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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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13 minutes ago, TheSwaggerAndTheLips said:

gotta say, she sounds a little bit...out there in this interview lol.


The thing about I've come to realize about Lana, since the early days (and confirmed with everything she's done since), is that she genuinely is (her words) crazy. As are most of us on here, which is why we love her. We get her. She's 100% out there, even when she tries to go to church, or hangs with a bunch of boring LA yoga girls, or dates a cop in Oklahoma. She never fits in, and she never will, because she's a drifter, always searching for something. She thinks differently.


But the beauty of her life and art is that she gets to channel that into music, with albums serving as chapters. 


Back to your original point, though - it IS hilarious how the first page of the interview we got hides how angry / intense she is in the following pages, hahaha.


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1 minute ago, California said:

I just don't see how Lana's publishers would want her to release a record close to when her book is coming out. The pessimist in me still thinks October.

That's why September 18th it's the perfect date. By the time Violet comes out I don't think Lana would be doing much promo for the album anymore. Anyway, I don't think a book and an album can't be released close to each other, I mean, they are pretty different things, and with the audiobook out already I don't think people would get confused


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2 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

I loved the interview but idk why I feel like Jack isn’t as hyped about this album as he was for NFR. Maybe I’m just reading into things too much though. 

because he knows her conspiracy theorist ass is going to get cancelled again


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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2 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

I loved the interview but idk why I feel like Jack isn’t as hyped about this album as he was for NFR. Maybe I’m just reading into things too much though. 

Probably cuz he’s the one interviewing her, and he already knows everything so he feels like he’s on this ice with what he says, since it is a phone interview . He seems like he could be a nervous wreck at times lol

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1 minute ago, MAX DEL REY said:

Lana getting back at people that claim she's just feigning emotional fragility by saying "Well, not really. You're feigning emotional togetherness despite the fact that you're a wack-job Monday through Friday." Is the mental health awareness quote I didn't even know I needed up until now. You go Lanz.

I hope she brought this wokeness and discussion to the album! 

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4 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

I loved the interview but idk why I feel like Jack isn’t as hyped about this album as he was for NFR. Maybe I’m just reading into things too much though. 

She actually made him play more than one instrument this time


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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3 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

I loved the interview but idk why I feel like Jack isn’t as hyped about this album as he was for NFR. Maybe I’m just reading into things too much though. 

I think he's just that way. He has not talked much about folklore either, for example. 

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15 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

But she said it's done. Maybe she puts Dealer in it, but the other songs are done

She said it was done in July, but we know it didn't come out today, and that we are going to hear LMLYLAW and she expressed that while it was 'done' she still felt it could be better, hence the mention of maybe adding one more song or something (like Dealer)


It's totally possible it was done in July and set for Sept. 5th honestly, but that she decided to add a new song, or change things around, hence the fuzziness about the date now.

If it was still in sept, but not the 5th I really can't see why she wouldn't just say, and that date was probably actually intended at some point. I don't think they have a concrete date atm, they just know LMLYLAW is a promo single and theres a video for COCC title track that was just shot and filmed that will come out around the time of the album itself. 

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5 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

I loved the interview but idk why I feel like Jack isn’t as hyped about this album as he was for NFR. Maybe I’m just reading into things too much though. 

Maybe he read J*red's e-mails :oopna2:


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9 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

I loved the interview but idk why I feel like Jack isn’t as hyped about this album as he was for NFR. Maybe I’m just reading into things too much though. 


I didn't really pick up on that. They only talked about 2 songs, which may be intentional (1 of which not even confirmed to be on the album). Plus he said he wondered if they'd be making records next year in another state. So I doubt it. He spends most of the interview praising her and the way she thinks. I like their chemistry.


I also think he might be apprehensive to publicly co-sign on some of Lana's more blunt, unfiltered, non-PC statements. :godlaugh:

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listening to Violet bent backwards...



i need this album 


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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1 minute ago, past the bushes said:

Maybe he read J*red's e-mails :oopna2:

maybe he doesn't have to explain and oversell it cuz it's gonna be an unprecedented carnage when we hear homegirl woke ass yelling about mental health, hypocrisy, social disconnect, her private life while serving trippy, genre-bending, glam art pop with folk, hip hop and grunge influences 

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I think Violet is the weirdest album she's made so far (I consider it an album for multiple reasons, if not on the same level as her others, if that makes sense). I love that it seems she's building off of that mindset - I hope Jack builds off of it too, sonically. I want them to go down the rabbit hole, I guess. 

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