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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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30 minutes ago, Bunny Mozart said:

Yeah a tour in the UK wouldn't be the best imo. Our numbers of cases seem to be going up each day :bebe:

This isn’t true, our cases are down to like 4000 a day when at one point they were 50,000 a day. Plus only 50 people died yesterday, the end is in sight. 

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I can't wait for Grammy's 2022 SWEEP 

Album of the Year

Chemtrails Over The Country Club

Song of the Year

White Dress

Pop Duo/Group Performance

Breaking Up Slowly (feat. Nikki Lane)

Best Dance Recording

Tulsa Jesus Freak

Best Spoken Word Album

Behind the Iron Gates



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okay so i found another thing that's interesting to me, this time about White Dress


i think it would've been a great song to end the album on, BUT i think using it as an album opener is really cool too bc of the lyrics that are shared between that song and NFR, which is the album opening on NFR. she says on NFR, "your head in your hands as your color me blue" and on WD she says "sun stare don't care with my head in my hands thinking of a simpler time"


just small details like that that make sense really scratches an itch i didn't have and it feels so fucking good


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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3 minutes ago, VeniceBiatch said:

I can't wait for Grammy's 2022 SWEEP 

Album of the Year

Chemtrails Over The Country Club

Song of the Year

White Dress

Pop Duo/Group Performance

Breaking Up Slowly (feat. Nikki Lane)

Best Dance Recording

Tulsa Jesus Freak

Best Spoken Word Album

Behind the Iron Gates



sure now let's get you to be bed grandma 

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I hate that I care so much about reviews. That’s got me on the edge of my seat. I know I love the album. I know it’s largely divisive. 


It  divides those of us who have taste from those of us who do not. :hooker:

Now I just wanna know what its album of the year critic and user score will be once it’s been out for a week. :trisha:


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10 minutes ago, katebusho said:


sure now let's get you to be bed grandma 


and then she'll do a live performance of Tulsa Jesus Freak with choreography, back-up dancers, outfit changes, a high-budget set


you know it's true stop SILENCING me :lange: 


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30 minutes ago, VeniceBiatch said:

I can't wait for Grammy's 2022 SWEEP 

Album of the Year

Chemtrails Over The Country Club

Song of the Year

White Dress

Pop Duo/Group Performance

Breaking Up Slowly (feat. Nikki Lane)

Best Dance Recording

Tulsa Jesus Freak

Best Spoken Word Album

Behind the Iron Gates


The way Billie will win all these over Lana for her reductive sound. 

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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I can't believe the album is coming this week, my ears are screaming for new music :cryney2:

1.jpg  3.jpg  2.jpg 

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49 minutes ago, jordo017 said:
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Does anyone else hear a deep, creepy-ish "wander" vocal at 2:26 and 3:24ish in NAWWAL? I can only hear it when I'm listening with my airpods in but it scared the shit out of me when I first heard it. Kind of a fun witchy nugget in such a pretty song. 




I think that’s just the sound of fingers sliding on a guitar neck but it almost registers as a bird chirp or something haha :agree:



Omg birdworld:wat:



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this might be an unpopular opinion but if she performed any of these songs live or livestreamed or whatever i'd kinda want it to be intimate, nothing too snazzy, kinda like the lmlylaw performance but even more low key and not have such intense lighting. more mood lighting more mood more quiet soft energy overall. i want to feel like we're in a small local bar with her in the midwest or nyc with a quiet crowd who just watches in awe giphy.gif or a performance AT yosemite i'd take that too



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16 minutes ago, LemonadeHeavens said:

the fact that we’ll have a new pre-release thread after this album’s official release :cryney2: this pre-release era was iconic and i’m excited to speculate in the upcoming pre-release thread for ldr8, her angry country magnum opus :legend: 

I'm really gonna get the diss album I hoped for! :trisha:

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