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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Ok now they're playing American so I guess it's the Spotify This Is Lana Del Rey playlist and I'm gonna stop updating but I'm unbelievably fucking happy I'm sorry for spamming but it just makes me soooooo happy  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:


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really dont care about NFR anymore. its going to sound so old when its finally released


Sound old? With classic orchestrations, the songs will age perfectly, even though it's not what you're referring to. 


I'm sure she didn't tease a couple of very good tracks, so these will surely bring a new fresh second breath to NFR. I admit that at some point, I thought I wasn't as thrilled about NFR, but after a couple of weeks where I didn't listent to the snippets, I saw a post on Insta where they we were all there and they still sound incredible. 


I'm just done obsessing over the album. She can release it whenever she wants. When she does, I'm pretty sure we'll love it. But in the meantime, I suggest to take a break from it: frustration and impatience could really spoil our judgement when the record is officially out. 

I am not expecting any kind of radio interview this week with the release but I hope Lana will somehow just mention something. 


I agree. Anyways, any good interviewer would ask her about the album, and that would steal the focus on the documentary, as someone mentioned here earlier. 

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the Tap management is now ONLY focusing on their only cash cow Miss Dua Lipa.


So do we surmise that she doesn't care about NFR because they don't care about her, or they don't care about her because she doesn't care about NFR? 


Who didn't care first? I've had too many antihistamines


Was it Ben that said it wasn't finished? Maybe when she said it was, she thought it was, but he told her she had to change it so he said it wasn't. But she insists that it is. And that's why she isn't doing anything. And that's why nothing is happening.



ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I agreed with you up until you started talking about her making statements. This doesn’t make sense. You complain that she doesn’t make statements, but then say you think if she did make statements she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. THIS IS WHY SHE DOESNT GIVE STATEMENTS. Because people say exactly this. “Oh create an issue you “believe” in so I feel good about liking you!” And then they do and you hate what they have to say just to go to twitter and complain there or here or tumblr, wherever. (I’ve not seen you do this but that’s what this sounds like....)

Why even bother when you’re fully aware nobody else cares what you have to say about politics or social issues? You could try, but you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. So it’s best just to keep your mouth shut, less people would take offense to staying quiet. It’s basic marketing for your brand, that’s where her managers ACTUALLY step in and tell her just to ignore certain things just to stay out of the animosity.

& tbh this might be why she thought twice about the political tracks on L4L (and hopefully kept away from politics on NFR too, I don’t care to hear it and I’m just happy not knowing who she supports or doesn’t support, its nothing I give two shits about)

Btw I dont mean to sound like an ass I just wanna point out how this sounds to me and how it’s contradictory and how it could explain why she’s the way she is, especially after Brooklyn Baby. “They think I’m too dumb to sing”

sorry, that’s not what i meant. i said she doesn’t make statements and shouldn’t anyway because i’ve been disappointed every time she has because she’s either ignorant (Israel) or saying something so late and highly generalized that it’s just something popular to parrot now (Trump, feminism, etc.) again, to be clear, I DONT WANT HER MAKING STATEMENTS. but even if she wasn’t famous or whatever and just a person in the everyday, i would still say the same thing, because i’m allowed to be disappointed in both ignorance and bandwagon-jumping from people in the every day, because i’m a normal person with opinions and judgments about those around me and just because it’s Lana del Rey™️ doesn’t mean i should withhold it. hope that makes more sense.


edit: just re-read what i wrote and i also wanna make it clear that artists can have their opinions on things too, just for the fact that they’re also human beings with conscious thoughts just like me. not trying to be those people going “you’re a singer, keep your mouth shut” that i always see when a celeb has some political opinion. but i just feel like with lana, every time she has, it’s not so much an opinion as much as it is just a statement on something she literally knows nothing about. i’m sure even now she knows nothing about feminism and just likes the ~aesthetic~ of “girl power”, even though that’s not what it’s about at all. i just wish she would either actually look into things for more than 2 seconds or just know that she doesn’t care and not look into it at all. does that make sense? i just hate the whole half-assed feeling of it. but if she does make some pseudo-political track on nfr, i would prob dislike it, but she has all the right in the world to do it. but again, i would just have my own personal opinion on it, which i’m allowed to have.

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So do we surmise that she doesn't care about NFR because they don't care about her, or they don't care about her because she doesn't care about NFR? 


Who didn't care first? I've had too many antihistamines


Was it Ben that said it wasn't finished? Maybe when she said it was, she thought it was, but he told her she had to change it so he said it wasn't. But she insists that it is. And that's why she isn't doing anything. And that's why nothing is happening.




I think we got it wrong, when it comes to her management. I think she wants to be left alone because she is driven and doesn't take a no for an answer. and she gained enough success to have all the liberties she wants. I'm sure her management still check on her but I have a feeling she doesn't need much help: she is delivering when it comes to work. True, things are slower, but she didn't stop much for the last decade, so everyone seems to be cutting her some slack. 


I was seriously surprised when she announced the new record just a few months after her world tour. 

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Yeah, I get what you're saying and in this drought I guess we have resorted to discussing her "lifestyle". But we literally don't know whether her friends are the reason for the delay of the album; it's a wild assumption. If you could even call it a delay at all (considering that ThErE iS nO pLaN). 


When I come here to check this thread, I expect to read about NFR related stuff. I don't think that's an unrealistic expectation. If people really want to discuss things such as her friends, her drinking matcha tea or whatever, then make a thread for it. 


OT: A reproduction of a Norman Rockwell painting would be amazing! I'm not sure if she would actually do that, because of her own artistic vision


Just to clarify I'm not saying her friends are responsible; only that they form part of the overall discussion because they're part of her new lifestyle. 


Most of all, I hope she's genuinely happy. Everyone deserves happiness is a butterfly. And we deserve it rn. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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So is it actually coming on the 20th?


I think it's safe to assume so: she posted a snippet but most importantly, AllAccess was sent that info from Interscope. In this era, the most reliable infos come from others lol

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I low key want this to just drop, like give us a Honeymoon 2.0 era.


Release Doin' Time as a stand alone or whatever and then drop Happiness Is A Butterfly (I don't even mind the video anymore), announced the album release for June. Do a couple of cute vinyl variants and a cassette.


Then she move on from NFR and focus on her poetry book over summer.

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I always forget that other people actually like Lana irl


A girl from my uni group started talking to me about LFL at one point and I felt as if my bubble of close friends and internet friendships made from liking Lana had been popped and I just stood there in shock that Lana is available to people as I suddenly realized? And casual people can go listen to her right now as we speak? Wow


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A girl from my uni group started talking to me about LFL at one point and I felt as if my bubble of close friends and internet friendships made from liking Lana had been popped and I just stood there in shock that Lana is available to people as I suddenly realized? And casual people can go listen to her right now as we speak? Wow

I'm literally babashook that some people are able to listen to her without falling madly in love within 5 minutes. Groundbreaking


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lol yeah the only plan that could save this era rn is doing things quickly


hi guys so ive got this cover next week then happiness the other week and the album in june (; xx

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I honestly hope this era folding into the next will be a quick movement. This eras reminding me a lot of UV pre-release when we heard one thing that seemed real but wasn’t true at all (or at least was in the beginning much like March 26 or 28 w/e)


I just want this era to move as quick as she did after UV onto HM. Release this one in June/July and then release the next one next year around September or October. I’d bet money that she’s already worked on at least writing one song for the next album after NFR, especially if she’s finished the book and is binding them (which seems to me what’s realistically going on rn and what’s pushing the album back)


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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