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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,060 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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On 4/13/2021 at 2:47 AM, sjatib said:

Not to hate on NFR, but the more I listen to COTCC and the more time goes by and perspective towards this album grows wider, the more it looks like a random bunch of songs (few outstanding ones -VB, Hope-, some nice ones -Bartender, MAC,NFR, HTD, FIILY- and many, many fillers and/or poorly written ones -HIAB, TG, LS, TBNAR, DT, California) casually thrown together as an album and getting a huge crittical acclaim I still cant get how came to happen apart than the album having some truly genius moments and being released at a perfect sociopolitical timing (Trumps impeachment and right before a worldwide apocallyptical pandemic, which came to set some messages on it as almost prophetic).


I love Lana and her output in a very special, compromised way, also this album, but with time Ive got to think that, as a whole, it may be her weakest one.



I think she wanted to release it in 2018 or early 2019 but she kept making songs (ot Interscope wanted more happier from her) and that's why it is kind of wierd.


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Acording to https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/Norman_Fucking_Rockwell!_(album)  the album would've been out at the end of March 2019.
I looked at every song when they were recorded and the only songs that wouldn't be there are FILLY, DT and TG (it was recorded in February 2019 it could've made the tracklist back then).
My own playlist I made after the album came out was actually the original version all along :gasp:


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The bass/guitar (sorry im bad with instruments) that kicks in at the beginning of the last chorus of HIAB always gets me :defeated: so fucking good. Gives me chills. 

  It’s not about having someone to love me anymore

This is the experience of being an American whore

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Did anyone ever make a studio version of I Must Be Stupid and Hey Blue Baby? I need those to add to my NFR to make an expanded deluxe version :crai:


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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13 hours ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:

Did anyone ever make a studio version of I Must Be Stupid and Hey Blue Baby? I need those to add to my NFR to make an expanded deluxe version :crai:

I totally forgot about these songs. When will they be leaked?


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14 hours ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:

Did anyone ever make a studio version of I Must Be Stupid and Hey Blue Baby? I need those to add to my NFR to make an expanded deluxe version :crai:


Yeah I need these also  :defeated: I wish Lana would've casually uploaded them. Both are such fun pretty songs.

Happy as the moonshine

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This album still and will always speak to me so deeply. I remember exactly where I was when it came out (I was staying with my grandmother at the time, so when the album came out I was sitting on her couch with a bottle of coke). It felt like it was an album I'd grown up on and had known for at least a decade on the first listen. The whole time period/summer around this album's release is so nostalgic for me, I think it'll be my forever favorite.


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On 6/27/2021 at 4:43 PM, BlueJeans said:

I only recently understood the beauty of « California ». And all thanks to a Lisa Simpson meme with a caption like « when you start « California » again because the part that hurts didn’t hurt you bad enough » or something like that. 

Made me listen to the song for the first time in a long time and dang…


the first time i listened to california i cried for three days :cuteface:


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Sadly the wait for this album and the bulk of it being spoiled by Lana herself affected how I enjoyed this record, however…


Mariners Apartment Complex was released around the same time my dad was dying. The song would guide me on repeat back and forth to the hospital. I hold it very dear, down the subversion of her singing “I’m your man”.


The title track is beautiful. The Greatest will come to be one of just that, among her greatest songs, the lyrics at the end like a list of headlines bowing the album out. I feel like TNBAR and maybe LS could have been cut quite easily.

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15 hours ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:

Did anyone ever make a studio version of I Must Be Stupid and Hey Blue Baby? I need those to add to my NFR to make an expanded deluxe version :crai:

I don't know why I feel like those never had a studio version, but hopefully they do and we'll eventually get them.

I added Looking for America and Season of the Witch as bonus tracks (just not to have them orphaned in my library) but they don't fit well in the album, particularly SOTW :eartha: 

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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15 hours ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:

Did anyone ever make a studio version of I Must Be Stupid and Hey Blue Baby? I need those to add to my NFR to make an expanded deluxe version :crai:

i liked them too! the tracks complimented her voice so much. personally, i think that they would probably suit Chemtrails better but i'd love to hear them in the context of Norman as well :flutter:

strong like a tree but the unlucky one 

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I remember when I first heard The Greatest, and I thought she sings „all the life dreams almost gone” and it got me in tears because I was in the winter of my life, and then i read it’s actually „the livestream is almost on” and I felt dumb 


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On 7/20/2021 at 3:04 AM, Super Movie said:

It felt like it was an album I'd grown up on and had known for at least a decade on the first listen. The whole time period/summer around this album's release is so nostalgic for me, I think it'll be my forever favorite.


Same!! It so quickly became like an old favourite, like I'd known it for ages yet at the same time kept getting better with every single listen! 


Definitely my favourite Lana album. I listen to it endlessly, and when I listen I pretty much always listen to the whole thing. No skipping! 


It's not only my favourite Lana album but my favourite album from anyone, ever! 

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch- Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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This album has some of her most beautiful songs and some of my all-time favourites :flutter:

Venice Bitch will always be a top5 for me, along with The Greatest / FIILY.

recently, I’ve rediscovered Happiness Is a Butterfly ? 

i just love how special this album is, how timeless it is. 

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2 hours ago, normanrockwhale said:

I remember when I first heard The Greatest, and I thought she sings „all the life dreams almost gone” and it got me in tears because I was in the winter of my life, and then i read it’s actually „the livestream is almost on” and I felt dumb 

her best line tbh :xcry: don't feel dumb - i found this on genius:


It’s also no coincidence that “live stream” is a homophone of “life’s dream.” This play-on-words is a recurring motif for Lana, not only in relation to the dreamlike death theme that permeates this song, but also being present in “Venice Bitch” in the line “Live stream (life’s dream), I’m sweet for you.” Whereas the latter instance might be interpreted as a kind of soulmate, in this song the “life’s dream” would most likely be the narrator’s life flashing before their eyes at the point of death.


so... back 2 the winter of our life we go


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Just remembered Lana has never performed The greatest live… ? Literally what is the reason 


The Half assed 20 second acapella doesn’t count btw

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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