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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Those country songs are good, but I don’t want them on the record. HOWEVER, we bitch about her live performances being lazy and phoned in but her vocals on those songs is insanely good tbh. I was gobsmacked when I first heard them. Some of her best live vocals ever.

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  On 6/26/2019 at 3:21 AM, Say Yes to Heaven said:

I mean she literally said they are not meant for the album

Yeah. I know we all think she’s a liar right now, but she said that back when she still seemed super invested in everything NFR so I feel we can take it as truth.

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I hope there’s a 24”x24” litho again and that the cover is good so I can buy it and replace my LFL litho on my wall because I bought it to get a concert promo code and I hate the cover and I’m sick of looking at it lol


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  On 6/26/2019 at 3:41 AM, cherriesinthespring said:

I hope there’s a 24”x24” litho again and that the cover is good so I can buy it and replace my LFL litho on my wall because I bought it to get a concert promo code and I hate the cover and I’m sick of looking at it lol

i keep thinking ab buying the merch when its finally out then i remember the awful moment when u scroll and see the small font on the bottom that always says: *expected to ship within 10 weeks*


and by the time it comes u forgot you even ordered it

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Listening to VB and... fuck, man that instrumental is fucking solid... wow Jack and her did that.... they truly did


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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whomst the FUCK let the nasty man do that to my baby how to disappear. jackoff can keep that stale-ed-sheeran-ass production! solo piano or BUST

it's just the way i feel

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  On 6/26/2019 at 4:40 AM, movebaby said:

whomst the FUCK let the nasty man do that to my baby how to disappear. jackoff can keep that stale-ed-sheeran-ass production! solo piano or BUST


"Oh my God .... NOOO! Good Jesus ..." (@ 1:35) sums it up, honestly.




K so I somehow have never watched/heard this part (@ 2:30) and I'm dying. She sounds high af. WTF? No wonder she let him ruin her song.


"Jack, they're saying these beats are soooo fffire"


"They're saying fire?"


"Yeah they're saying ffffire 'cos yerrrr lit ... yer lit as fffffuck"

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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  On 6/26/2019 at 4:29 AM, Bartender said:

It has the “fastest/biggest beat” on the record from what we’ve heard!




How To Disappear is a hip hop influenced piano ballad! It’s High By The Beach meets White Mustang

I really think they were just joking when they were mixing that... Lest we forget this post:




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