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"Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass  

297 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite poems from "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass?"

    • LA Who am I to Love You
    • The Land of 1000 Fires
    • Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
    • Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving
    • Salamander
    • Never to Heaven
    • Sportcruiser
    • Tessa DiPietro
    • Quiet Waiter Blue Forever
    • What Happened When I Left You
    • Happy
    • My Bedroom is a Sacred Place Now - There are Children at the Foot of My Bed
    • Paradise is Very Fragile
    • Bare Feet on Linoleum

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I'd love to see somebody at some point layer the poems as interludes for NFR before there corresponding songs and parts of the record (NOT asking for an illegal doc or file, by this I mean a tracklist for listening in that order to experience the album and the poems together. Buy the audiobook or wait for your library to have it. Piracy is bad.)


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so i bought violet, and first of all it doesnt go to my music app, it goes into apple's "book" app which i had to download. THEN, the book app just says "track 1" "track 2" and so on, not the names of the poems! Does anyone know if theres a link to the poems as individual MP3 downloads? I cant be the only person running into this issue hahaha

audible is the same but Chapter numbers


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audible is the same but Chapter numbers

yeah i get the concept but i HATE it! I want to be able to go into my music app where all my other lana stuff is and just click the album, scroll thru the tracklist, and select which poem i want to hear

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OK I can safely say that Violet is what NFR could have been but kinda failed halfway through and hopefully COCC will realise fully.

Also, I get a very maritime vibe off Violet. I really like the cover but I feel like it’s not related?


In one poem she mentions watercolours of orange trees with snakes running through them, so I think the cover is a metaphor for simple things that look peaceful and beautiful but when you look closely there is darkness hiding.

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i noticed that the spotify version of LA seems a lot more high quality than the audible version? Does anyone know the best quality of violet we have so far?


i think the bitrate for audible is very low (64) which is alright for most audio books (of 3 or more hours) but this is rather a novelty audiobook that should be enjoyed in better quality, spotify is made for music so their bitrate is higher than that.

idk if there’s a website for audiobooks that offers high quality mp3s, wavs, or lossless quality which we’ll get with the CD pressings


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it's not her fault, i mean i'm just picky and want to have things exactly perfect in my iTunes, i'm a little ocd about audio files

i am the EXACT same way! Have you had any luck finding the files individually in mp3 format?

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I finally listened. Count me in the group who liked it more than they thought they would. Damn girl. The backing music is great. Brings a beatnik quality to the whole thing at times.


I will probably hold off on over listening to it until I get to read the whole book. I want it in my hands. And of course the CD and LPs will probably be better quality anyways than this crap audible download. But I am glad it’s finally here. And it doesn’t suck. Lol...

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I like what she's written but some of it's not poetry. The 'poetry has no rules' thing gets abused by people who can't be bothered to understand all the work that goes into structure and rhyme and beats and perfect word choice and all that shit. Musings and writing aren't automatically poetry and this differentiation needs to be acknowledged.


Poetry is one of those art mediums that's become completely disrespected today, I s2g. Taylor Swift did something similar, she kept adding 'darling' on sentences and it made me wanna scream b/c it felt so out of place.


Anyway, now that I've whined and gate-kept poetry, Fuck the New York Post. Some of these writings feel...strangely...like modern film noir but from the POV of the doomed love interest. I think women like Lana, 'who belong to no one and everyone', always seem to get unhappy endings. Another beautiful actress comes to mind, one who get many affairs with many men but never married and is now old and no longer acting.


Linoleum's background track is freaky but should've been just a tad softer. Not a fan of Sportscruiser, there's only so much I can listen about some dick she wishes she still had, no offense Lana but c'mon. What happened when I left you is serving poetry. I love poetry that shines when you read it aloud, you can hear the rhyme within the spoken words.


Still going through the album but it reminds me of that guy that parodied Lana.

It's literally the same thing.


Ngl, I'd kill for a book of monologues by BTD!Lana. Straight up kill a man.

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i am the EXACT same way! Have you had any luck finding the files individually in mp3 format?

I did actually theyre definitely out there


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Does anyone know what website is selling the green Violet vinyl in the US? I haven't been able to find one, let alone at a reasonable price.

f i n e  c h i n a  a n d  f r e s h  l i n e n

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for those of you saying this isn't "poetry".... you clearly have not studied the BEAT Poets.... 

poetry does not ALWAYS have to follow a clear rhyme and perfect stanza routine... 


poetry is such a broad description of a literary work, no one can really have the authority to say what is or isn't poetry! (also why poetry analysis courses are the easiest english courses to get an A in--total GPA booster) 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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I like what she's written but some of it's not poetry. The 'poetry has no rules' thing gets abused by people who can't be bothered to understand all the work that goes into structure and rhyme and beats and perfect word choice and all that shit. Musings and writing aren't automatically poetry and this differentiation needs to be acknowledged.


Poetry is one of those art mediums that's become completely disrespected today, I s2g. Taylor Swift did something similar, she kept adding 'darling' on sentences and it made me wanna scream b/c it felt so out of place.


Anyway, now that I've whined and gate-kept poetry, Fuck the New York Post. Some of these writings feel...strangely...like modern film noir but from the POV of the doomed love interest. I think women like Lana, 'who belong to no one and everyone', always seem to get unhappy endings. Another beautiful actress comes to mind, one who get many affairs with many men but never married and is now old and no longer acting.


Linoleum's background track is freaky but should've been just a tad softer. Not a fan of Sportscruiser, there's only so much I can listen about some dick she wishes she still had, no offense Lana but c'mon. What happened when I left you is serving poetry. I love poetry that shines when you read it aloud, you can hear the rhyme within the spoken words.


Still going through the album but it reminds me of that guy that parodied Lana. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjOqk2lNjKQ

It's literally the same thing.


Ngl, I'd kill for a book of monologues by BTD!Lana. Straight up kill a man.

Now as much as I admire an Individual with an honest opinion, I find that you didn’t listen to these words in the way they were meant to be perceived. Who are you to say what poetry is when poetry is art and art is limitless expressions. You simply cannot determine what is someone else’s art especially when it is a raw, honest, authentic body of work. I’ll have you know many of these poems aren’t about a man but about Lana herself and those pieces of her past that once controlled her every thought. To move forward constantly in the rough patches life brings in the name of self realization is beautiful and many people will never truly do so- however the way Lana has done this is her very own way of coping. I don’t expect you to agree with everything she’s saying but this is a huge leap for the woman and I am very proud. Maybe try giving it another listen with your mind wide open, eyes shut, and lips sealed- remembering this is a walk through an artists mind, someone who’s been damaged and deranged her whole life ..

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"If good prose can be poetic, a novel can be 'pure poetry,' and poems can be prosaic, then it’s not clear what anyone is talking about, really. Or rather, it’s clear except to theorists trying to come up with definitions"


-T.S. Eliot

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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