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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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If this takes off, which I’m counting on since Clean Bandit’s last like 6 singles have all been hits in the uk. When I worked in retail their singles would come on the radio like 10 times in a 4 hour shift. I hope Marina’s team are prepared because this is perfect opportunity for her to return and start her new era if Baby takes off.

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I noticed that Baby is credited to Marina and the Diamonds, not Marina, on spotify




I'm 90% sure she will still be Marina and the Diamonds officially, because there are other artists with the name Marina and she is already registered as MATD everywhere. She will tour and refer to herself as Marina tho.

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love the song, but does the beginning seem a little awkward to anyone else? I feel like the lead up to the first chorus could have been done better but the rest of the song makes up for it imo



it was originally v different but they scrapped it for... some reason?


Anyway Baby is a cute song and you can clearly see that it's generally higher in quality than classic latinos song. Luis is useless as fuck and he can't sing for shit, the autotune is horrible and the only way autotune goes on a marina song is if it belongs to MvS EP. 

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