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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I have a theory that she maybe rly wants things to work out w Chase and doesnt want to amp up promo while she’s trying to figure things out w him.


Do we think that any songs from NFR might be about him? Cinnamon maybe?


we NEED that psychic youtuber to do a reading on ha. Someone find his IG and DM him. commenting on his vids isnt enough exposure


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Whatever, I really don't care that much about her anymore, there's been better releases this year and better releases will come.


Stream Gimme by Banks and make sure to stream III when it comes out.

This tea TBH! Obviously I still wanna hear NFR when if it finally ever comes out, but at this point I've accepted the fact that she'll never be able to top albums like Born To Die or Ultraviolence anyway. 

Not as yet ... maybe she read SlowGinFizzz's post and decided not to go :whatever2:

Kdsflnslfnd can you IMAGINE?




u said it so good omg email this shite to her team


one of the best posts in this entire thread tbh. 


damn if recklessdaughter reads this she's gonna hit the bottle :(


THE best comment that perfectly summarizes how we all feel.  :xcry: I wanna quote this the next time a person acts clueless as to why people are upset and are actually reconsidering supporting Lana's music. 


Honestly I want to screenshot this and send it to her on Twitter. 

Thanks for all those replies, by the way! I really appreciate the positive feedback hehe. :kiss:




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idc what you all say there is absolutely no way she isn't doing this intentionally.


she knows what shes doing and shes continuing to do it on purpose.


maybe hillsong really did make her homophobic huh. i mean she didn't acknowledge pride month  :crossed:





resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23



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Ellie Goulding posted a photo of her and Lana together on her insta story in the last hour... They're both signed to Interscope / Polydor and managed by Ben, could it be a meeting about upcoming Interscope album releases?

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I have a theory that she maybe rly wants things to work out w Chase and doesnt want to amp up promo while she’s trying to figure things out w him.

Do we think that any songs from NFR might be about him? Cinnamon maybe?

we NEED that psychic youtuber to do a reading on ha. Someone find his IG and DM him. commenting on his vids isnt enough exposure

MAC might be about Chase bc it seems like it references a more recent time frame. Cinnamon seems to be more about someone in her past, the same guy as the guy referenced in Is This Happiness (referencing the pills, Hunter S Thompson, etc) so maybe Barrie? I can’t remember if he was who ITH was about but I would assume so bc of the time frame and who other songs were about on that album


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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idc what you all say there is absolutely no way she isn't doing this intentionally.


she knows what shes doing and shes continuing to do it on purpose.


maybe hillsong really did make her homophobic huh. i mean she didn't acknowledge pride month  :crossed:

has she ever acknowledged anything LGBTQI-related though? apart from that 2009 'gay pride parade' tweet. She really isn't even doing the bare minimum, notably when putting only couples in a music video that's filled with it and supposed to be about love, which is pretty crazy if you think about her fanbase


To be completely honest, I'd rather have NFR than any possible future project. I pretty much know how NFR's gonna be, I'm confident that I'm going to like it, and I need that closure. But for LDR7 and beyond, I can only assume the worst. So yeah if I had to choose, I'd take NFR and move on.

THIS. At least NFR sounds good and she made it before she became a baddie. I have no idea what kind of music she's creating right now, if she even is

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Yeah I know everybody likes to excuse her but it's not like she just dropped an insta post being like "just finished my next record can't wait for u all to hear it"... and that's the first we've heard about new music since LFL.


We've had multiple interviews, 3 singles (the first released 9 months ago), we have the album title and she said it would be released at the beginning of 2019, we are now 6 months in.


She knows she's messing us around.

E x a c t l y


She was already going full steam with the promo on an already finished album. And it was making to be my favorite promo cycle of hers yet (I especially liked the Apple mini concert), but then she decided to fuck off around January.

If she merely wanted a break, she would've taken it before starting a new promo cycle, not in the freaking middle of it. I don't understand what is so hard to understand about that.

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Lana is apparently performing at the VMAs, when is the even happening?

August but double check with the official VMA twitter before thinking it’s true


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Honestly if someone made another stupid ass theory alike the Avril Lavigne dying & her clone taking over story but with miss Longass Wait Del Rey, I would actually believe it

Truly ethereal, and it’s a huge pain in the ass

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August but double check with the official VMA twitter before thinking it’s true

Thank you! :)


I wonder what song she'll perform. MAC and VB are a bit old now, and I don't think she would perform a ballad like Hope. So, Doin' Time? A new song? Possibly Cinnamon, a catchy one?

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Thank you! :)

I wonder what song she'll perform. MAC and VB are a bit old now, and I don't think she would perform a ballad like Hope. So, Doin' Time? A new song? Possibly Cinnamon, a catchy one?

She’d prolly do Doin’ Time or Cinnamon but I can’t seem to find an official post from MTV about the performers list so idk if this is even real, it could be total bs lol


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Please not Doin’ Time.


I feel like she IS doing this (leaving us in the dark) intentionally because she knows we will be caught off guard when it comes (which at this point is sooner rather than later). If it really was scrapped or super far off she would say something but because it’s close she thinks she is being a tease, right?



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