (Lana Ray) may have come from Arthur Lynn. Her chameleon soul is the way she falls in love with concepts, lifestyles & people, gets attached to them and tries to be like them. She is very easily influenced, especially when she's vulnerable. We're really seeing it now, with her being a dye job away from looking *exactly* like all her friends, but I think it's always been this way, even if it was more subtle.


Just my two cents.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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When she first rose to prominence most critics trashed her and even the general public relentlessly made fun of her for being "fake"; a caricature, a fictional character created by label executives. And I think, as a response to that onslaught, her fanbase still rushes to staunchly defend her authenticity and proclaim her auto-determination if they're ever come into question. I will admit that at first I was one of the people who saw her as a ditzy bimbo who got a sad girl makeover like the Barbie doll in Katy Perry's You're So Gay video, nothing more than an industry pawn, no different than the rest of them. But the more I learned about her, the more I changed my mind, and at some point came to think of her as almost wholly original. An artist who has her idols and her inspirations, but still became who she is on her own.


Years later, I've reached the conclusion that the truth is a bit more complicated than that. It's not black and white, either/or... She's a groupie incognito posing as a real singer, whose life imitates art. She's a loyal follower of a cult leader. She has borrowed (and lied). I remember watching her old trailer park interview where she's asked about her "Hawaiian rockabilly glam" style (or sth); she answered she got the idea from an old boyfriend. We know even the original idea for her stage name (Lana Ray) may have come from Arthur Lynn. Her chameleon soul is the way she falls in love with concepts, lifestyles & people, gets attached to them and tries to be like them. She is very easily influenced, especially when she's vulnerable. We're really seeing it now, with her being a dye job away from looking *exactly* like all her friends, but I think it's always been this way, even if it was more subtle.


Just my two cents.


Omg this was so well written and explains a LOT.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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When she first rose to prominence most critics trashed her and even the general public relentlessly made fun of her for being "fake"; a caricature, a fictional character created by label executives. And I think, as a response to that onslaught, her fanbase still rushes to staunchly defend her authenticity and proclaim her auto-determination if they're ever come into question. I will admit that at first I was one of the people who saw her as a ditzy bimbo who got a sad girl makeover like the Barbie doll in Katy Perry's You're So Gay video, nothing more than an industry pawn, no different than the rest of them. But the more I learned about her, the more I changed my mind, and at some point came to think of her as almost wholly original. An artist who has her idols and her inspirations, but still became who she is on her own.


Years later, I've reached the conclusion that the truth is a bit more complicated than that. It's not black and white, either/or... She's a groupie incognito posing as a real singer, whose life imitates art. She's a loyal follower of a cult leader. She has borrowed (and lied). I remember watching her old trailer park interview where she's asked about her "Hawaiian rockabilly glam" style (or sth); she answered she got the idea from an old boyfriend. We know even the original idea for her stage name (Lana Ray) may have come from Arthur Lynn. Her chameleon soul is the way she falls in love with concepts, lifestyles & people, gets attached to them and tries to be like them. She is very easily influenced, especially when she's vulnerable. We're really seeing it now, with her being a dye job away from looking *exactly* like all her friends, but I think it's always been this way, even if it was more subtle.


Just my two cents.

It's as if she doesn't really know who she truly is... yet. Like you said, she's very easily influenced. And this healthy vegan, tesla mom-car lifestyle isn't her suddenly becoming "Elizabeth".. it's just her adjusting to her environment and copying everyone else in LA, so it means nothing. It'll pass. She has so many layers and if she keeps acting different depending on which group she's hanging with... then who actually is she?

I think we're very far from finding out, and we've got a lot more records to come from now. Which is exciting.



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I just remembered that Lana said she was writing a musical for Broadway :deadbanana:




The people also, land of the rich, home of the fake. A lot of people who want to be famous, actors and comedians especially who act how they think they need to act to be liked and get parts. A lot of kids of rich parents who don't do anything and want to be friends of celebrities and a lot of rich celebrities and actors who are also putting on fake personalities all patting each other on the back at how great they are.

Like, I don't *want* to be prejudiced. I have so many friends who live in LA and they're just regular people. Moving there doesn't mean you have to morph into a wheat grass fueled zombie. It's just sad.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Like, I don't *want* to be prejudiced. I have so many friends who live in LA and they're just regular people. Moving there doesn't mean you have to morph into a wheat grass fueled zombie. It's just sad.


Yeah, I was more meaning the type of people who Lana probably knows there who go to all the celebrity charity events to rub shoulders with people they want to know and work with, go to the private gym's and member only things etc not regular people in areas the rich people have probably never been in.


My childhood best friend from where im from is in prison, for quite a long time and has been in and out of prison for a few years and his uncle is a multi millionaire actor who lives in Malibu who never became like that until he was older and was close to his family but yet has left his family from my area behind now, his sister who is my friends mum literally lives in the most notorious street in her area in I dont know what americans call is but in the UK we call it council housing and yet he probably has numerous cars worth more than it would cost to get her a nice home.

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I think it's so sad that she still hasn't found happiness... Like we're 8 years into her career, not counting the unreleased albums prior to fame and they all share that same desire to be loved or be in love and be truly happy. I don't really know what I'm getting at but I just feel bad for her, like. 

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