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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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5 days? We're like 3 days and 20 hours from a NZ release. You gotta think big lol

This!!!! I can’t wait. Not much longer lol

No..she deserves the #2 atleast. I hope it doesnt leak :(

FIILY is doing Gooooood on spotify.

It seems to appeal more to nonstans.

All my friends loved FIILY more as well :/

It still only says like 200,000 streams :/ wish it was more


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Not sure where to put this, but there's a brief Lana mention in a Paris Review article that came out yesterday called "How To Really Listen to Music"




You need a subscription to read the whole thing but here's the Lana part:

During my hour-long commute home from work, when I’m too tired to even listen to podcasts, I listen to music. More often than might be healthy, I listen to Lana Del Rey, as she cycles through her doomy refrains about how her life is over, she’s filled with poison, she’s running like mad to heaven’s door. With their frothy melodrama, Lana’s songs tend to match my postwork mood so precisely that it doesn’t feel like listening at all. I don’t have to concentrate or pull myself in. I am already there. Listening, for most of us, doesn’t feel like doing anything. It’s more of a sensation than activity, a dreamy, ill-defined feeling stretching through us. We’re often not aware we are doing it, or even fully conscious. We literally—when we forget to shut off the television or our Spotify playlists—do it in our sleep.
But sometimes I wonder what would happen if we listened harder, or better, or more rigorously. This might seem exhausting. Am I incapable of relaxing? Probably. But music scholars insist that if we listened to music the way a musician would, understanding how notes trigger feelings, how tones take on their own textures and meanings, then we might experience something more visceral and expansive. We could push deeper into every song.
Listening intentionally might seem like a by-product of our obsessive need to optimize. Is listening really a skill we need to hone? But like any other pursuit, such as dancing or oil painting, deeper listening becomes easier, even instinctual over time. It’s a process of immersion. We slowly get closer to the sound. After a few weeks of listening to Lana with a keener, sharper focus, I could listen further, and with more clarity, as if in a higher resolution, without even realizing I was listening at all.
Just in a sharing mood

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No..she deserves the #2 atleast. I hope it doesnt leak :(


FIILY is doing Gooooood on spotify.

It seems to appeal more to nonstans.

All my friends loved FIILY more as well :/

Well FIILY is the better song.

The Greatest is more for stans you know the casuals hate it when she is being sad. But on FIILY she is not sad she is kinda feeling herself and that is what streaming audiences like.

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