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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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im curious: did anyone guess something about nfr in the pre-release thread? if so maybe we can guess something about cotcc

Well with almost a year of pre-release, it went everywhere and there were a lot of back and forth on everything. I thought BAR was buried and dead and that Yosemite had a better chance.

However, two of my predictions happened : all the songs she teased with a snippet ended up On NFR and that there would only be a couple of songs (like 2 or 3) that are like VB (Namely CG and FIILY). Other than that, someone predicted the green vinyl, the BAR lovers were right (but ultimately deceived with the final song)... Did someone predict Doin Time would end up on NFR? The vast majority didn’t think so... There was also the fear that the cover would be a selfie or a ugly ass picture by Chuck (I personally love the cover and didn’t think it would be that « finished »).

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Well with almost a year of pre-release, it went everywhere and there were a lot of back and forth on everything. I thought BAR was buried and dead and that Yosemite had a better chance.

However, two of my predictions happened : all the songs she teased with a snippet ended up On NFR and that there would only be a couple of songs (like 2 or 3) that are like VB (Namely CG and FIILY). Other than that, someone predicted the green vinyl, the BAR lovers were right (but ultimately deceived with the final song)... Did someone predict Doin Time would end up on NFR? The vast majority didn’t think so... There was also the fear that the cover would be a selfie or a ugly ass picture by Chuck (I personally love the cover and didn’t think it would be that « finished »).

we started the thread, got the green vinyl, and the pink one too. this and the lemon teasing. it honestly just feels surreal 


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im curious: did anyone guess something about nfr in the pre-release thread? if so maybe we can guess something about cotcc

I remember posting that BAR will NEVER EVER make it to any album in any form on the day the NFR tracklist was announced  :toofloppy:  :toofunny:  :rip:

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Why i feel like this album won’t be out on that date

Like logically she didn’t even release a freaking single song



Ps guys this is completely off topic but im so sick of looking

if anyone of you have the lana lyrics green book pls send me a msg

I’m willing to pay a very good dosh $$$$


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Why i feel like this album won’t be out on that date

Like logically she didn’t even release a freaking single song




Well, HM didn't have its first lead before August for a Sept 18-19 release... (okay, she teased the title track in June and it was on her YouTube channel in July). 

I'm not sure we're getting a single with COCC. To me, this is her version of a «surprise» release: we're heard nothing of the damn thing before it's out. 

If we do get one, somewhere in July? At the moment, and for a couple of weeks still, i don't see new music being released by a US artist being a good strategy (imagine if she wanted White Hot Forever to be the lead because it sounds summery  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny: )

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Lead single this Friday.

Pre Order Aug 14/Aug21.

Title track on Aug 28

Album on Sep 5.


Few more additional songs/short EP in October.. since album would have been finished before she could record certain songs regarding QUESTION OF THE CULTUREA MOOD thoughts. Or maybe she had already detailed them in the new record. And it was a sign for us to understand that the record might contain those elements. So yep. There was no other reason to bring it up so suddenly. All those women didnt have hits or success during these 3 months. And she was very very friendly with that HIGHPITCH AH AHHH PONYTAIL BARBI grande girl in Jan.


Soooo the songs might be directed at the hypocrisy of the industry and might throw shade on few people out there.


Expecting a song on GEZ.

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Well, HM didn't have its first lead before August for a Sept 18-19 release... (okay, she teased the title track in June and it was on her YouTube channel in July). 

I'm not sure we're getting a single with COCC. To me, this is her version of a «surprise» release: we're heard nothing of the damn thing before it's out. 

If we do get one, somewhere in July? At the moment, and for a couple of weeks still, i don't see new music being released by a US artist being a good strategy (imagine if she wanted White Hot Forever to be the lead because it sounds summery  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny: )


Imagine she would really  release White Hot Forever in the next few weeks ..the drama would be real again :scoff: !! I would move into a cabin in the woods with no internet connection bc I can't take another drama...May was already  hard enough to be a Lana Stan :rip: :toofunny: :rollin:

Hope we get no single before July and if we would get no single before September it would be totally fine..



"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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i predict that this album will be somewhat similar to nfr, but with more exciting production and instrumentals, in the same vein as california, and the patent leather do over poem. i also think i'm gonna enjoy this album more than nfr. 

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I'm sure it's coming September 5. :D

I’m with you on that one. Her precise dates come through.

There is the Jan 4 release date of Violet... but was it an Interscope related project at that moment? She described it as « rough and unpolished » (or something like that)... and now we know Jack is involved: she clearly reworked the damn thing and maybe brought Interscope on board as well.

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it will probably not get pushed back since she’s had like since june last year to start writing new material so from june to august she had to have written at least one or two songs from cocc (she said she never releases an album if she doesn’t have an opener and closer for the next one which means she alluded to cocc already having 2 songs back in october) and between august and today she’s been in a relationship, toured, suffered a break up, quarantined and most recently suffered major backlash (that everyone forgot about in a week and a half) so it’s safe to say all her creative juices were and maybe still are flowing.. ladies and gents its happening! :flutter:

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imagine: after 3 months of silence from lana we are all crippling with anxiousness but its finally september 4th... lana has not said one thing about the album... we all assume this is on purpose because its a surprise... the clock hits midnight... no album... only crickets

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