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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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can all the newbies stop bringning lfl into this


''ThE AlbUM whiCh iS COminG At tHe tOP of NeXt YeAr'', meanwhile is March 14th and there is no news whatsoever...


I'm still laughing at that lie


i'm starting think she meant a top will be coming at the top of the year, anybody come in this quarter yet?


I wonder if she’s ever recieved a proposition to collab with someone big instead of this boy I don’t even remember the name of :O He sings blue Madonna or something.


lol we should have known, she did lazy background vocals it was an omen for this era

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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I only come on the thread every so often to get it to 2K bc imagine that wow, and also bc I have this faint theory that every 10 pages Lana comes out from her comforting abode to abstractly mingle w us onto the ether shite hole that is this empty ass thread like those Tuesdays or blood moons we imagined having any loose significance where is the mercy 19uukz.jpg


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I'm glad that so many of you share the same opinion as me... I posted how disappointed I was in this era due to how unprofessional it is and that i've lost every single drop of my excitement and a lot of people literally snapped at me saying its her art and she doesn't owe us anything... which I can see their point but sweetie... it is your job, and not only that but its the worst to be a fan anticipating something only bc the artist has done or said something that would promote the thought of an album release being soon (which Lana has done an extraordinary job of) yet... no follow through. What was the point of saying the album is done back in October and then NEVER saying anything else... and now it's MARCH.


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i have 100% excitement for NFR and cannot wait to see my years of prayer and sacrifice to receive my reparations and good karma cashed in on her best song ever made to be on the album and while everyone deserts LB and the hype train i will be the sole remaining squatter hunching over the bar stand chewing on glass bottles and turning the sandlot into a game of house until the northwesterly winds tumble through the barren desert town and collapse one of the 5 remaining houses under the friction and wear-a-way of sprawling sands and harsh sunlight burning nerve endings into the inanimate smoke-scented wooden structures

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I'm glad that so many of you share the same opinion as me... I posted how disappointed I was in this era due to how unprofessional it is and that i've lost every single drop of my excitement and a lot of people literally snapped at me saying its her art and she doesn't owe us anything... which I can see their point but sweetie... it is your job, and not only that but its the worst to be a fan anticipating something only bc the artist has done or said something that would promote the thought of an album release being soon (which Lana has done an extraordinary job of) yet... no follow through. What was the point of saying the album is done back in October and then NEVER saying anything else... and now it's MARCH.

Also oops forgot to clarify I had posted I was disappointed on my INSTAGRAM and a lot of people responded how I said...


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Didn't she announce the title of UV at a concert a while back???


However, that being said, I think its cute how you all still think she's not going to cancel last minute


She sang a snippet a capella of HM at one concert. I know she also said UV was coming out on a date in May... which turned out to be postponed. Don't know if she announced the title at a concert though. 

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Lust For Life's actually pretty great, and it's a bit tedious having to defend her all the time, I guess it's a running joke that it was terrible bc of it's lack of cohesiveness, the faint political subject matter that and the WM video trailer but I mean, it's already done, might as well love it for what it is. It was honestly just a gateway for Lana to make herself seem more present in today's day and age and I think she's done a terrific job of doing just that. 

I can't fucking believe people had the audacity to hate on the orgasmic HM tho. Like damn u guys've never experienced the postpartum love diet and it shows (it's fucking joke don't flay me)  :awk:  :lanahottie: 

Actually stop a sec, real question. What were the main complaints based off of each record when Lana released them? BtD, overproductions. Paradise? Don't even fucking go there bitch, she's perfect. UV? HM? How slow the record was? LFL we already kinda grasped at that. NFR?? I actually really wanna know, maybe Lana might find herself taking notes or something. .

Not saying that I'm perfect, far from it, but I guess I potentially get the whole u could've done better spiel, and how that can be valid too, but basically once that album's crowned, it's out. I just don't see that much of reason of fanfare complaining about things that won't be changed. It's fun to drag an album and all that stuff for shits n giggles, but I think it'd be a lot more respectful to kinda just stick to understanding and going deeper about the album as a whole than wasting time nitpicking at em. I mean for the shit u can't stand there's always the skip or delete from library button so yeah 4loqva.jpg

I think maybe I might just be content w her official discog so far, so there's that. I'm not even gonna get into how she's giving music to us, even if we do pay. 28tkxl2.jpg

I guess what I'm getting at is. Sure some of the music might be shitty, or that u might dislike it. But sometimes, the fact that something was given to u that way can be a bit more intimate if u look at it from a certain perspective. 

I know that I'm totally discrediting myself whenever I shitpost and poke fun, all for the shits n giggles while we wait, but I guess it's all about what we take from the music. 

How does everyone listen to it? Do ya guys listen to the music pretending ur the character, or are u the onlooker trying to understand the song's perspective first and how those things flesh itself out (I'm more of the latter) Who do u think of? How honest are you being? 


Is Lana the goddess u worship when ur listening, or is she more like company when ur out adventuring while u've got her music on loud (or soft/headphones etc.) doing whatever it is u like to do
(Fuck I actually kinda wanna know now, what r ur favorite things to do while listening to Lana music? I usually just like driving or swimming underwater while doing it, or going to desolate areas to just contemplate. Or somewhere higher than the city, wherever but usually alone. What do u guys do?) 2elfqfm.jpg

Totally went off topic but, short answer: it is what she fucking chooses it is. Go w it, u might learn something new. Now what the fuck do u guys do to enjoy her music more, and what do u guys do whenever u do? oLHrBqf.gif


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Also oops forgot to clarify I had posted I was disappointed on my INSTAGRAM and a lot of people responded how I said...

Oh the instagram fans are so toxic tbh I posted my little speech on Ben's instagram post about how I was disappointed in Lana for telling us on live that the album was finished, that she did two interviews back in September for the singles and album to be released soon, that she teased all these tracks and then just suddenly jumped off the face of the earth


Everyone literally @ed me with "you're so fucking disgusting Lana can do whatever she wants I hope you know you're a low life" "stfu you're so rude and childish" "honestly fuck you Lana is a queen you're such a fake fan wanting her to work on your schedule like she owes you something"


Like oh, okay that's the logic now? OH I wasn't given the memo okay, so if I worked at an airport I'm just going to argue that I need to work on my schedule even though when I signed up to be a TSA agent I promised I'd work on time. Or I'll become a barista and say "stop stressing me out I'll make your coffee when I feel like I'm ready" :thumb3: like jeez these fans don't realize it's her job and main source of income, the fact that SHE said she was releasing it soon, we didn't even pressure her, she said it herself, and the fact that fans have put millions of dollars into her buying her albums, tickets, merch, plane tickets to see her, shit from her pop up shop, going out to see her at her premiere venues, etc. She doesn't OWE us anything, but if she's a decent human being she'll show the slightest amount of respect for her fans and update us on the album that were about to spend millions on so she can keep enjoying her fucking matcha teas and working with producers she likes :awkney:


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If only they had received an «insider's note» telling them that it was indeed released in 2 weeks... I really wish she'd surprise release the damn thing. Not super plausible, but still... 

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Us in December: Omg noo... she wouldn’t move it to March, would she? That can’t be true!! She wouldn’t do that, it has to be coming in January or Febrruary!!


Us now: I think we’d be lucky to get any news before summer, maybe she’ll post an instagram pic with her friends one more time at least before march ends.


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