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Lana at Blankenship Hair Salon in Broken Arrow, Tulsa, OK - July 24th, 2020

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theyve been brainwashed by corporate propaganda to believe skinny = healthy

Not even that, it’s just so crazy how weird people are being about her somewhat minor weight gain. As soon as she starts back on her regular schedule she’ll probably lose the weight and if she doesn’t who cares. She’s not 25 and living off of coffee and cigarettes anymore.

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Sorry but the blonde pieces in the front are so early 2000s in a bad way.



Theyre cute af and hella trendy rn. Even madison beer has em. I love it. I wasnt a fan of blonde on Lana but i lovee her hair in this pic. If she does dark blonde/lighter brown brows itll be so good

I wish shed let her lips be a bright pink color tho!! Not into nude lips w blonde hair tbh. Idk why in America the nude lips r so trendy. In east asia bright pink/coral/red is trendy id like to see it trend here too ;(

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Does anyone else think her hair look healthier here than when it's done by "professional celebrity" hairdressers in LA? I'm sure they get paid way more than this Oklahoman hairdresser does.


This hairdresser seems to know what a conditioning treatment is.


Make it make sense.

I think they made it look better because they blow dried it straight which takes away her natural frizz that comes with wavy hair. Maybe they even gave her some oil or cream as treatment too. :)

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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#WeLoveYouLana is now trending on Twitter. So many toxic stans are literally calling her disgusting things then preach about mental health awareness the next day. Scum. 


I hate to say it and I pray it doesn't end the same way but shit like this reminds me of the way Caroline Flack was treated. 

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i just spent about 20 minutes reading everything on twitter and how people are treating her and honestly, i just hope she doesn't see any of it. it brought literal tears to my eyes and i can't imagine how she would feel if she saw any of it. she's a gorgeous woman who's aging the way she's supposed to be :(

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Just sad how some stans don't realise they're contributing to ageism as well. Lana looks perfectly fine for a woman her age. They wonder why she gets fillers and things and then they say messed up stuff like what's not clicking for them???

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I kinda feel like that tag is really detrimental, because she probably wouldn't've noticed any of the horrible shit without it. She'll surely investigate a #weloveyoulana tag ... 


Hopefully she's just not on Twiiter

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I love this hair on her. The chunky blonde streaks in the front give me such pre-FM Stevie Nicks vibes and I dig that. Also as it was mentioned earlier here, her hair looks so much healthier here than it has in years, it was the first thing to jump out at me. Tbh I think she looks super pretty here and I was actually surprised everyone on Twitter was dragging her but then I remembered men are awful and are even worse on the internet. I also hope she doesn’t see the stuff people say because idk how I’d handle that shit.


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theyve been brainwashed by corporate propaganda to believe skinny = healthy


Corporate propaganda indeed. The media is very bias and dishonest and is hell bent on dividing people are creating problems where there isn't one. This is why we need to being back the fairness doctrine.


Adele lost weight (a lot of weight) and she gets praised left and right. She is skinny now and the media loves it.


Lana Del Rey gains weight and people go nuts. Lana isn't overweight. She has the healthy figure as a 35 year old women. But the media establishment wouldn't know that. Have you ever seen any of these actresses or models in person? Its frightening how thin they are. Its unhealthy.


We have a society which is pressuring girls into being something unnatural. This is why so many young girls deal with eating disorders and self harm. 


And the really skinny models in ads is problematic. I think it was Spain (not sure though) that put in a law saying that models can't be starved and can't be too thin because it became such a big problem.

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I am literally SO confused by this weight talk. she looks NORMAL?? SHE LOOKS THIN????????????? she's not stick thin like Lizzy Grant era but she looks SMALL???? bro i am so fucking tired like she may have slightly gained weight but i literally don't get it i'm so confused bye being a woman is so tiring and exhausting and when can we ever do anything right I'm so fucking tired I literally wanna cry


edit: sorry im just really sensitive at the minute because I'm going thru some intense body issues myself for the first time in a few years and I just yeah sorry I'm just extra sensitive to this rn xx


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I think the lighting might be why her hair color has a grey cast here...just a couple of days ago, the closeup of her in the car in natural light, it was a gorgeous light blonde. She looks stunning there, with pink lip gloss and no lash extensions. She looks like grownup Lizzy. So let’s see photos in better light before critiquing the color.


As for the rest, part of what’s beautiful about women is that our bodies aren’t meant to stay static. We wax and wane like the moon, babe. Just part of our magic.

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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I think the lighting might be why her hair color has a grey cast here...just a couple of days ago, the closeup of her in the car in natural light, it was a gorgeous light blonde. She looks stunning there, with pink lip gloss and no lash extensions. She looks like grownup Lizzy. So let’s see photos in better light before critiquing the color.


As for the rest, part of what’s beautiful about women is that our bodies aren’t meant to stay static. We wax and wane like the moon, babe. Just part of our magic.


ahh this is so beautiful, thank you for saying this, so true. 


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Everyone gains some weight after they quit smoking... except me!!

idk why but i SCREAMED



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I think the lighting might be why her hair color has a grey cast here...just a couple of days ago, the closeup of her in the car in natural light, it was a gorgeous light blonde. She looks stunning there, with pink lip gloss and no lash extensions. She looks like grownup Lizzy. So let’s see photos in better light before critiquing the color.


As for the rest, part of what’s beautiful about women is that our bodies aren’t meant to stay static. We wax and wane like the moon, babe. Just part of our magic.


Love that

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