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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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It’s actually pretty funny lmao but why is this even a thing hahaha if you buy a physical copy is it edited then too?


Yeah it's like ... WHY? I'd argue that it draws more attention to them because if I was presented with a censored album cover, the very first thing I'd do would be Google the original ...


Whoever has to edit those has the most useless job ever. Talk about unfulfilling work.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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It’s actually pretty funny lmao but why is this even a thing hahaha if you buy a physical copy is it edited then too?

if you live in iran you’re not legally able to buy albums with western music or music that features a solo female voice (it’s fine if two or more women are singing at the same time tho... for some fucking reason) this site is probably for people who are religious enough that they don’t want to see women without hijabs but not so religious to have a problem with a woman singing solo, at least that’s my guess

all my wounds are due to love, to love, love, love

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if you live in iran you’re not legally able to buy albums with western music or music that features a solo female voice (it’s fine if two or more women are singing at the same time tho... for some fucking reason) this site is probably for people who are religious enough that they don’t want to see women without hijabs but not so religious to have a problem with a woman singing solo, at least that’s my guess

Now I’m just curious and it opens my brain to more questions lmao does this mean if I sent, let’s say, you if you were in one those countries an explicit NFR album with the correct cover what would happen would you get in trouble? Would it be considered like... “contraband”?



Yeah it's like ... WHY? I'd argue that it draws more attention to them because if I was presented with a censored album cover, the very first thing I'd do would be Google the original ...


Whoever has to edit those has the most useless job ever. Talk about unfulfilling work.

Hmm on second thought... I’d like that job lol it seems fun lol


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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This is semi unrelated - but I wish I had this on film, but I installed Apple CarPlay in my car, so I can use Siri to control my music - I said "Play album Norman Fucking Rockwell by Lana Del Rey" and Siri replies "Ok, let's hear Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey" and I nearly had a laughing fit cause thats Lana at her live shows ahahahaha. 

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch- Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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Now I’m just curious and it opens my brain to more questions lmao does this mean if I sent, let’s say, you if you were in one those countries an explicit NFR album with the correct cover what would happen would you get in trouble? Would it be considered like... “contraband”?


ehh it’s definitely illegal but if they caught you they’d probably just throw it away and let you off with a warning. you might get jail time if you’re bringing actual pornography or music/books/movies with anti-religion sentiments though.


if you’re selling western media (that isn’t meant for children) in iran you could get into huge trouble tho. it’s funny actually cuz in a lot of dvd and cd stores you have to walk up to the seller, sort of signal that you want their western stuff (without actually saying it), and if they think you look “hip” and non-religious enough, they let you in the (usually dark) back room where they have crates of western albums and movies.. exciting stuff lmao you feel like you’re in a spy movie

all my wounds are due to love, to love, love, love

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im sorry but doin time is the best song on this album.


anyone who thinks its bad, just thinks that it has to be hated because its a cover, a dont let me be misunderstood tea.

covers can be good sometimes!

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I’m half Persian and I know western media is illegal but lmao, I had no idea they actually edits women out of cover pictures. :toofunny: Reminds me of when Saudi Arabia edited out all the women in an Ikea catalogue lmao..! :toofunny:


Speaking of Doin Time - has anyone watched the new Cardi B music video? Looks very familiar to something Lana did...



I’m pretty sure they were recorded at different times, it’s just a coincidence.

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♢ Though I have been listening to the album so much... out of 20 days... maybe 15 were where I had the album on repeat whole day...

If someone is to play a part of some of the songs... I do not think I would be able to say which song it is!

they all kinda sound similar...


♧ coz this is def the mood album... like Honeymoon which I prefer if nothing because it has at least few songs I do actually want to listen as stand out/on their own



I agree. As far as mood albums go I feel that Honeymoon is vastly superior. It has a distinct theme, yet all of the songs stand out individually. To me, almost all of the songs on NFR tend to blend into each other, and the ones that do not are somewhat jarring.


I really think TNBAR would've fit better on LFL, and I love Bartender, but it also seems out of place.


I don't think it's a bad album but I also don't think it's her best. to. She described it in many different ways prior to its release, but probably the most accurate remark she made was when she said it was good music to drive to. It's good background music, but it's not the type of album I'd lie on my bed, stare at the ceiling, and listen to.


I wonder if I'd like it better if she hadn't shared so much of it on insta, and hadn't made us wait so long without any news, though.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I've been thinking about why critics have enjoyed this record so much, and how they might've known something that we as fans, even objectively wouldn't have known. BtD was the introduction of who Lana was, how her sound was so detached sounding. Pioneering? Definitely, but it was so cold to listen to. Paradise seemed inauthentic bc of how lavish the lamenting was. Ultraviolence was celebrated bc of her success and influence of her past records. Honeymoon, bc it was the most "Lana" record, where she was most in her element. Still written in past tense. Lfl, because she started branching out. GP loved it because of the variety it brought. 

The difference, or main difference that I think that made the difference between her past work and NfR is the sure vulnerability, and the tense that she uses. It just seems a lot more present than it is of the past. The conversation's more present and direct. It's more engaging, and less about how she tells stories of the past, as if you're part of the conversation, not just sitting idly by being a backseat listener. Late night/early morning thoughts


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I was in Iran las year

but looking for cds was not even in my remotest thoughts


but I have to say it is a GREAT country!

Will certainly rwturn one day

sounds like a fantastic country, really



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you are right with this... this is background music


I did not listen to anything before the release (except 3 songs with videos) so I can not say anything influenced my voews for better or worse



I agree with both of you. Getting two of the best songs a year in advance didn't help, and then 'Doin' Time' as well. 'Hope' might have been a lot more impactful if it hadn't been released in any form until the album dropped. 'CG' is my favorite but even on it, the production seems lacking--it could have been so such tenser, suspenseful, dramatic and powerful with just a few key production shifts. Instead, I like it best by default. I also like 'Bartender,' but it seems more like an interesting bonus track than a great LDR song. 


'Cigarettes & Lollipops' and 'Wild On You' both played randomly on my 'My Top Rated' playlist yesterday, and how much more interesting both seemed to me than all of NFR. I also prefer 'LFL' to NFR, vastly. 


The world understands, by 2019, as it did by 2015 and 2014, that LDR is not just a pretty flash-in-the-pan pop star who got lucky with 'VG' and who can write clever little pop ditties like 'Radio' and 'National Anthem.' I still feel LDR is motivated to prove to the world that she's a legitimate artiste and is going to continue banging us over the head with that fact until she gets it out of her system---if ever. In the meantime, she's driving a lot of fans away and releasing mediocre albums (but then, I don't see her an an 'album artist' anyway, though of course it would be great if she were). Being dour and severe doesn't make one a better artist, just as writing 'noble songs about social causes' doesn't. 


To me, she's like a great natural comedian who has decided that comedy is for children, and always will be, and so she's decided to give it up for a 'serious acting career' a la Meryl Streep. LDR can certainly write terrific 'serious' songs like 'Old Money' and '13 Beaches,' great dramatic tracks like 'Cola' and great middle-of-the-road tracks like 'Ride,' but I really miss the uber-light touch, energy and enthusiasm she brought to 'Radio,' 'National Anthem,' 'American,' 'Hollywood's Dead,' 'Making Out,' 'Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight,' 'Hollywood,' 'JFK,' 'AFFA' and so many others. 


So I see her wasting one of her greatest gifts. I felt NFR rated a 'C' and no better or worse upon release, and I still feel that way. 

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