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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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The date is 16/7/69. Type that + "Picasso" into Google, and




We should just pretend it's the 16th of July and type it everywhere in the hope that she'll have to deny it if it isn't true to avoid disappointing everyone AGAIN.


I told you I like making stuff up.

I like this idea gahaaaa 


sucks how it doesn't really mean anything tho :/ The more I think about it, sure I'm so open to the poetry book, and no animosity bc i mean, to hate an inanimate object? Is a bit much, but I hope we get them separately. We've waited all this time, might as well, her milk the promo. and, from an artist's standpoint, I'd appreciate and admire her more if she kept the two separate, even if they complimented each other, bc I'd like for the record and the book to stand on their own


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There’s things I want to say to you
But I’ll just let you live



Like if you hold me without hurting me
You’ll be the first who ever did



There’s things I wanna talk about
But better not to keep
But if you hold me without hurting me
You’ll be the first whoever did




Hold me, love me, touch me, hold me
Be the first whoever did
Hold me, love me, touch me, let me
Be the first whoever did





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I think the saddest thing (for me) is that all this waiting and silence is putting a damper on the entirety of Norman Fucking Rockwell, that when it finally gets released, it'll feel incredibly bittersweet because this era thus far has NOT been enjoyable in the slightest. It's getting to that point where I won't even listen to the album when it comes out just to spite Lana because of how she's been ghosting fans and ignoring what really needs to be addressed. I'm not even mad that she's living her life with her west hollywood housewives and drinking matcha teas. I'm mad because Lana knows there are stans out there that will eat up whatever she puts in front of them, and she will gain from it.

It's insulting.


Omg, what if that's the point  :wowcry:


(I highly doubt it, but still lol)

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The pre- release thread cycle:


1. Anticipate news coming

2. Get depressed that no news arrives

3. Start trashing Lana's friends

4. Start trashing each other for trashing on this era

5. Repeat



6. Guessing the color of the vinyl

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Now imagine if after all this time the album sucks... Like what if it's not worth the torture... I'd kms

Luckily it will be a masterpiece

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girls idk bout y’all but my cycle has been


1. read this thread

2. drink





Maybe she wants us to become alcoholics so we could understand her lyrical content better  :flutter:

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I really think Cinnamon has the capacity to be THAT BITCH with the general public




It really does. Out of all the snippets, Cinnamon is the most popular. It's foolish how Lana and her team don't realise it. I can imagine locals going crazy for it.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I am so curious to hear Cinnamon based on everyone here, I haven't listened to the snippet yet. I really don't want to, but I may have to give up and listen  :(  I have overplayed the HIAB snippets.

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