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Blue Banisters [MUSIC VIDEO]

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Why are Niko & Topanga not in the music video?:judgingu:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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2 minutes ago, Dealer Boulevard said:

Why are Niko & Topanga not in the music video?:judgingu:

They are so iconic Lana can't afford to have them on a MV, so she went for it with M*x :true:

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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Just now, Surf Noir said:

in 2024 lana will upload the homemade music video of blue banisters to her "uhauljoe" channel and it'll be clips of nikki lane & jenny jumping into lana's swimming pool, that's it, just nikki & jenny jumping into lana's swimming pool :true: 

It ends with a close up shot of their feet as they dog paddle because it was directed by Clay :true: 


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Just now, Super Movie said:

It ends with a close up shot of their feet as they dog paddle because it was directed by Clay :true: 


i've heard that the homemade wildflower wildfire homemade music video (also directed by clay) is lana sticking wildflowers inbetween her toes :hdu: 


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1 minute ago, Surf Noir said:


i've heard that the homemade wildflower wildfire homemade music video (also directed by clay) is lana sticking wildflowers inbetween her toes :hdu: 

There's also a rumor about a Clay-directed Text Book video where she flips the pages of a text book with her toes  :creep:


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craig posted that in the beggining of bb era and notice the white fences on the background, its lana's backyard just like bb. Maybe it's the behind the scenes of bb mv ooooor the fourth mv :flutter:


*:・゚✧:・゚✧ i catch you on the flipside ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 

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Chuck’s post about the video -



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2 hours ago, CmonDownToFL said:

I love the video, it’s so cute. Lana looks beautiful and chuck looks so cute with her belly. I wish it was only them two cause the other two rascals seemed out of place, specially the backup dancer :biblio: but it was cute nonetheless. I wonder if we’ll ever get to see the other one she did with play-doh 


wish Lana was wearing chuck’s dress, the long one with the off the shoulder sleeves. That dress is gorgeous but also it looked so cute on chuck being as she was pregart

alex's presence always has you guys seething :toofunny: she's not just the back up dancer.. she's lana's friend so it's completely normal that she's around her all the time

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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Can't really form a proper opinion so here are some random thoughts.

  • Kinda pointless but very beautiful, and suits the song very well.
  • She looks gorgeous. 
  • It would have been more powerful if we had seen Lana standing looking into the horizon by herself, and then be joined by Alex and Chuck. If these women in Lana's life are the fighting frontier against her broken heart there should have been some more symbolic emphasis on how they bring her back every time. 
  • Don't you think it would be more interesting if, when Lana, Chuck and Alex were looking off in the disatance, it panned to some kind of catastrophic disaster, such as the fires, or the darker lightning.
  • The tractor thumbs up! Iconic.
  • I thought this would have more friends in it! I like when she hopped off the tractor and there were people walking behind her.
  • Best part is Lana and Chuck cooking, I actually got goosebumps during the second pre-chorus. "Scared of the Santa Clarita fires . . ."
  • Did her cats pokevolve into dogs. Where are the cats.
  • I think Lana either needs acting lessons, or a proper director because the breaking into smiles is fine but she does it all over the place and there seems to be no gravtias when she is feeling down since the remedy is immediate. 
  • Why isn't the epinonymous Nikki Lane in this LMAOOO.
  • Miles better than the video for White Dress (this point might seem kinda random, but since they're both about a personal perspective)

Overall I like it, I've seen it a few times now, it ameliorates the song for me, and makes me appreciate the lyrics which I didn't really like before now. 


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