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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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  On 4/11/2019 at 6:06 PM, HydroponicWeeds said:

Is that wrong??? Is it wrong for us to want more unreleased material that she’ll never use? Don’t act like you don’t have an unreleased stash in your iTunes

Duhh but like?? The suggestion by most is that him hoarding leaks is unethical..leaking it is less so. In reality the best thing to do is just keep it to himself if he has it and not leak it? Like why the fuck would you think leaking it is anymore fair on the artist? The only people it benefits are people like you, you literally call him selfish and attention seeking...but you want it too? You want him to leak it for YOUR again - that too is selfish.


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If you don't want to see what eclipse posts on his social media then don't go on his social media, it's not that hard. If he posts a snippet you know you can choose to not listen? or not care about it? Believe it or not, online it's really easy to ignore people you don't wanna see when block, mute, ignore buttons exist. Life has harder problems than getting wound up over mp3s.

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  On 4/11/2019 at 6:11 PM, GeminiLanaFan said:

Is there anybody who thinks the official date might be revealed with the V interview?

I can’t remember if the July 21 date was first brought up by her tweet or a magazine interview?!??

her iconic "july 21st fam" tweet rip hoping for a more formal announcement this time but ill take anything

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  On 4/11/2019 at 6:08 PM, electra said:

Duhh but like?? The suggestion by most is that him hoarding leaks is unethical..leaking it is less so. In reality the best thing to do is just keep it to himself if he has it and not leak it? Like why the fuck would you think leaking it is anymore fair on the artist? The only people it benefits are people like you, you literally call him selfish and attention seeking...but you want it too? You want him to leak it for YOUR again - that too is selfish.

I never said I wasn’t being selfish and I haven’t called him that that I know of. Possibly months ago, sure. And I agree leaks are bad for artists but we’re at a point that Lana doesn’t give a fuck anymore about leaks, not as much as she used to. If it’ll never be used, what’s the point of keeping it to yourself and the dangling it in front of hundreds of fans? I’m not saying to leak everything. I’m saying if you have the balls to dangle snippets of tracks in front of fans, actually have the balls to leak it too. Expecting fans to not want to hear a full track that’s not going to be used is delusional.


It’s different if he was leaking NFR tracks or LDR7’s tracks. Those, I am NOT asking for.


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Some of your points are valid but also I haven't teased unreleased shit in like what, over a year? Especially my last 2 leaks were full, unannounced. When I get info I share immediately as in the case with Hope. Your criticism is fair but not relevant anymore. What else do you want me to do? I come here and keep to myself almost all the time but people love talking shit about me even when I'm not here based on what I tweet. If you don't like my tweets don't look at them? This is the only time I defended myself here in a long while, I don't come here to start drama. You just love to express your hate for me based on inaccurate, false or dated beliefs. And every single time I am saying let it go so we can move on in peace

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  On 4/11/2019 at 6:13 PM, HydroponicWeeds said:

I never said I wasn’t being selfish and I haven’t called him that that I know of. Possibly months ago, sure. And I agree leaks are bad for artists but we’re at a point that Lana doesn’t give a fuck anymore about leaks, not as much as she used to. If it’ll never be used, what’s the point of keeping it to yourself and the dangling it in front of hundreds of fans? I’m not saying to leak everything. I’m saying if you have the balls to dangle snippets of tracks in front of fans, actually have the balls to leak it too. Expecting fans to not want to hear a full track that’s not going to be used is delusional.

It’s different if he was leaking NFR tracks or LDR7’s tracks. Those, I am NOT asking for.

She still cares. Sometimes she doesn’t release because it’s cringy/embarrassing/she’s unhappy with it. Do you really think lana wants her fans listening to shit like Moi Je Joue? Probably not.


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  On 4/11/2019 at 6:15 PM, electra said:

She still cares. Sometimes she doesn’t release because it’s cringy/embarrassing/she’s unhappy with it. Do you really think lana wants her fans listening to shit like Moi Je Joue? Probably not.

Of course not but it’s cool to hear tracks like Your Girl. And tracks like The Good Life which is an unreleased cover. Why would she care about a cover? Or demo versions of tracks that released already? It’s inevitable that songs will leak, it happens with Lana all the time and she’s fully aware. I’m not saying leak everything under the sun that she’s made, don’t get me wrong. But if you’re going to share a snippet, be aware that people will expect the full track at some point instead of some that we’ve only heard a snippet of and that’s all we’ve got for a year or two of that song.


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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  On 4/11/2019 at 6:23 PM, HydroponicWeeds said:

Of course not but it’s cool to hear tracks like Your Girl. And tracks like The Good Life which is an unreleased cover. Why would she care about a cover? Or demo versions of tracks that released already? It’s inevitable that songs will leak, it happens with Lana all the time and she’s fully aware. I’m not saying leak everything under the sun that she’s made, don’t get me wrong. But if you’re going to share a snippet, be aware that people will expect the full track at some point instead of some that we’ve only heard a snippet of and that’s all we’ve got for a year or two of that song.


I think it would be nice if everything under the sun leaked tbh


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So now that the "Norman Rockwell family is stalling NFR" rumor has been put to rest, these are the other possibilities:


1) She wants the poetry book released first or a part of NFR's release and it's still in the process of being finished. (this is the one I believe in the most)

2) The label is holding it back due to Lana's lack of promo, or her stubbornness to change an aspect of NFR, or they're focused on pushing new artists atm.

3) Lana herself feels a bit burnt out, but seeing the praise she's getting, she's comfortable in taking her time to release it since it's probably going to be one of her most acclaimed albums.

4) Lana is too busy being an "insta baddie:hoe: , living that LA influencer life.  :candy:  She's fre$h out of fucks forever, and Norman can Fucking Wait:lush:


Did I miss any other theories?  :smokes:

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  On 4/11/2019 at 6:23 PM, HydroponicWeeds said:

Of course not but it’s cool to hear tracks like Your Girl. And tracks like The Good Life which is an unreleased cover. Why would she care about a cover? Or demo versions of tracks that released already? It’s inevitable that songs will leak, it happens with Lana all the time and she’s fully aware. I’m not saying leak everything under the sun that she’s made, don’t get me wrong. But if you’re going to share a snippet, be aware that people will expect the full track at some point instead of some that we’ve only heard a snippet of and that’s all we’ve got for a year or two of that song.

girl, yes it's cool to hear but you're acting like you're entitled to have unreleased songs in full - you're not. Neither am I and none of us are, we are just lucky with a lot of them. Eclipse isn't entitled to them either but he's smart and sources them out and thanks to him, a good portion of her best unreleased songs exist in your iTunes. He might not have leaked all of them but he sourced them all so sure it's not greedy of him to keep something to himself? When he has shared so much? 

Before you rage post to this, maybe just consider you're wrong first. If you decide you're not wrong - sure rage if it will make you feel better.


TLDR: get over yourself 

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  On 4/11/2019 at 4:56 PM, Eclipse said:

Nice fanfic part 2




Didn't give LanaBoards name to not cause unnecessary attention on the forum


Another theory down the drain!


Y'all can go back to your Eclipse hating album begging shite

this has been some of the hottest tea to be poured on here since I've joined lol



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  On 4/11/2019 at 6:31 PM, wraith said:

girl, yes it's cool to hear but you're acting like you're entitled to have unreleased songs in full - you're not. Neither am I and none of us are, we are just lucky with a lot of them. Eclipse isn't entitled to them either but he's smart and sources them out and thanks to him, a good portion of her best unreleased songs exist in your iTunes. He might not have leaked all of them but he sourced them all so sure it's not greedy of him to keep something to himself? When he has shared so much? 

Before you rage post to this, maybe just consider you're wrong first. If you decide you're not wrong - sure rage if it will make you feel better.


TLDR: get over yourself


I’m not raging I’m just stating what I’m sure plenty of fans have been thinking after snippets get teased and nothing happens. And he’s one of the leakers who’ve done this exact thing. I’m not saying he’s never leaked anything, yikes. But go off sis


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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All I’m saying is this: if you’re going to share with us, share with us. If you intend on just teasing to build your ego, fine cool but do it somewhere else and don’t try to get people’s hopes up just for them to be disappointed bc you want to be a cunt. This goes for all leakers not just specifically @@Eclipse . Of course they won’t care or listen bc who am I?


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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cue overdramatic me: anyways i think lana knows the music helps the fans but only to a certain extent does she realize 


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