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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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4 hours ago, 5adboy said:

how would you rearrange the tracklist to fit in the new songs? Me:

1. Ancient Dreams In a Modern Land

2. Venus Fly Trap

3. Man’s World

4. Purge The Poison

5. Highly Emotional People
6. Pink Convertible 

7. New America

8. Free Woman

9. Happy Loner

10. Pandora’s Box

11. I Love You But I Love Me More

12. Flowers

13. Goodbye



I tried to rearranged it just like the OG tracklist (+ adding HL and FW)


1. Ancient Dreams In a Modern Land

2. Venus Fly Trap

3. Man’s World

4. Purge The Poison

5. New America
6. Pink Convertible 

7. Pandora's Box

8. Happy Loner

9.  I Love You But I Love Me More

10. Free Woman

11. Highly Emotional People

12. Flowers

13. Goodbye


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Well... It's actually coming out on January 7th 


Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily
Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore

13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024


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I swear Marina fans are never satisfied :toofloppy: everybody was so hyped for this song after it was left off the album and now it’s here and everyone is disappointed. It’s a cute song and it sounds like a natural progression from the demo snippet we heard

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20 hours ago, rightofjupiter said:

idk if this is a popular opinion or not but living dead is SO good, much prefer it to how to be a heartbreaker. love full goth marina the most.


Living Dead is a certified masterpiece and one of her very best. :krylie:

If I get a little prettier can I be your baby?


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I believe in Flipside/Is This Happiness?/Your Girl supremacy

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I'm really liking Happy Loner, it's just maybe not the best single choice. But I really appreciate the track. I'm really curious to hear Pink Convertible and Free Woman now.


21 hours ago, rightofjupiter said:

idk if this is a popular opinion or not but living dead is SO good, much prefer it to how to be a heartbreaker. love full goth marina the most.

UGH TASTE!!! Living Dead had to be a single along with Teen Idle and Valley of the Dolls. They really deserved it.

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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39 minutes ago, Glitter Boy said:


UGH TASTE!!! Living Dead had to be a single along with Teen Idle and Valley of the Dolls. They really deserved it.

Electra Heart actually had so much single material... If I had to choose just a few songs for singles I swear I would never know which ones to pick. Apart from Hypocrates. Everyone agrees it's the weakest one on the record lol.


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Finally listened to Happy Loner and I like it a lot wow, I love the lyrics way more than half of ADIAML lyrics lol. Sad that she didn't include it in the standard version but at least it got released, now I can't wait to hear Pink Convertible 

Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily
Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore

13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024


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45 minutes ago, vrtvie said:

Electra Heart actually had so much single material... If I had to choose just a few songs for singles I swear I would never know which ones to pick. Apart from Hypocrates. Everyone agrees it's the weakest one on the record lol.

Hypocrates is considered to be the weakest??? damn, i always thought it was a standout track

tbh Power & Control is the weakest track (i still love her sm tho) theres not a lot going on lyrically, like the verses are legit 2 lines the song is most just the chorus. if there was more verses it would be a lot stronger



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1 hour ago, vrtvie said:

Electra Heart actually had so much single material... If I had to choose just a few songs for singles I swear I would never know which ones to pick. Apart from Hypocrates. Everyone agrees it's the weakest one on the record lol.

I actually love her lol

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3 hours ago, ConstableReggie said:

I swear Marina fans are never satisfied :toofloppy: everybody was so hyped for this song after it was left off the album and now it’s here and everyone is disappointed. It’s a cute song and it sounds like a natural progression from the demo snippet we heard

It’s honestly such a weird trend. I’ve been a fan for almost 10 years now and it’s literally always been the same 💀💀



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Song officially out, and Deluxe officially confirmed for January 7th with pre-orders/pre-saves live! x




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Ok, so the core problem about ADIAML is that everything - the singles, the visuals, it's (allegedly) overall topic - SCREAMS motion, exciting production, fast tracks, lyrics about sociopolitics. But then halfway through, it just turns into a bunch of "the usual Marina business" ballads about breakups and self-acceptance. It's not that the songs are bad, it's just that they feel out of place on an album that put all of it's focus on 5 tracks that are not representative of the experience you get when listening to it. And now she's doubling down on that with the deluxe tracks.

Happy Loner is a cute song, but it's basically Solitaire 2.0. with more on-the-nose-lyrics and does nothing to compliment the album. It's just another (solid) track for the long-tail. Kinda disappointing.

Apart from that - were her "relateable" lyrics always that cringy? I'm not sure whether her songwriting changed or if it's just about me not being in my teens anymore but edgy-tkes like "Waking up late, I feel demotivated, everything's wrong, guess my thoughts escalated. When I'm alone, things are under control, when I'm alone, I can turn off the world. I try to escape, but I can't lose my mind-  that's why I can live a cOnVenTiOnAl LiFe" or "They don't understand, why I like being alone. I don't wanna be so accessible, emotionally I'm on the edge of a knife. That's how I learn, that's how I learn to SURVIVE!!11!1!"  are just so f*cking pretentious and cringeworthy.

It's the song equivalent to people who constantly share "introverts are like this"-memes on social media, acting like preferring to stay inside and read instead of going to a party makes them some sort of special, unique and mysterious person.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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10 hours ago, godsmonster said:

Hypocrates is considered to be the weakest??? damn, i always thought it was a standout track


Well yes, it has the least amount of plays on Spotify too. It took a while until it grew on me.


As for her songwriting, well, it's changed A LOT since TFJ/EH, but the thing is, she's always been like that, singing about how miserable she was/is etc., YET the thing that saved such clumsy at times lyricisim was the interesting production. Imagine The Outsider as a piano ballad lol. And this is more or less what Happy Loner is.


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