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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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The fact we probably won't have an album trailer




"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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5 hours ago, LanasLeftCheekFiller said:

Watching the chemtrails over the country club like  image0.gif   It's March n the wait is almost over what a time to be alive :wowcry:



I am here to talk about this gif


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57 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

Wait... she performed BUS on stage for the Norman tour, right...? My memory is so bad, she did so many duettes during that tour that I only remember 2 or 3 of them.

it was written with Nikki Lane during the NFR tour. first time they actually performed it was last October in Texas

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Personally i won’t be listening to leaks this era... or even snippets at that. I’ve been patient this time around and for some reason I feel that it’s gonna pay off this time around? :cryney2:



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15 minutes ago, kitschesque said:



I am here to talk about this gif

While I would love to fall into deep conversations discussing my works of art, sadly I'm afraid the COCC Pre-Release Thread isn't the right place to do so unless we want WPs :poordat:


Edit: I don't see an album trailer coming with her wanting to keep the album release low-key n all that but I'm hoping I'm wrong on this one :cryney:


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36 minutes ago, Lustformoney said:

some lana stan gay from twitter started harassing that dude and when he told him to fuck off, he attacked him on dms


Ew I just found the thread.. why are they like this :awkney2: All of it is really uncalled for and disrespectful. They need to leave him alone. 



𐌔Ꝋ𐌋ᕓ𐌄 𐌄𐌕 𐌂Ꝋ𐌀Ᏽ𐌵𐌋𐌀

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I was listening to Venice Bitch again for the first time  since months & I can see TJF sounding a little bit similar to it at some parts based on the credits. In VB some parts are acoustic guitar & synths with a "lowkey" drum in the back. TJF could also have a part with a lot of acoustic guitar & synths  but just with percussion and more present drums. Like a mix of CG & VB...maybe that's what the reviewer meant with " TJF having an ethereal NFR sound":oprah2:

Suddenly I'm so excited for TJF & the TJF snippet has actually bass in it...we are not ready..stay close to Jesus Guys:trisha:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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1 minute ago, peachlipgloss said:

sooo manifesting white dress today right besties

I think Eclipse would have already said something if it was gonna be a Monday release like COCC 


Tomorrow it is :ma:

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“where’s the album trailer?” “forget the album WHERE IS THE ALBUM TRAILER????”




also we already have it..



throwback to when lana posted it we were all so happy that day, it’s actually hard to even imagine how AMAZING THINGS WOULD BECOME


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