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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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1 minute ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

St.Vincent is releasing her Jack single from her new album on March 5. Since I’m desperate and want to see things that aren’t necessarily there, it’s IMPOSSiBLE (cough cough) that Lana will release WD on March 5, therefore we’re definitely getting it next Friday. 


i'm pretty sure eclipse recently confirmed that it's going to be released on february 26th

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12 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

St.Vincent is releasing her Jack single from her new album on March 5. Since I’m desperate and want to see things that aren’t necessarily there, it’s IMPOSSiBLE (cough cough) that Lana will release WD on March 5, therefore we’re definitely getting it next Friday. 


Edit. I'm shaking 

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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6 minutes ago, LemonadeHeavens said:


i'm pretty sure eclipse recently confirmed that it's going to be released on february 26th

It is almost 100% sure if Eclipse and fnd confirm it... unless she pulls out a « The Greatest / FIILY » and decides to change the release date last minute for a standalone single. And we all know how well that turned out last time ?

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biVPvOO.jpg Haiii... I just made a full HQ edit (not just face upscale / no grain) for "Chemtrails Over The Country Club" - Alternate cover.

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

                                      Pokemon Eevee GIF - Pokemon Eevee Flower - Discover & Share GIFs                                   evee-dancing.gif

Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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Tom March, executive director of 'Polydor', Lana Del Rey's record label for the United States, says that Lana Del Rey's new album is phenomenal and meets (and a lot of) fan demands. The executive said that there are many strategies yet to come in the promotion of the album


Tom March, director of 'Polydor' said that 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' is already an instant success and represents the BIGGEST release by Lana Del Rey in years. In the UK, the record had almost twice as much pre-sales as 'NFR!'


Tom also said that Lana Del Rey is an example within the marketing strategies of record labels, because even though she has a 10-year career and going to the seventh album, her audience remains between 15-22 years old, which makes her be great in streams.


From: https://twitter.com/LDRaddic

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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Just now, lustforlife said:


Tom March, executive director of 'Polydor', Lana Del Rey's record label for the United States, says that Lana Del Rey's new album is phenomenal and meets (and a lot of) fan demands. The executive said that there are many strategies yet to come in the promotion of the album


Tom March, director of 'Polydor' said that 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' is already an instant success and represents the BIGGEST release by Lana Del Rey in years. In the UK, the record had almost twice as much pre-sales as 'NFR!'


Tom also said that Lana Del Rey is an example within the marketing strategies of record labels, because even though she has a 10-year career and going to the seventh album, her audience remains between 15-22 years old, which makes her be great in streams.


From: https://twitter.com/LDRaddic

absolute queen shit omfg

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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Now that we found out the famous ig post ‘Contemplating at Costco the Santa Clarita fires’ meant ‘contemplating God...’

..Which other tracks of the album do you think will reference these iconic quotes?

-Sand on my lips & sunspots

-Make up for hiking



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2 minutes ago, lustforlife said:

Tom March, director of 'Polydor' said that 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' is already an instant success and represents the BIGGEST release by Lana Del Rey in years. In the UK, the record had almost twice as much pre-sales as 'NFR!'

wha- i literally thought that cocc is tanking:tommy: like nobody is talking about it except for the fans

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3 minutes ago, lustforlife said:


Tom March, executive director of 'Polydor', Lana Del Rey's record label for the United States, says that Lana Del Rey's new album is phenomenal and meets (and a lot of) fan demands. The executive said that there are many strategies yet to come in the promotion of the album


Tom March, director of 'Polydor' said that 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' is already an instant success and represents the BIGGEST release by Lana Del Rey in years. In the UK, the record had almost twice as much pre-sales as 'NFR!'


Tom also said that Lana Del Rey is an example within the marketing strategies of record labels, because even though she has a 10-year career and going to the seventh album, her audience remains between 15-22 years old, which makes her be great in streams.


From: https://twitter.com/LDRaddic

Their source: trust me bro

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2 minutes ago, lustforlife said:


Tom March, executive director of 'Polydor', Lana Del Rey's record label for the United States, says that Lana Del Rey's new album is phenomenal and meets (and a lot of) fan demands. The executive said that there are many strategies yet to come in the promotion of the album


Tom March, director of 'Polydor' said that 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' is already an instant success and represents the BIGGEST release by Lana Del Rey in years. In the UK, the record had almost twice as much pre-sales as 'NFR!'


Tom also said that Lana Del Rey is an example within the marketing strategies of record labels, because even though she has a 10-year career and going to the seventh album, her audience remains between 15-22 years old, which makes her be great in streams.


From: https://twitter.com/LDRaddic


reworked psychedelic surf rock version of boom like that for the deluxe edition confirmed!

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2 minutes ago, lustforlife said:


Tom March, executive director of 'Polydor', Lana Del Rey's record label for the United States, says that Lana Del Rey's new album is phenomenal and meets (and a lot of) fan demands. The executive said that there are many strategies yet to come in the promotion of the album


Tom March, director of 'Polydor' said that 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' is already an instant success and represents the BIGGEST release by Lana Del Rey in years. In the UK, the record had almost twice as much pre-sales as 'NFR!'


Tom also said that Lana Del Rey is an example within the marketing strategies of record labels, because even though she has a 10-year career and going to the seventh album, her audience remains between 15-22 years old, which makes her be great in streams.


From: https://twitter.com/LDRaddic

this is gonna sound horrible but I just really can't imagine some 15 year olds going hard on some of Lana's stuff like- this is some Andi Mac sh but good luck to them tenor.gif


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