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Abu Dhabi, UAE @ F1 After Race Concert - November 30th, 2019

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I already responded regarding the bombings long ago though. :toofunny: How is it meaningless? Because it doesn't involve a bombing/attack then = meaningless??? Lmao okay. So I guess anyone that feels unsafe there (including myself and my friends experiences from there) for other reasons = meaningless just bc no bombing in particular was involved. Like there isn't a whole ton of other shit that can make ppl feel unsafe and/or put them in danger :toofunny:



meaningless = has nothing to do with her comment/ booming shit

but apparently u didn't get what i mean bc you have so much in ur mind about arabs lol


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meaningless = has nothing to do with her comment/ booming shit

but apparently u didn't get what i mean bc you have so much in ur mind about arabs lol

You are the one who doesn't get it or pretends not to :toofunny:  I already explained and probably far too many times and I shouldn't have to explain 324 times to be frank. Take it or leave it. :toofunny:

:woot: giphy.gif :woot:

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This all came about because someone said Abu Dhabi is in shambles, which isn't true. The UAE is as wealthy af.


As a wealthy artist who has been invited there to perform, Lana has absolutely nothing to worry about so long as she obeys the laws. It's pretty simple, and that pretty much applies to any country you go to.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I already said that yes his comment was extra because it's true that the chances of a terrorist attack/bomb is very unlikely to happen. I asked however, what is "racist" exactly in his statement because no, let's clear something up a bit, Arab Muslim nation is not about race. Muslim = the religious reference. Not a race. Terrorists aren't about race either, obvs. Since when arab muslims are considered a race? By that logic then Christians are a race too. So yeah u are wrong about this instance sorry.

"I'm not technically a racist, I'm just an Islamaphobic xenophobe!" is not much of a defense. lol

When there is significant overlap between a religious group and an ethnic or national group, there is significant overlap between religious bigotry and racism. Functionally, there is no difference. Morally, there is no difference. It's a distinction without a difference. The only difference is the term "racist" hurts yours and Wynwood's snowflake feelings because there is more stigma attached to it.


I can imagine one of my Dutch Protestant ancestors saying of their Polish Catholic neighbors, "I don't hate those Polacks because I'm racist, I'm just anti-Catholic!" Nah dude, you racist too.


saying id be scared to perform in a region that is notoriously in shambles is not racist

It is racist if your belief that it is in shambles is not based in fact but irrational racist fear.


Ive friends that went to Dubai and they didn't have the best impressions at all, and I know also of someone who moved to live there due to her company job, and she is being treated like shit. It isn't even any sort of small business, it's an international one with many offices worldwide. Yet the male workers are treating her with disrespect, they don't even listen to what she has to say regarding company matters despite her having a really high position within their company ranks. And that happens only because she is a woman. Islamic countries with sharia law in place are not safe by default. That's a fact. Any other western country will be far more safe option than countries with sharia law in place. At least in U.S. that some people tend to shit on so much in this thread, they won't get in trouble for kissing and hugging in public! :deadbanana:

None of this is relevant to the stastical likelihood of a terrorist bombing.


I already responded regarding the bombings long ago though. :toofunny: How is it meaningless? Because it doesn't involve a bombing/attack then = meaningless??? Lmao okay. So I guess anyone that feels unsafe there (including myself and my friends experiences from there) for other reasons = meaningless just bc no bombing in particular was involved. Like there isn't a whole ton of other shit that can make ppl feel unsafe and/or put them in danger :toofunny:

For the purposes of this discussion, yes, it is meaningless. You're catching heat because you're conflating separate issues-- the issue of safety from terrorist bombings and the issue of societal treatment of women, LGBT, and minorities-- in order to defend a bigoted statement.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Yes I said that. why? Of course western countries are safer for all groups of ppl (worth of mentioning: lgbt,minorities,women) compared to islamic. I don't know, why don't you go and ask her? My post was relevant in response to that person I quoted bc they said that they never felt unsafe, which was why I mentioned my experiences with my friends that had terrible experiences and feeling unsafe. Difference is it wasn't about bombings in particular. So?


that's not true for all groups of people at all.


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It is racist if your belief that it is in shambles is not based in fact but irrational racist fear.

ummm im not scared to go over there because of peoples race, the whole area is a terrorists utopia. whether they were white brown or green, i wouldnt step foot in the middle east


another place i would never step foot in is Russia and lana performs there, does that make me racist against russians?

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ummm im not scared to go over there because of peoples race, the whole area is a terrorists utopia. whether they were white brown or green, i wouldnt step foot in the middle east


another place i would never step foot in is Russia and lana performs there, does that make me racist against russians?


Sorry but if you really don't see how it's racist to say this then you at least have to concede that it's xenophobic lol. I wouldn't go to the UAE for political reasons concerning human rights abuses. I wouldn't go to Russia for the same reasons. But I wouldn't not go to the UAE because I'm scared of terrorists when I'm more likely to be the victim of a random act of violence or organised act of terrorism in London than I am Abu Dhabi.

locals only

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jesus christ this thread... if you couldnt hold a concert anywhere where they have something problematic in their country you couldnt hold any at all. Why do these fans not deserve a concert? They havent done anything. It's not Lana's fans there who are the problem.


Concerts have nothing to do with terrorism or politics or agreeing with some place's ideals... it's a concert. One more time: a concert. For a Formula 1 race. that happens to take place there. Every year. 



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Sorry but if you really don't see how it's racist to say this then you at least have to concede that it's xenophobic lol. I wouldn't go to the UAE for political reasons concerning human rights abuses. I wouldn't go to Russia for the same reasons. But I wouldn't not go to the UAE because I'm scared of terrorists when I'm more likely to be the victim of a random act of violence or organised act of terrorism in London than I am Abu Dhabi.

but how is being scared of terrorists racist or xenophobic, where did i say "i wouldnt step foot there because of muslims or brown people" never. i wouldnt step foot there because the entire area is in chaos, is unsafe, and is run by terrorist organizations


its literally one decent country surrounded by some of the most dangerous countries in the world, yall know terrorists are sneaky and can get on planes right?

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ummm im not scared to go over there because of peoples race, the whole area is a terrorists utopia. whether they were white brown or green, i wouldnt step foot in the middle east

"The whole area is a terrorists utopia". In terms of the incidence of terrorist attacks, the UAE is not. But your ignorant belief that it is is based on racist generalizations about the entire region.


but how is being scared of terrorists racist or xenophobic, where did i say "i wouldnt step foot there because of muslims or brown people" never. i wouldnt step foot there because the entire area is in chaos, is unsafe, and is run by terrorist organizations

Being scared of actual terrorists is not racist or xenophobic. Fearing that people are terrorists simply because they're Arab or Muslim or Middle Eastern is. The UAE is not in chaos, not unsafe in terms of terrorist attacks, and its government hasn't been linked to any state-sponsored terrorism.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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If this is happening she better perform Burning Desire


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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is this still happening?

 yes, it is .. and i'm freaking out cuz only one week left

is this her first middle eastern show since lebanon (and well istanbul) during the paradise tour? 

 yeah, she tried to perform in Israel two times but it got cancelled 


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