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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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It's fake. People wanna catch attention. Again.


Crap, I thought for a moment that Lana had released another gorgeous song (and maybe that my insta comment has gotten her attention lol) :icant:

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Look. Given how things went this era, it REALLY wouldn't have killed Lana to just send out a tweet saying the album will be a bit delayed. 

She literally sent out a tweet in March telling people the album is done but she doesn't know when it will be released. Just because she did not phrase it exactly the way u want her to doesn't mean it does not exist. Get over yourself

:woot: giphy.gif :woot:

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We have the release date, we have the cover, we have the tracklist and on top of that we're getting at least a couple of new videos and we just got a new song - definitely wasn't prepared for how good it actually is btw - and yes until like a week ago everything was a huge ass mess but do we really have to keep on talking about it now? It's no secret that my approach towards her and the album has been quite negative along this Via Dolorosa but after all this time the released tracks have finally started growing on me and I'm actually somewhat excited for the record which I thought was highly unlikely, y'all are entitled to your opinions but get over it and try the chicken, it's lovely.

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If it's not real then literally what's the point of going out of your way to edit it so it looks real lmao, it's not even funny trolling, it's desperate, and kinda weird
If it's real then whewww we truly are getting fed


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It's fake. People wanna catch attention. Again. 


Unless it's already out in NZ then idk

shut up fat im literally listening to it right now.

nice people will find it if they msg me on twitter


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It's fake. People wanna catch attention. Again. 


Unless it's already out in NZ then idk

It's real. People are freaking out. The song is already out in some countries.



"Some days are for falling in love with people, some days for cities, and some for your time in solitude."

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But if this is real, why wasn't it out in NZ hours ago? In which country is it supposed to be out, I'm confused

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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She should've done this, she should've done that... This needs to stop. When she announced that the album would probably be out on top of the year, it was last September, she hadn't finished the album yet and kept working on it for 3~4 months. Things can change so much even in a short period of time and it's understandable that she didn't justify herself over an estimation or a "maybe", because nothing was done yet. It's not like she announced on all of her socials that the album would be out in January. She estimated a potential release period in a radio interview that almost everybody forgot about. And then as someone else said, she cleared things up in March by saying she didn't know when the album was coming out, which was more than enough.

Please read. I literally said, all she should’ve done is told people who watched her live, which was fans who wanted to know about the album, that the album will be out later in the year. That’s all. Get off your high horse. This doesn’t “need to stop”. No, she announced the album’s title and ETA which was wrong and in December, since she knew that by that point, she could’ve just as easily said it’ll be out later in the year. It’s easy. & people are allowed to think one way or another of the way she publicly talks about her upcoming projects.


You all bitch that she doesn’t say enough, so when someone suggests that she does, you all bitch and say “No! This needs to stop! I didn’t say it so it ISNT allowed to be said, and nobody is allowed to think that way!!! You’re eNtItLeD!!!! ShE dOeSnT oWe YoU aNyThInG!!” Lol hypocrite. You were prolly one of the ones bitching in January that she didn’t mention anything about the album then too


Stay “woke” hahaha


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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