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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Off Topic but I'm a Size 16 (UK).


I have a flat stomach but thick thighs,a booty that would make Nicki Minaj jealous, super curvy and large ta-ta's. I'm almost 6" aswell. It's genetics pure and simple. If I tried to lose weight I'd look awful and out of pre - potion. To others I look normal and to some I look like shit but I know I'm healthy and most importantly, happy with myself .


It's honestly really hard when I see people put stars and even the Average Joe is over weight when clearly there not. We need to cleanse the age old idea that a size 6/8 is perfection for everyone. Some people look better curvier and some people can work the matchstick look. Long as you are eating well and not damaging your body, then it's all good.


During HM I'd say Lana was a size 14 which is extremely healthy. Her normal size when she's been dieting etc is about 10 which is amazing I might add. She's happy and that's is what counts.


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Are y’all genuinely judging her cuz of her weight. Grow up that’s genuinely disgusting

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Grow out of this HeAlThY lIfEsTyLe phase before you lose all your friends hun.

You mean going to Mac Donald's and killing myself slowly? No thanks. I'm not California-level of healthy crazy but you can't deny most people eat like shit


I thought being fat meant the obvious big tire of a belly, sausage arms, being several pounds overweight. But I've noticed the definition of what is "fat" varies from person to person. It's odd. I've heard some people unironically think that the "big booty thicc" type of girls are fat even if they have flat stomachs. I understand those people have different tastes, but being a dress size or two bigger than Taylor Swift or Miranda Kerr doesn't mean one is fat. 


Lana has never looked big/fat/overweight at all. 

Well of course it depends on the body type but that's so not most people, they just use it as an excuse. 


It's funny how everyone gets trigged by the word fat, unless you have a disease it should NOT be seen as something healthy and no need to lie saying it's beautiful. Lana wasn't fat in that pic like I said, but not slim. And please don't starve yourself.

Anyway she looks good now


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her most slept on look 

Honestly yes. and idk bout u but I think ur prof photo's amazing too, shade-less. When she released Venice Bitch, and bitches couldn't relate. What do u mean u don't like HM?




What did u say about UV? I know u don't necessarily like The Weeknd, but the title track did have momentum with it's piano and its spoken word on boyfriends and dancing on the Hollywood sign. 


It just says so much in so little. 




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she looked like that in 2015 because it was a mixture of enjoying too much of francesco's lasagna and getting those chipmunk cheek fillers like look at this:




her face is the biggest change and the pictures are like 2-3 years apart

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she looked like that in 2015 because it was a mixture of enjoying too much of francesco's lasagna and getting those chipmunk cheek fillers like look at this:


her face is the biggest change and the pictures are like 2-3 years apart


Honestly, I don't think one can ever enjoy too much lasgana! 


Also, can y'all stop fat-shaming Lana! She ain't even fat... y'all are crazyyyy.  :bye2:

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Why do Lana stans ALWAYS stay hung up on old songs like this :toofunny: ? Literally every album cycle it's the same story. Yosemite is dead and rotting, let her be   :oop2:  



A stripped back love song that was recorded in one take and has a desert-like sound with elements of 70s folk. And she said it was her favorite song on LFL.

Of course I’m going to be thirsting for all eternity!


Go off on those fans who think Lana is going to give them a remastered version of Serial Killer as a deluxe track during every era instead :oop2:


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Wait did any of them say he reworked some tracks???


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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You mean going to Mac Donald's and killing myself slowly? No thanks. I'm not California-level of healthy crazy but you can't deny most people eat like shit

I don't. But there is a difference between being a McDonalds addict and lecturing people about what they totally should cut out of their diet. It's just as annoying to cook with someone who doesn't like anything that's not full of sugar as it is to cook with someone who will tell you how terriblely unhealthy that inch of yoghurt is you put into the salad

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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