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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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Ok yeah I would have too, I'll give it that. Same with mac


I must admit that the first listens to NFR weren't that explosive to me, because I skipped the songs we had already heard. Plus all of the album is a slow burner. But when you listen to it from cover to cover, all the songs are incredible. And I believe that not listening to the BAR demo so much would have helped appreciate the final version so much more (lyrically, the new version fits better NFR, I think). 

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Can we talk about how extremely embarrassing it is that 1. California is winning this thread's poll, and 2. Hope is last? 


Anyone who voted for How to Disappear should actually disappear. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Can we talk about how extremely embarrassing it is that 1. California is winning this thread's poll, and 2. Hope is last? 


Anyone who voted for How to Disappear should actually disappear. 

I agree on california winning but i strongly disagree on hope being last :facepalm: :facepalm: It should be at least second best



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NFR, MAC, VB....This album opens up with such a fucking trinity of songs   :legend: Top 3 in my opinion. Hope, Love song and Bartender come close too

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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in my brain i sometimes get like "oh VB is so overrated blah blah" but then i actually listen to the song again and like..... every single time it is just such a complete fucking experience, i get so much from it


if it wasn't lanaaaa i'd be, jealoussss of those stansssss


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Venice Bitch will forever be my favorite from the record but the title track, fuck. I've been listening to it non-stop. The fact that it has that Disney-like intro and it's sonically so dreamy but the lyrics are sad af. Genius. And she sounds like she's singing in your ear, so beautiful and intimate. If she doesn't win AOTY at least she deserves song of the year for NFR.

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Venice Bitch will forever be my favorite from the record but the title track, fuck. I've been listening to it non-stop. The fact that it has that Disney-like intro and it's sonically so dreamy but the lyrics are sad af. Genius. And she sounds like she's singing in your ear, so beautiful and intimate. If she doesn't win AOTY at least she deserves song of the year for NFR.


~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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I would like to know if you all analyse the production of every song you listen to the same way you seem to be doing for this (excellent sounding, almost unanimously critically praised, lauded as album of the year by multiple music publications, GRAMMY Album of the Year nominee ) album or if you just have preconceived notions about Jack Antonoff for whatever reason and come up with these empty arguments to back up the fact you don't like the songs? Like are you all music engineers and production aficionados? Or perhaps you'd prefer Lana record through a sheet of paper or on a two dollar mic so that you can complain about those factors ruining the songs again too? Or work with Keiron Menzies again so you can complain about his contributions to the production of Honeymoon and Lust For Life like you did when those albums were released? Or go back to working with Rick Nowels so you can complain about how she doesn't work with anybody new and always makes music that sounds the same again? Or complain about Emile Haynie "overproducing" Born To Die?

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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i love the sort of half-defeated sarcasm of the title track, i've dated soooooooo many norman fucking rockwells in my time and i've often found that, although not the healthiest thing, i tend to deal with it by saying "well men will be men and it's always gonna be that way and i'm just the latest in the long line of women thru the ages who's dealing with their bullshit.... it's just what you dooooo...."


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I would like to know if you all analyse the production of every song you listen to the same way you seem to be doing for this (excellent sounding, almost unanimously critically praised, lauded as album of the year by multiple music publications, GRAMMY Album of the Year nominee ) album or if you just have preconceived notions about Jack Antonoff for whatever reason and come up with these empty arguments to back up the fact you don't like the songs? Like are you all music engineers and production aficionados? Or perhaps you'd prefer Lana record through a sheet of paper or on a two dollar mic so that you can complain about those factors ruining the songs again too? Or work with Keiron Menzies again so you can complain about his contributions to the production of Honeymoon and Lust For Life like you did when those albums were released? Or go back to working with Rick Nowels so you can complain about how she doesn't work with anybody new and always makes music that sounds the same again? Or complain about Emile Haynie "overproducing" Born To Die?

dude it’s truly not that deep. can’t speak for anyone else obvs but i literally just know what sounds good to me and what doesn’t, and it’s kinda funny to me that when we don’t provide specific critiques we’re just hAtErS but when we do we’re “unfairly overanalyzing”? like are we not allowed to dislike certain musical decisions lmao



fwiw i *used to* have a much higher opinion of jack (i still think melodrama is a masterpiece)


it's just the way i feel

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I would like to know if you all analyse the production of every song you listen to the same way you seem to be doing for this

Yes, absolutely! For everything, Lana and other artists. Original Broadway Cast recordings, Florence and the Machine records, Cirque du Soleil albums, self-created EPs by indie artists, Disney soundtracks etc etc. They all have their production styles, mixing and fuck ups that really interest me and I always wonder why they can't be polished/fixed or rectified. 

I'm still really baffled that people on this site think that enjoying the record and acknowledging the faults are mutually exclusive?  :crai:

My background: Sound design (for theatre), production aficionado, musician. 


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 I'm still really baffled that people on this site think that enjoying the record and acknowledging the faults are mutually exclusive?  :crai:

this!! i absolutely LOVE the record - and i mean that with all my heart - but i still have little nitpicky things that bug me a tad or that i'd like to improve, luckily they don't ruin the entire record for me and i'm sure most people who are only casual lana listeners might not even notice them, but i do think if we're gonna talk about the faults anywhere, minor or not, it's gonna be here on lanaboards  :pft:


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1. Norman Fucking Rockwell — Lana Del Rey

Key Tracks: “Venice Bitch” and “Bartender”

(Full review here)

It has taken five albums (six if you include Paradise) and the best part of a decade, but Lana Del Rey is finally being acknowledged as one of the giants of her generation. Norman Fucking Rockwell was met with universal critical acclaim and rewarded with a Grammy nomination for Album Of The Year. What has changed? Not much. Ultraviolence and Honeymoon were as perfectly crafted as NFR, but instead of inviting us into her world, this time around Lana wanders into ours. And she has a lot of thoughts on the hellscape we live in. If that’s what it takes to win over the music snobs, so be it. Now give her that Grammy.

— Mike Wass



We love a journalist with sense  :gclap:

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