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"Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass  

297 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite poems from "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass?"

    • LA Who am I to Love You
    • The Land of 1000 Fires
    • Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
    • Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving
    • Salamander
    • Never to Heaven
    • Sportcruiser
    • Tessa DiPietro
    • Quiet Waiter Blue Forever
    • What Happened When I Left You
    • Happy
    • My Bedroom is a Sacred Place Now - There are Children at the Foot of My Bed
    • Paradise is Very Fragile
    • Bare Feet on Linoleum

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I did my own playlist blending Norman and Violet together, as several songs do fit well thematically. It’s not perfect, but I’m pretty happy with this order, after making several adjustments.

  1. L.A. Who Am I to Love You
  2. Fuck it I love you
  3. My Bedroom Is a Sacred Place Now - There Are Children at the Foot of My Bed
  4. Norman fucking Rockwell
  5. Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving
  6. How to disappear
  7. The Land of 1,000 Fires
  8. The Next Best American Record
  9. Salamander
  10. California
  11. SportCruiser
  12. Mariners apartment complex
  13. What Happened When I Left You
  14. Doin’ time
  15. Never to Heaven
  16. Cinnamon Girl
  17. Tessa DiPietro
  18. Love song
  19. Quiet Waiter Blue Forever
  20. Bartender
  21. Happy
  22. Happiness is a butterfly
  23. Violet Bent Backwards over the Grass
  24. Venice bitch
  25. Paradise Is Very Fragile
  26. The greatest
  27. Bare Feet on Linoleum
  28. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it

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I did my own playlist blending Norman and Violet together, as several songs do fit well thematically. It’s not perfect, but I’m pretty happy with this order, after making several adjustments.

  1. L.A. Who Am I to Love You
  2. Fuck it I love you
  3. My Bedroom Is a Sacred Place Now - There Are Children at the Foot of My Bed
  4. Norman fucking Rockwell
  5. Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving
  6. How to disappear
  7. The Land of 1,000 Fires
  8. The Next Best American Record
  9. Salamander
  10. California
  11. SportCruiser
  12. Mariners apartment complex
  13. What Happened When I Left You
  14. Doin’ time
  15. Never to Heaven
  16. Cinnamon Girl
  17. Tessa DiPietro
  18. Love song
  19. Quiet Waiter Blue Forever
  20. Bartender
  21. Happy
  22. Happiness is a butterfly
  23. Violet Bent Backwards over the Grass
  24. Venice bitch
  25. Paradise Is Very Fragile
  26. The greatest
  27. Bare Feet on Linoleum
  28. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it



thank you so much :gclap:

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In my eyes, it's clear that she's been a very cold mother and was the first to criticize Lana in her childhood and teens; then I'm sure she came up with the idea of sending her to boarding school/rehab, and then when it finished it seems like  she was totally ashamed of her daughter instead of being proud of her getting 'helthier' (addiction-wise, though, as this obviously caused her a trauma).


It is sad though, because Lana is a really gentle and loving soul. I hope that they can make peace one day if its possible. I just feel that Lana deserves the best.


But I so relate to everything Lana writes about. 

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It’s clear that woman doesn’t understand Lana’s music or career in the first place, let alone her poetry. That was a terrible review in all aspects lmfao


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It is sad though, because Lana is a really gentle and loving soul. I hope that they can make peace one day if its possible. I just feel that Lana deserves the best.


But I so relate to everything Lana writes about. 

Them making peace won't fix the damage done in early childhood. She has to live with that forever. Extensive therapy can help but it will not restore the stable foundaion  that an unconditionally loving parent-child relationship creates in a human.

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The irony of a critic writing about the poet's job being telling people not just about themselves, but the world too, and then failing to see that Lana did *just that*. I am not an american, but I, too, am exhausted from viewing my life as a fulfilment of a social or professional role only, and wonder what is its meaning beyond that - and dabbling in astrology and mythology and sort of earthy metaphysics of everyday to counterbalance the invasive presence of late stage capitalism in my personal life. Also, ever since the let's call them center left middle class circles discovered socialist theory the spaces I occupy have become insufferable. Not them "educating" a minority on the injusticies of the system we live in. It feels like they are doing to allyship what they did to feminism... There is so much money to be made in teaching people how to be "better allies" or, you know, "their gorgeous most unique selves"... So, yeah, I, too, am slowly gravitating to what feels like a radical notion of believing in the good in me, in trusting my self, in being able to see someone else's humanity without outside input and control, and arriving at my own conclusions. And I'm not even touching on the dark matters Lana explored in "Violet..." - which are her personal experiences, but, once again, they resonate with so many people...

Then again, the way this critic drops "camp" and "satire" and "americana" left and right in her review reads like she first learned about camp in relation to last year's MET gala, and first learned about Lana in relation to NFR!'s universal critical acclaim.


There goes my first post (hi everyone!), and I really planned to write a detailed and thought-out review of "Violet..." for it, but eh not in this fandom :D  

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«Del Rey’s mistake is forgetting that part of being a poet is to tell us about the world, not just focus on herself.»


Someone shall explain the guardians writer that poets also have many personal poems about themselves and their love life. I’m Greek, and many Ancient Greek poets and writers rather than their famous work about life and etc, they do have written things about their love life and daily life. Thanks. Bye.

[Hold me, love me, touch me, lanadel.gif

honey, be the first who ever did]

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«Del Rey’s mistake is forgetting that part of being a poet is to tell us about the world, not just focus on herself.»


Someone shall explain the guardians writer that poets also have many personal poems about themselves and their love life. I’m Greek, and many Ancient Greek poets and writers rather than their famous work about life and etc, they do have written things about their love life and daily life. Thanks. Bye.

Has this person ever been in literature class??? I don't know where they got that idea that a poet should write about the world. Like she hasn't done that before in her music. Who ever wrote that review should find better arguments. It just seems like a joke and they just totally misunderstood the project. They can dislike it but at least try to write something that actually makes sense or go more in depth.

-Homeland of the Gods-

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Has this person ever been in literature class??? I don't know where they got that idea that a poet should write about the world. Like she hasn't done that before in her music. Who ever wrote that review should find better arguments. It just seems like a joke and they just totally misunderstood the project. They can dislike it but at least try to write something that actually makes sense or go more in depth.

We know long ago how supportive the guardian has been, so it’s no surprise.

[Hold me, love me, touch me, lanadel.gif

honey, be the first who ever did]

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Because it’s not an album, it’s an audiobook. It won’t be on Spotify :)


Probably because it’s going to charity, but idk. Some people have said audiobooks come out Spotify on Friday’s like a week or two after the initial release but idk bc I’ve never waited for one. Some people think it’ll go to streaming in October though when the physical copies are released. But they might wanna keep it exclusive since it’s connected to a charity though. I actually like that it’s exclusive to book apps atm though because it keeps the haters/trolls away unless they wanna pay for it.


ooh I see, thank you!


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The reviewer from The Guardian is a self-identifies socialist. She calls herself a socialist on her Twitter page.


(I’m a liberal democrat but I do not agree with socialism)


But I have to ask, why is The Guardian employing someone with a clear political bias and letting them review art? Her politics is anti-creativity as creativity is censured under socialism.


See I can’t take that review seriously as there is a clear bias. It’s not the media’s job to infuse their politics into reporting. That’s up to the viewer to decide. Granted bias is all over. FOX News is very bias and repeats whatever Trump says! lol


Having said this, most people are not so good at understanding poetry.

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The reviewer from The Guardian is a self-identifies socialist. She calls herself a socialist on her Twitter page.


(I’m a liberal democrat but I do not agree with socialism)


But I have to ask, why is The Guardian employing someone with a clear political bias and letting them review art? Her politics is anti-creativity as creativity is censured under socialism.


See I can’t take that review seriously as there is a clear bias. It’s not the media’s job to infuse their politics into reporting. That’s up to the viewer to decide. Granted bias is all over. FOX News is very bias and repeats whatever Trump says! lol


Having said this, most people are not so good at understanding poetry.

the fuck? people are allowed to identify as a socialist and review art

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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The reviewer from The Guardian is a self-identifies socialist. She calls herself a socialist on her Twitter page.


(I’m a liberal democrat but I do not agree with socialism)


But I have to ask, why is The Guardian employing someone with a clear political bias and letting them review art? Her politics is anti-creativity as creativity is censured under socialism.


See I can’t take that review seriously as there is a clear bias. It’s not the media’s job to infuse their politics into reporting. That’s up to the viewer to decide. Granted bias is all over. FOX News is very bias and repeats whatever Trump says! lol


Having said this, most people are not so good at understanding poetry.


 I don't think there is causation between being a socialist and being anti-creative. Kafka was a radical socialist and a creative

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the fuck? people are allowed to identify as a socialist and review art

What I’m pointing out is that reviewer probably has the kinds of views which would make her dislike Lana even before hearing what Lana has to offer. I’m saying that this person probably intended to give a negative review before even hearing any of this. A lot of reviewers pre-judge before writing the kind of review they know they will give. Beyoncé always gets glowing reviews, never a bad one. It’s safe to say that many of those critics probably decided to give Beyoncé a good review before even hearing anything.


Critics are supposed to be fair and reviews need to be rooted in some kind of intelligence which is free from biases. However this is not always the case. Some reviewers really like some artists and will ALWAYS give them a good review even if their work is mediocre. Others will give a negative review because they don’t like someone even though they know what the artist released was good.


Still most of the reviews Lana is getting are positive so I prefer to focus on that.

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