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Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Chemtrails Over the Country Club  

882 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Chemtrails Over the Country Club?

    • White Dress
    • Chemtrails Over the Country Club
    • Tulsa Jesus Freak
    • Let Me Love You Like a Woman
    • Wild at Heart
    • Dark But Just a Game
    • Not All Who Wander Are Lost
    • Yosemite
    • Breaking Up Slowly
    • Dance Till We Die
    • For Free

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In the wake of Blue Banisters release, I just wanna remind my sweet honey baby Chemtrails how fundamental and important it was to me and to not get lost in between the colossal response towards NFR and my excitement over BB.


This album got released at the beginning of the peak of a short but intense relationship that I got myself early on this year and that would eventually come to an end in the dead of summer. It witnessed and documented everything. Let Me Love You Like a Woman was the song that came on the radio in the cab I took home from the very first date we had. Tulsa Jesus Freak was played a lot in this fancy hotel room we both once rented to get a little piece of paradise right in the middle of our city, close to everything but just as away and above. I would frenetically hit the repeat button on Dark But Just a Game on my fifteen minutes walk from my place to his as the sun would set and drench its dying light all over town - which at the time made me strut through the streets in such a confident, poignant way. I remember how Wild at Heart was a huge favorite of both of us and how we would sing along to it alongside our friends. There’s this very specific April morning, when I got to visit his hometown, where I was standing in his front porch and while everyone was inside sleeping, I was alone listening to Not All Who Wander Are Lost and thinking how lucky I was to be that much of in love - I would also cite it everytime he would feel lost or aimless about his life choices, to remind him that sometimes the destination isn’t that important but the journey to get there, can be. Car rides where the Dance Till We Die bridge would be making the speakers tremble. Murmuring Yosemite every time I would take a couple more minutes to fall asleep than him. 


And eventually, after the break up, listening to White Dress in my long walks in the parks and thinking how everything that happened over the course of those strange, dizzying, mesmerizing six months made me feel like a god, even if now I’m left wondering if maybe I was better off…


It’s a very special album to me - and one that, after revisiting it for the first time in some weeks, welcomed me back with a warm embrace. I’ll always be thankful for it.




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I was right about how I would def like this album more once it isn’t the “new Lana album” anymore. It’s such a gorgeous album, it’s just not as exciting as some of her previous albums, and it doesn’t have to be. It’s so perfect for the right situations.


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Chemtrails (song) hits so much harder when you go from being a messy, wild and alcoholic teen to being a fully fledged adult living a normal 9-5 day to day life . Especially the verse:

”it’s beautiful, how this deep normality settles down over me, I’m not bored or unhappy, im still so strange and wild” as if seeking comfort in finally slowing down in life and getting your shit together but also remembering that there’s still a part of you that is wild, young and capable of going batshit crazy :oprah2: 


as a whole the album is pretty average but this song is GOD tier lana.. it’s true


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I love CoCC so much, I think it’s actually one of my favourite Lana albums, I’m shocked tbh

Other than the songs - I love most of the songs tbh

The whole album just reminds me of a cold turning warm time that is lovely to be transported to when I listen to it

Idk think that makes sense ahaha


I mean, Lana’s albums kinda sit in a pocket of my life that reminds me of something when I listen to them

and idk if it’s the escapist feeling she’s created on CoCC but this one sits so well in a time for me where everything was feeling chaotic but was also beginning to slow down and I was reaching the light at the end of a tunnel


Whenever I listen to it, i get that feeling~
I don’t mean to be so dramatic ahaha


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Can someone help me ? 


I remember before the release of chemtrails there was a tracklist with songs like 

Grenadine quarantine

If this is the end I want a boyfriend .


I just want to find it and see what the original chemtrails would sound like . 

Thank you 

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2 hours ago, NoSalvation77 said:

Can someone help me ? 


I remember before the release of chemtrails there was a tracklist with songs like 

Grenadine quarantine

If this is the end I want a boyfriend .


I just want to find it and see what the original chemtrails would sound like . 

Thank you 


it wasn't really a "tracklist" it was a screenshot of her voice notes which had two titled "if this is the end - i want a boyfriend" & "grenadine quarantine"

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I was one of the biggest Chemtrails haters a few months ago bc it had too many fillers imo. However in the past month or so the album grew soo much on me. I realized that the biggest part why I hated this album was actually the physical release. I got every single version of Chemtrails on vinyl and every vinyl sounds awful. When I played the songs in my head I only heard the flaws of the vinyl pressings and was annoyed. Also the cover and visuals for this album are her worst. This was def a new low and very lazy. But now that I'm over all these things I started appreciating the album a lot more and it has some of Lana's best songs: Dark, Wander, Tusla Jesus Freak, Dance Till We Die and the title track. Also the video for Chemtrails is her best video since her debut era. I am not even sure if I like Blue Banisters much more than Chemtrails which is crazy considering how much I love that album. Anyway I still have my hopes up we'll get a good sounding vinyl for RSD Black Friday next month. Fingers crossed. :pray2:


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26 minutes ago, Shanice Jones said:

Well, I think everybody knows Yes to Heaven was meant for COCC, I want to include it in my library, so, in which part of the tracklist would you place it?

That depends on the production. Which demo are you using?

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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This is a truly special album to me, and like said above, I just wanted to appreciate it in between the massive adoration I have towards Norman and Blue Banisters. Chemtrails is an album perfect for after a long day of work and you just want to escape. It's almost magical in the way it presents imagery of the West and traveling to places where you can escape all of the noise of a 9 to 5 life. 


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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Hear me out on this one:


1. White Dress

2. Chemtrails Over the Country Club

3. Tulsa Jesus Freak

4. Let Me Love You Like a Woman

5. You Must Love Me (from Evita)

6. Wild at Heart

7. Not All Who Wander Are Lost

8. Wild One (Version 2)

9. Say Yes to Heaven (Version 5)

10. Angels Forever, Forever Angels

11. Dark But Just a Game

12. Arcadia

13. For Free

14. Cherry Blossom

15. Fine China


i know how it looks but just listen to it in this order it totally makes sense loll



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Listening again to this album after quite some time without doing it. Definetly her simplest, most tender and lighthearted album. So beautiful its just absurd. As a long, narrative, calming lullaby. Thanks for your work, your love and your vision, Lana.

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To echo other comments, I do hope she gets some accolades for this album, because I think that while the album suffered from the same flaws as 'NFR!' did (imho at least); it was actually a nice, personal and humble project. 'White Dress' has become one of my all time favourite of hers.

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