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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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When she started singing the ''is a new revolution'' bit, I thought it was going full acapela for the bridge, that would've been so good 

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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These lyrics are better than anything she ever wrote, bel air yglm and elvis included, change my fucking mind

I’d say the same if it weren’t for “black narcissist,” but maybe she’ll explain that she’s talking about herself or her depression

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There is no way the 'black narcissist' line is about another person, it makes zero sense in the context of the line or the song as a whole.

What a beautiful, heart-wrenching song. A lot of it seems inspired by the Beat poets, the kind of accumulation of images from Ginsberg's stuff. So great.

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Some of these lyrics are so damn good...and the emotion in her voice. Whew Jack and Elizabeth snapped again.

djfhdkjfh I used to be a HUUUGE potc fan so this is the first thing that came into my mind when I read this




Jack trying to convince Lana that an actually beautifully produced cover would fit the gorgeous song he made better than a poor badly cropped selfie


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I actually think the iPad line is kind of heartbreaking in context.


It's a nice line until she says ipad then I feel kind of thrown by it. Memes have ruined ipads for me :creep:


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Idk for yall but I'm unbelievably relieved for Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass. If it is this kind of prose poems I know she can write then I'm def buying a thousand and leaving one behind me when I walk as if I'm in Hop-o'-My-Thumb


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I'm really excited for how this album is shaping up ~sonically~ it's so removed from the heavy electro beats and synths of LFL to more organic, acoustic sounds and instruments.


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I hope there's more guitar involved in the album, so far only MAC and VB have it. Cinnamon is piano and then beats and synths, Sylvia is just piano, HTD is either just piano, or piano and beats and syths, HIAB is clearly gonna be just piano as well (we fucking heard almost 2 whole minutes of it and it was just piano). I mean, all these songs are great, but personally, I want more guitar pleeeeeasseeee. 

In your car seems to have some so I'm hopeful

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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