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Lana at her book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove in Los Angeles, CA - October 2nd, 2020

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Just now, UltraviolenceBaby said:

she should’ve sold them online like she used to do with her previous albums like it’s way better than selling 15 signed copies in a shop with risk


The only good thing I can say is that I love her outfit and hair. 


She looks like a really beautiful idiot. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Yikes. Definitely thought she would change into a proper mask for the event, but this is Lana we're talking about... I love her and her art, but my GOD this was a pretty selfish and/or tone-deaf thing to do. Hope she just keeps quiet for a bit, listens and then integrates what people are saying this time.

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Just now, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

Girl, she's going to double down just like she did when her typewritten manifesto got blasted. It's better for her to shut up before she makes an ass of herself again. The black community still hasn't forgiven her and I don't blame them. 

her getting that typewriter and then writing this poetry book which caused her to have this event and the post she wrote on a typewriter app...

the way i never want to see a typewriter again society progressed past the need for lana del rey typewriters (a long time ago actually)


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Patti Smith literally signs hundreds of her poetry books inside bookstores when it's closed at night. This way there are no customers in the store as she's signing. The next day the book stores announces the sign books and puts them on sale. That's how it done. This keeps everyone safe while getting their signed copy from Patti. Patti then reads and answers questions on Instagram from fans like she would do at a book signing. How hard is that for Lana to do? 




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39 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

Are there any other artists out there pulling this type o' shit rn (meet 'n' greets, etc)?


Genuine question because I'm not aware of any. 


No there aren't. Had Cardi, Megan Thee Stallion or Lizzo pulled something like this, they would have been fined by the health department. TMZ would be all over it. Lana's a very lucky white girl. 

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ughhh lana, why, i'm so tired of seeing her make questionable choices and getting herself dragged, this could of easily been avoided if she would of just worn a proper mask.


i guess i can't let this bother me too much, i'm not going to defend her, but i know that i still love her and her music, and i can't change her actions.


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18 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

Patti Smith literally signs hundreds of her poetry books inside bookstores when it's closed at night. This way there are no customers in the store as she's signing. The next day the book stores announces the sign books and puts them on sale. That's how it done. This keeps everyone safe while getting their signed copy from Patti. Patti then reads and answers questions on Instagram from fans like she would do at a book signing. How hard is that for Lana to do? 




Seriously why can't she just be sensible


We, as a community, could come up with some great questions instead of the generic surface-level I-just-skimmed-the-book type o' shit most of the people at that signing asked, and we will never get the chance. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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41 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

Patti Smith literally signs hundreds of her poetry books inside bookstores when it's closed at night. This way there are no customers in the store as she's signing. The next day the book stores announces the sign books and puts them on sale. That's how it done. This keeps everyone safe while getting their signed copy from Patti. Patti then reads and answers questions on Instagram from fans like she would do at a book signing. How hard is that for Lana to do? 






this sounds great but all of this requires effort and no not just from the people around her but also lana herself and that is something she very rarely served these past few eras (except for her art itself), some people have pointed that out quite a few times already that lana keeps behaving unprofessionally but a lot of her fans (and there’s plenty of those pseudo alternative-whatever u want to call them we-hate-taylor-swift-and-gaga-because-these-pop-stars-are-fake stans on here too) who kept praising lana for being lazy and half assed about almost every release in a good while because apparently that’s authenticity and “music not the bling”.


this goes hand in hand with people saying she needs a social media team and not manage it herself and that she needs to hire people around her comfort zone for things like touring and promo and yes we can see that lana does promote despite people saying she doesn’t, that pop-up shop she had was promo too or that little tour she did for lfl.. but the majority of it is always so badly planned and like effort that’s being directed into a dead-end alley that i don’t understand why she won’t put effort into things which .. would give her better promo than gifting her old clothes to the same group of people she sees at almost ever other LA-based event.


and well i won’t even go in depth about why the covid-party i mean the book signing wasn’t just a bad idea but catastrophic.

other than the writer you posted about taylor swift literally released an album and the entire campaign was run without her having to appear with fans anywhere and there were plenty of signed items that were shipped to indie stores without someone actively trying to group all of those people together in a small room at once. 



the fact that instead of a small quiet book roll out we got this mess after mess with the perfect timing of some major misstep happening right when people start(ed) to forget about the other shit she’s done this year is just the tip of the iceberg and ironically probably the best comedy for people like that one journalist she dm’d to fuck herself or other haters who have been coming for her for years, and all of this following the critically acclaimed and completely boring and uneventful NFR era.... a kii 


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6 minutes ago, Dyl said:

BRB hexing some b*tches. Dis tew much. 


this honestly really bothers me, they get the opportunity to meet lana del rey and have her signature in their book, but they just do it all for profit. i just think it's unfair, there's so many other fans who aren't able to attend these events, and they certainly won't be able to afford a book being sold for over 1k. but of course, it is their right to sell the book and that's their decision. 


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Part of the reason why I enjoy watching Lana as a person is because she doesn’t conform to industry expectations and ideals and is firm in her own beliefs. It would be really boring for me if she had a social media team and all of her posts were run of the mill. I know that it’s disappointing when she doesn't stick to her word when it comes to release dates etc but at the end of the day I don’t want an album that isn’t done from her or any other artist.  A lot of artists don’t even let you in on the fact that they’re preparing an album.  I think she knows exactly what she’s doing announcing her album titles so early keeping a constant anticipation from listeners who really enjoy her.  She doesn’t actually owe her fans anything, we are all here by choice and it’s depressing seeing people get upset over a popular artist not releasing an album quick enough for them.  


If she is tested negative as Chuck said and is showing up wearing a mask she thinks is beautiful then it’s really her prerogative and only putting herself at risk, she is entitled to do so whether it’s a bad look or not.  I think she has made it abundantly clear over the years that when it comes to people having a say on what she does or says- she doesn’t care in the slightest.  She is living for herself.  At times her communication isn’t constructed with any tact but anyone with the brain capacity to extend their thoughts a bit further than the surface can read between the lines and understand what she’s getting at.  

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Ngl I’m a little concerned about her. Not suggesting she’s suffering from mental health issues but her behavior is out of character and just weird imo. Idk maybe she’s fine but something bothers me about all this self-inflicted controversy.

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55 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:


No there aren't. Had Cardi, Megan Thee Stallion or Lizzo pulled something like this, they would have been fined by the health department. TMZ would be all over it. Lana's a very lucky white girl. 

honestly yeah this is basically what it boils down to :toofunny: i'm not even sure why I'm surprised that she's behaving this way after question for the culture (especially after calling out FKA's pole dancing for literally no reason other than to be annoying) or her driving with her foot on the dash on a windy ass road. i can appreciate that she's *not conforming to industry standards* but it's a bit much honey, and at the end of the day it just looks like ignorant white teenage girl shit. this isn't really an artsy, empowering thing, she's putting people's lives in danger to promote a poetry book lol


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9 minutes ago, COLACNT said:

dumb cunt 


anyway anyone have the livestream video from chuck? where she was talking and answering questions 




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