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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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im behind and just saw what ed said... so it is lana's total choice for this clownery. now i dont feel *as* bad about her instagram comments

lana is master at giving 0 fucks. if shes under total control well its over... lock the thread now im applying for jobs

So now that the "Norman Rockwell family is stalling NFR" rumor has been put to rest, these are the other possibilities:


1) She wants the poetry book released first or a part of NFR's release and it's still in the process of being finished. (this is the one I believe in the most)

2) The label is holding it back due to Lana's lack of promo, or her stubbornness to change an aspect of NFR, or they're focused on pushing new artists atm.

3) Lana herself feels a bit burnt out, but seeing the praise she's getting, she's comfortable in taking her time to release it since it's probably going to be one of her most acclaimed albums.

4) Lana is too busy being an "insta baddie:hoe: , living that LA influencer life.  :candy:  She's fre$h out of fucks forever, and Norman can Fucking Wait.


Did I miss any other theories?  :smokes:


Hmm, so since Ben and Ed confirmed Lana's in control, combined with her previous annoying comment saying "who knows when it'll be out", I guess it's safe to say it's both #1 and #4. Annoying, but it is what it is. What a mess.  :crossed:


It's still so strange to me that she had such a burning desire to be a star, the reincarnations of her persona and image and finally Lana Del Rey clicked. She has one of the most anticipated albums of the year just sitting there. She's dropped 3 singles in the last 8 months and all of them have had amazing responses and acclaim from fans and critics. Yet now she seems hellbent on killing the momentum. Like is this a form of self-destruction? Either way, we can't win, we just have to wait this out. People saying they'll boycot the album so she does more promotion next time... That won't happen. She'll throw it in our faces and be like "the last album was my favourite and people didn't like it, look at the numbers. I'm just gonna retire and make music for myself."


Maybe it is a form of self-destruction. As happy as she may be now, it's still odd how at first she seemed so enthusiastic about the album and got so much praise for it, but she's now treating it as a no big deal kind of thing. Sharing pics of events she's going to not related to the album, her new group of friends, the interviews that followed which mentioned a few new details, and poems to a book she's also not being clear on. Do I want her to fail? No, but if her sales suffer because of the lack of work she's putting into this era, she can throw it in our faces and go on hiatus. Maybe it's for the best.


Personally I'm at a point where I'm like bitch go ahead and do that. I mean, unless this is some weird fucked up phase she's going through, she's basically "dead", isn't she? Lana Del Rey. Everything that made her her. The whole persona, from Born to Die through Paradise, Ultraviolence, Honeymoon, and even up to Lust for Life. National Anthem Lana is gone. Ride Lana, Shades of Cool Lana, Music To Watch Boys To Lana, Love Lana....they're gone. And what we're left with is this



I said I loved her new music and I still stand by that, I've liked everything so far (yes, even Venice Bitch, it's the undeserved hype that bothers me so much, not the song itself). And I also really liked her last two poems, surprisingly. I still feel a connection to her. But the artist I fell in love with is gone. I don't feel like Lana Del Rey exists anymore.


But she'll always exist in a way. We'll always have her, our memories of her, the beautiful music she made, the aesthetic, everything. We can hold onto that. I will. I still care about that. As for the girl behind the Lana Del Rey persona, well, she can go on to live her life, whatever life it is she wants to live, however she wants to live it. She can be as childish, careless, messy and lazy as she wants to be in her little LA bubble, making music exclusively for herself and her insta baddie posse. Does Hillsong have a choir? Lol.


She can retire, never brush her hair again, and spend the rest of her life fucking waiters & writing shitty poems about emotionally unstable lobsters. It's her life, and her right to waste it.


Alexa, play Swan Song :awkney2:


Honestly I hope she takes a break after this too.  :tea: Love the new material too, not a fan of the unprofessionalism and treatment we're getting from her either. Maybe it'll also help her focus on her personal life and what she still needs to work on. 

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im so excited for the poetry book, but i think her fans would take to it a lot more if she released the album first. right now everyones too angsty and frustrated to be reading poems, especially when she teased her album months ago. she just needs to drop the album first and then give it a few months and then drop the book, at least by then fans will actually be in a good mood



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It's still so strange to me that she had such a burning desire to be a star, the reincarnations of her persona and image and finally Lana Del Rey clicked. She has one of the most anticipated albums of the year just sitting there. She's dropped 3 singles in the last 8 months and all of them have had amazing responses and acclaim from fans and critics. Yet now she seems hellbent on killing the momentum. Like is this a form of self-destruction? Either way, we can't win, we just have to wait this out. People saying they'll boycot the album so she does more promotion next time... That won't happen. She'll throw it in our faces and be like "the last album was my favourite and people didn't like it, look at the numbers. I'm just gonna retire and make music for myself."


Because the concept of Lana Del Rey seems to be become empty, void and overcome. Probably even for her since she is actively killing the hype around it. She should create new persona or come as Lizzie Grant.

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and we thought we were getting actual visuals (and good music) after lust for life but all we got was a half baked video shot on an iphone 3gs by chuck of lana awkwardly singing to HIAB and a fucking poetry book noone wants


how delusional we were huh...  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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Because the concept of Lana Del Rey seems to be become empty, void and overcome. Probably even for her since she is actively killing the hype around it. She should create new persona or come as Lizzie Grant.

DO NOT disrespect Lizzy like that again!! :dmd:

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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last week or the one before, the three singles had 68M. Not bad for a record with zero promo. 


not bad for songs released 12 years ago

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File this under OCD af, but her new profile picture on IG pisses me off every time I look at it because you can see a tiny bit of the binding slats on the far left of it. Like, bitch is even too lazy to centre her profile pic properly. Fuck me.


We're going to end up talking about her toenail clippings by page 1547 because we'll be so bored.

Wtf this is super good

Legit I do not care at this point if the cover is of a random mosquito leg I JUST WANT THE MUSIC

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Its coming when its meant to. Right now she is teaching you a valuable lesson about patience in your life. Take a deep breath, get free of all your expectations and live truly in presence.

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Its coming when its meant to. Right now she is teaching you a valuable lesson about patience in your life. Take a deep breath, get free of all your expectations and live truly in presence.


ma'am it's been 7 months

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Its coming when its meant to. Right now she is teaching you a valuable lesson about patience in your life. Take a deep breath, get free of all your expectations and live truly in presence.

OK mum



if she recreates this picture, changing the notebook with her upcoming poetry book, im dying

Somebody @ that lazy bitch with this, because I bet she hasn't shot anything yet.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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