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Doll Harlow

Which Lana songs can you not listen to for reasons other than not liking them?

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I rarely listen to Terrence Loves You because it makes me want to cry.ย 

Video Gamesย and Changeย are also heavy listens. They both remind me of what I miss having in my life and also how I'm not where I want to be anymore.


What are your picks?

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Old Money, because it brings me to tears.ย :delish:

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When COCC came out I had ear issues (late 2020-early 2021 were a Weird period of time for my hearing it was a whole journey) and certain specific sounds would triggerย tinnitus & for some reason I had that with Wild at Heart, especially during the outro like jfc i was hearing all types of WEEEEE sounds in my right ear during that & the louder she got the louder the ringing got. It was driving me insane lol so now I absolutely hate that song, even tho I don't have that issue anymore. It makes me want to throw up. Trumatic truly.


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Hope is a Dangerous Thing 100%. I really have to be in the mood for that song to listen to it, it's gut-wrenchingly beautiful and makes me quite emotional


Edit: I can't believe I forgot my biggest one - How To Disappear. I once said something super cringey to a friend while we were listening to that song, and now every time I hear it, my skin crawls because I think of that embarrassing moment.ย 

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The TNBARย demo because I have such negative memories associated with the track ย & its sentiments. Put men in cages challengeย 

โ€œโ€ฆand this is all I looked for all my life โ€“ to be able to give of my love, my spontaneous joy, unreservedly, with no fear ofโ€ฆmisuse, betrayal.โ€
Sylvia Plathย 

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Iโ€™ve mostly worked past it but the whole LFL album used to be a prettyย heavy/difficult listen for me. It came out maybe a year or so before what was probably the worst time of my life in terms of mental health (depression & anxiety plus dating an abusive parter with addiction issues). It was kind of a comfort album during that time and after it was all over, though I still quite liked the album, I just couldnโ€™t make it all the way throughย most of the time. Particular sore spots were TNC, Heroin, and Change


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2 hours ago, PatentLeatherDoOver said:

The TNBARย demo because I have such negative memories associated with the track ย & its sentiments. Put men in cages challengeย 

I LOVE IT but HATE THE DEMO because I made the demo all about EVIL CRUSH, and the album version is for me about the best guy I know haha


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Honestly I avoid most of UV. Is it great art? Yes. But I do NOT need to be in the headspace on the daily. It alonside Live Through This and In Utero are albums that saved my life, and were deeply important to me at a time I needed them, but also are no longer energetically a match for me. I can listen to a specific song occasionally, but no listening to the entire albums screaming along many times a day like it's my senior year of high school again


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The fullย Honeymoonย album is something I've been playing less and less because it kinda puts me in an emotional landscape I'm trying to avoid right now - it does make me remember about *happier* times in my life and I think right now I just can't take it. Hopefully when I'm in myย Yosemiteย era I'll be able to enjoy it better again.

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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flipside and put me in a movie because of past relationships but I got over and I'm fine with these again

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