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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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4 hours ago, Angelic Tropico said:

It’s amazing that society is slowly becoming more sensitive to mental health issues and I know that PTP is in Britney’s defence but that line was harsh. Britney’s breakdown was a personal tragedy where she almost lost her life, almost leaving her kids motherless. She’s still facing the consequences for her breakdown to this day and still gets abuse from it. It’s not appropriate to write about it in such an on-the-nose way especially when it’s common knowledge (and common sense) that Britney doesn’t like people bringing it up.

What if Marina was writing a song about how horrible depression is and she wrote “?Kurt blew his brains, leaving his kid fatherless, la la la la la ?”. Or what if she was writing a song about the effects of the media and wrote “? Amy, drunk and anorexic, la la la ?”. You just don’t write about things like that. Maybe if it was more metaphorical or abstract then it’d be alright but not so in your face.

Obviously, I don’t think that Marina should get any hate. I know her intentions were pure but it was just another tone-deaf moment imo

I see your point, but honestly isn't the line mostly about her hairstyle? Like it's not saying anything personal about Britney at all, it just states the fact what she did with her hair and how people perceived her THROUGH her physical appearance (and how they do with other women -- whose worth is deemed to be determined by looks). This is exactly what Marina tried to challenge last year with her grey hair posts.


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3 minutes ago, vrtvie said:

I see your point, but honestly isn't the line mostly about her hairstyle? Like it's not saying anything personal about Britney at all, it just states the fact what she did with her hair and how people perceived her THROUGH her physical appearance (and how they do with other women -- whose worth is deemed to be determined by looks). This is exactly what Marina tried to challenge last year with her grey hair posts.

Yes, but there was a reasoning for the shaved head hairstyle (I mean britney was going THROUGH it and did it during one of the most difficult points in her life where she wasnt very healthy (not that you can blame her) - so the crazed line goes beyond just her hairstyle which is why it’s a little...icky.. even though i understand marinas intention that mental illness was not something a lot of people at the time felt empathy for, especially celebs.

Its changed of course but bringing it up the way she did was not the best. I still kinda like the line as a britney fan and marina fan but there was a MUCH better way of writing it. Especially if she wrote something after the crazed part like “but all she really deserved was to be praised/saved/ etc” or something like that... but the save one I’m iffy on cause brits father being in control of her has not saved her.

so I don’t know maybe just another few lines referencing celebs (maybe not by name) but more so their scandalous moments that deserved to be empathized with cause there was a reason they happened (since a lot of 2000s pop stars were also child stars) 

where as having gray hairs is natural occurrence. 
anyway sorry for my rambling I am slightly tipsy so if a sentence is wacky that’s why 

Anyway hope ur all having a good day you deserve it  ^-^




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Personally I feel like the intent she’s trying to bring across with the Britney line is that everyone watched a woman in the midst of a breakdown and shrugged it off.


I feel like people may be taking it in the context that the line is thrown in and isn’t taking the situation lightly. When she’s trying to point out the issue that it WAS taken lightly 



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I just woke up but I had a dream that marina was filming a second video for purge the poison at my local shopping mall and she was in a red cheerleaders outfit rollerskating around the place, I got in her way in one of the shots and she told me to lose some fucking weight and get out of her way , one of her crew members was like ‘that’s a bit mean’ and she shouted ‘purge the poison obese cunt!’ :awkney: 


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2 hours ago, KeybladeMeister said:

Personally I feel like the intent she’s trying to bring across with the Britney line is that everyone watched a woman in the midst of a breakdown and shrugged it off.


I feel like people may be taking it in the context that the line is thrown in and isn’t taking the situation lightly. When she’s trying to point out the issue that it WAS taken lightly 

THIS! I don't understand what all the carry on is about tbh ..... it's not like she was like "Britney shaved her head... damn that bitch was crazed" she was literally saying as a society how did we just joke about that when it was obviously a cry for help


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1 hour ago, May said:

I just woke up but I had a dream that marina was filming a second video for purge the poison at my local shopping mall and she was in a red cheerleaders outfit rollerskating around the place, I got in her way in one of the shots and she told me to lose some fucking weight and get out of her way , one of her crew members was like ‘that’s a bit mean’ and she shouted ‘purge the poison obese cunt!’ :awkney: 

help this is just like that fake demi lovato m&g story :deadbanana:

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1 hour ago, May said:

I just woke up but I had a dream that marina was filming a second video for purge the poison at my local shopping mall and she was in a red cheerleaders outfit rollerskating around the place, I got in her way in one of the shots and she told me to lose some fucking weight and get out of her way , one of her crew members was like ‘that’s a bit mean’ and she shouted ‘purge the poison obese cunt!’ :awkney: 

This is the best post in this thread lmao I can only hope Marina bombards me with some wild shit like this some day :popcorn:

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The Britney line is bad AND unnecessary 


I don’t think she did it on purpose, she was just trying to comment on social trends in her own (bad) way, but it came out really weird and it’s terribly written either way 



A good comparison is the “He hit me and it felt like a kiss” line tbh

This one is problematic too for obvious reasons but unlike the Britney one it’s very poetic and elicits a very vivid and somewhat poetic image 



Like if the Britney line was good it could make up for the fact that it’s clumsy and in bad taste but it has no redeeming value whatsoever

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2 minutes ago, Charlottexseax said:

The Britney line is bad AND unnecessary 


I don’t think she did it on purpose, she was just trying to comment on social trends in her own (bad) way, but it came out really weird and it’s terribly written either way 



A good comparison is the “He hit me and it felt like a kiss” line tbh

This one is problematic too for obvious reasons but unlike the Britney one it’s very poetic and elicits a very vivid and somewhat poetic image 



Like if the Britney line was good it could make up for the fact that it’s clumsy and in bad taste but it has no redeeming value whatsoever



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11 hours ago, 5adboy said:


 People trying to be woke are so funny. Please. As if this was the first time pop culture mentions Britney’s breakdown:smh: Also, you can’t compare the death of Amy and Kurt to Britney shaving her head, c’mon. Y’all sound stupid asf. 


First things first, Katy’s comments about Britney’s breakdown were sick. Idgaf that her breakdown is mentioned in pop culture a lot. Doesn’t make it right. It’s not about being “woke” and it’s not stupid. It’s about having respect and empathy for another human being.

Secondly, yes you totally can compare writing about people who have killed themselves, people who have accidentally killed themselves, and people who have narrowly avoided suicide. When people think of Brit’s head shaving, literally nobody thinks of it as only a hair cut. It wasn’t then and it isn’t now just a hair cut. The head shaving was the face of the breakdown. Her breakdown almost killed her. That’s totally comparable. Writing about these things in certain ways just isn’t appropriate (imo).

9 hours ago, vrtvie said:

I see your point, but honestly isn't the line mostly about her hairstyle? Like it's not saying anything personal about Britney at all, it just states the fact what she did with her hair and how people perceived her THROUGH her physical appearance (and how they do with other women -- whose worth is deemed to be determined by looks). This is exactly what Marina tried to challenge last year with her grey hair posts.

same goes for this. Clearly, it’s not just a head shaving, it’s something way more raw and painful

I just wish the line wasnt worded that way. That’s all

Everytime I try to fly, I fall

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1 hour ago, Voignamir said:

i just realised she says you won't go far instead of what the fuck, lol

Ma'am this was me when I heard the le*k

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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15 hours ago, 5adboy said:


 People trying to be woke are so funny. Please. As if this was the first time pop culture mentions Britney’s breakdown:smh: Also, you can’t compare the death of Amy and Kurt to Britney shaving her head, c’mon. Y’all sound stupid asf. 


“trying to be woke” it’s called having empathy but that’s clearly something you can’t comprehend. No one is slandering Marina yet you feel the need to call people you don’t agree with stupid. Pathetic. 


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