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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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It’s not misogyny when the same objective standard applies to all who stand in the public spotlight, regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, gender identity or nationality. It doesn’t matter if it’s Nick Jonah, ASAP Rocky, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, or Justin Bieber. Geez, people trash Bieber and his appearance all day long, night and day, and do we hear anyone being accused of ‘man-shaming’ him?


I thought LDR looked okay in that photo. I was defending another’s right to speak her or his mind about someone who was placed themselves in the public spotlight for almost a decade now. The real world isn’t Facebook where only your friends are involved and so everything is always pleasant and cozy.


People saying everyone must like or approve LDR’s appearance at all times are the same ones saying we all must love all her songs or there’s something seriously wrong with us, something ‘homophobic,’ ‘racist,’ or ‘misogynist.’


I'm losing braincells reading this. Are you really comparing trashing the way she looks to criticizing her songs?? Her appearence isn't something people should "approve". 

Even if men were equally trashed on their appearence like women are (which def isn't the case), that still doesn't make it ok to trash someone's appearance. You're gross.


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It’s not misogyny when the same objective standard applies to all who stand in the public spotlight, regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, gender identity or nationality. It doesn’t matter if it’s Nick Jonah, ASAP Rocky, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, or Justin Bieber. Geez, people trash Bieber and his appearance all day long, night and day, and do we hear anyone being accused of ‘man-shaming’ him?


I thought LDR looked okay in that photo. I was defending another’s right to speak her or his mind about someone who was placed themselves in the public spotlight for almost a decade now. The real world isn’t Facebook where only your friends are involved and so everything is always pleasant and cozy.


People saying everyone must like or approve LDR’s appearance at all times are the same ones saying we all must love all her songs or there’s something seriously wrong with us, something ‘homophobic,’ ‘racist,’ or ‘misogynist.’


sjws don't bother me lol, people are being way overdramatic. she's a woman in the public eye, she's expected to wear some type of makeup and to at least style her hair at big events like these just as men are expected to have a clean hairstyle and suits. where i come from it's called "couth."

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And as we all know, women gets ‘shamed’ and attacked by other women as well as men, often more often by other women than by men—look at reality television and the cat fights and continual barrage of nasty comments women on them make against their costars. Trolls come in all genders, races, ages, ethnicities, etc.


But a simple common sense “Gee, why doesn’t she do something with her hair?” comment is not an attack and doesn’t make that commenter a troll.


exactly lmao - i think people blow this way out of proportion as a means just to talk about something

imagine if she drops 1 song every friday till the album release week :defeated:


we don't need anymore from this album than what's already been released

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omfg now the sjws are attacking the fact 


If saying it's not ok to trash Lana's appearance and say she should wear more makeup and "brush her hair" (even though her hair looks fine??) when she's attending a birthday party makes me a SJW then I guess I'm a SJW...


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sjws don't bother me lol, people are being way overdramatic. she's a woman in the public eye, she's expected to wear some type of makeup and to at least style her hair at big events like these just as men are expected to have a clean hairstyle and suits. where i come from it's called "couth."


big event? she was in a conga line at her doctor's birthday party lmao 

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sjws don't bother me lol, people are being way overdramatic. she's a woman in the public eye, she's expected to wear some type of makeup and to at least style her hair at big events like these just as men are expected to have a clean hairstyle and suits. where i come from it's called "couth."


where i come from it's called 'misogyny.' a woman should not be expected to paint over her bare face or burn her hair into ~long romantic curls~ in order to be accepted by YOU or anyone else. you're comparing a woman having to reconstruct her face shape with makeup to a man being clean and getting a haircut? really?

go-go dancer so rare

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sjws don't bother me lol, people are being way overdramatic. she's a woman in the public eye, she's expected to wear some type of makeup and to at least style her hair at big events like these just as men are expected to have a clean hairstyle and suits. where i come from it's called "couth."


"big events" it was a birthday party for gods sake :rip: 

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I personally don't approve of Lana's appearence. She's horrible to look at! I think she should go under the knife again and get a new face. On top of that she should NOT be allowed to leave the house without a full face of makeup. Her hair should be in a beehive at all times. If not a beehive she should go for marcel waves. If I see a pic of her at the store when not completely dolled up then prepare for a lengthy post on my disapproval of her disgusting appearence. Females who don't put in effort make me SICK! If people are allowed to criticize her music then I'm allowed to criticize the way she looks. It only makes sense. The SJWs can't stop me from expressing my TRUTH! /s


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I think it's great that she's been feeling comfortable going out (as opposed to onstage) without the huge eyelashes etc for awhile now. She seems so much more at ease in her own skin that she used to. Plus--I glanced at the doctor's website because I didn't know who he was--he seems to specialize in Botox and something called a Vampire Facial (LOL wut?) so she might have gone makeup-free to show off how that's working for her!  :hooker:

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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where i come from it's called 'misogyny.' a woman should not be expected to paint over her bare face or burn her hair into ~long romantic curls~ in order to be accepted by YOU or anyone else. you're comparing a woman having to reconstruct her face shape with makeup to a man being clean and getting a haircut? really?


again dramatic... no one asked her to cake her face or use heat on her hair. 

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I think it's great that she's been feeling comfortable going out (as opposed to onstage) without the huge eyelashes etc for awhile now. She seems so much more at ease in her own skin that she used to. Plus--I glanced at the doctor's website because I didn't know who he was--he seems to specialize in Botox and something called a Vampire Facial (LOL wut?) so she might have gone makeup-free to show off how that's working for her!  :hooker:


i hope she didn't get the vampire facial. i read that people who got it got HIV from a clinic that did it.


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again dramatic... no one asked her to cake her face or use heat on her hair. 

sjws don't bother me lol, people are being way overdramatic. she's a woman in the public eye, she's expected to wear some type of makeup and to at least style her hair at big events like these just as men are expected to have a clean hairstyle and suits. where i come from it's called "couth."



go-go dancer so rare

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can y’all explain to me what the problem with her bare face and natural hair is?? idgi

Haven't you heard? Women need to cover their faces in cosmetics and style their hair everytime they go out. If they don't, then get ready for a trashing!


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I'm losing braincells reading this. Are you really comparing trashing the way she looks to criticizing her songs?? Her appearence isn't something people should "approve".

Even if men were equally trashed on their appearence like women are (which def isn't the case), that still doesn't make it ok to trash someone's appearance. You're gross.



I wasn’t even the person making a very mild and common sense criticism of LDR and her hair, you’re calling me “gross.” You can’t make a rational argument.


There’s ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with ANYONE saying, about anyone, “his suit doesn’t fit him” or “I don’t care for her eye makeup” or a billion variations of that. As I said, most of us live in actuality, in the real world, where judgments small and large, of all kinds, are made by millions of people about everything, not a Facebook page where a group of people flatter one another and only say ‘nice’ things.

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