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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023

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11 minutes ago, barttttender said:


Omg, if i were Ben, you guys would get a high budget video, a trailer, a better third single, an active social media account and more, in addition to the interviews, etc.

im pretty sure they can provide that too, but if lana doesn't want it u can't force her to do it. if you'd force her im glad you are not ben

it's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me

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idk if this has been brought up already, but since hollyhock obviously is the flower of this era i wanted to look up the symbolism and...


"Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, fertility, ambition and abundance.

Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

According to legend, the hollyhock got its name because it was brought from the Holy Land.

They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity.


They have been used to alleviate pain, treat abdominal pain and heal wounds."


karmic lineage, the circle of life, the afterlife, healing, fertility... etc. etc.

thats. literally. what. the. album. is. about.

they also keep reseeding in the same spot from generation to generation, and are usually associated with traditional gardens/english cottage gardens, maybe it could be a reference to the more conservative nature of her family? 


and also

"They flower profusely after a disturbance such as a wildfire but are quickly replaced by other vegetation."

no explanation needed...

maybe i'm digging a lil deep but anyways.. it all ties in so well with the themes of this album:cryney2:

lana loves her flowers and symbolism so there's no way it wasn't at least partly intentional methinks


tumblr-62b69730a9ee92963e6d647039a171e0- Ska-rmavbild-2023-03-15-kl-15-03-17.jpg Ska-rmavbild-2023-03-15-kl-15-03-43.jpg Ska-rmavbild-2023-03-15-kl-15-03-51.jpg Ska-rmavbild-2023-03-15-kl-15-03-56.jpg 


The following bit is irrelevant but too cute to not share xo

"In the mystical realm, hollyhock flowers were thought to be skirts for flower fairies, while the seed head was called fairy cheese as it resembles a large wheel of cheese.

Hollyhock flowers combined with wild thyme, marigolds and hazel flowers were used to make a concoction that when consumed was believed to allow humans to see fairies"





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46 minutes ago, Vertimus said:
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She said that BB was a very personal album, and OC, to me, seems even more so. I don't know if you've heard 'Grandfather,' 'Sweet' or 'Fingertips' yet, but if you haven't, you're in for a bad surprise in terms of song type. I think critics will love the personal nature of OC, the apparent lack of commercial intent or concern, and Lana will interpret that, of course, as a plus. And that, and early middle age, may encourage her further in that direction. If you're a little older than a lot of members here, then you probably know many musical artists, especially female artists, seem to drift into this sort of 'softball head space' in their late 30s, if their recording career extends that far: Chrissie Hynde, Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon, Kate Bush, Tori Amos. So it seems to me almost a natural progression, their vision turns inward and they start writing about children, family, parents. All of the artists I've listed wrote at least one song about their children; Nico did too--even Nico (twice)! And in several cases, their Stans rejected those songs and said things like, "Geez, is she even trying anymore? It sounds like something she dreamt up in the tub." (Bush). I'm hopeful about the balance of OC, but we know form BOZ and others that 'Kintsugi' has been described as slow and meandering. I'm pretty objective about my responses to Lana's albums, or any artist's albums, and if OC turns out to be, at least for me, "a turd," then I'll see it has a missed opportunity. I hope you're able to find at least a handful of tracks you enjoy on it. 


its obviously fine not to enjoy music about family, we all like different things but i find it highly misogynistic to consider it "lazy" for women to write about family. its like when people say women are "wasting their potential" by getting married and having kids as if women are expected to deny their biological urge to raise a family just because we have more options in the modern world. men and younger women might not understand or relate to music women 30+ write about their families but it doesn't make it lazy or as if they're not trying. women in this age range just often change their priorities.


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9 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

The rumour was that he’s been hacking but this is unconfirmed wild speculation.  The likelihood is that he’s received a cease and desist and threats to sue, because the information he’s giving is generally under a non disclose agreement.  It’s possible the ‘big surprise ’ was some sort of trap to find out exactly who was leaking information- but just speculation again. 


i mean, lana knows of his existence and what he's done

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16 minutes ago, Honeyyoung said:

the last 3 songs are upbeat and fun,  if anything she's closing the chapter she began with blue banisters and is ready to take more creative risks in the following years of her career. like jack antonoff said, “She’s reached a point in her work, which is really my favourite place to work from, where there’s nowhere to go but way out into the fucking wilderness artistically. Go chase radio? That’d be so stupid. Go chase trends? So stupid. She created all the trends. It’s a freeing place, if you can accept it. The only place to go is to be a leader.”

I'm not the biggest JA fan, and when I heard that statement, whether sincere and/or accurate or not, to me it sounds exactly like what one powerful friend in the industry would say publicly about another of equal power and status. In another words, I think he's just blowing smoke and sunshine.

And it's not accurate as I see it, because Lana was already quite daring on BTD---naming her debut album that, and including a song with that title, was pretty ballsy, as were 'Gods & Monsters' and 'Cola' on Paradise, and then on to UV with all of its aggression. To me, she 'led' and broke her own mold right from the start of being Lana Del Rey, she was already in the artistic wilderness at square one, like some other notable musicians and bands before her. It still remains to be seen what the balance of OC will be like, but, from insiders, we've already heard that some of the other songs will be on the quiet and reflective side. For me, 'A&W' is loud and 'different,' but those qualities don't make it 'great' automatically. I'd prefer to listen to 'VB' or '13 Beaches' over again rather than 'A&W.' 

All I ask for from the universe is a few songs per album that I really like, and do expect that.   

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9 days until Candy Necklace, Fishtail, Let the Light In, and Taco Truck




"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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9 minutes ago, imaginist said:

To the people saying Fingertips doesn’t have a melody, I can literally play it on piano…? 😂


Right? The melody is gorgeous :xcry: 



I get that it's unconventional but that doesn't mean it's just a random collection of sounds, it really is a groundbreaking song, her most powerful storytelling and the performance is divine. It's like she's reading her secret diary that she doesn't want to share but knows that she can't hold it in any longer, while walking along the edge of the cliff. There's so much urgency and danger to the song, combined with this stunning sense of relief that she's finally let it all out. It seems like this will be the emotional climax of the album and then it's all uphill from here.


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honestly, seeing so many chart obsessed people under this thread is heartbreaking, especially in an era where lana truly does not really care about the commercial success. the grants didn't chart, so what? lana does not care, so it is not a priority for her. why do yall care so much i'll never understand unless it is some sort of a weird psychological validation thing where u brag about ur fav's chart success as if it is your own success. let's stick to the arts part of the album, and not the charts because it is certainly not what the intend is. we are literally getting one of lana's most personal albums and some people here is complaining about promotion and billboard ijbol be fr get real

it's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me

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7 minutes ago, Luna de miel said:

idk if this has been brought up already, but since hollyhock obviously is the flower of this era i wanted to look up the symbolism and...


"Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, fertility, ambition and abundance.

Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

According to legend, the hollyhock got its name because it was brought from the Holy Land.

They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity.


They have been used to alleviate pain, treat abdominal pain and heal wounds."


karmic lineage, the circle of life, the afterlife, healing, fertility... etc. etc.

thats. literally. what. the. album. is. about.

they also keep reseeding in the same spot from generation to generation, and are usually associated with traditional gardens/english cottage gardens, maybe it could be a reference to the more conservative nature of her family? 


and also

"They flower profusely after a disturbance such as a wildfire but are quickly replaced by other vegetation."

no explanation needed...

maybe i'm digging a lil deep but anyways.. it all ties in so well with the themes of this album:cryney2:

lana loves her flowers and symbolism so there's no way it wasn't at least partly intentional methinks


tumblr-62b69730a9ee92963e6d647039a171e0- Ska-rmavbild-2023-03-15-kl-15-03-17.jpg Ska-rmavbild-2023-03-15-kl-15-03-43.jpg Ska-rmavbild-2023-03-15-kl-15-03-51.jpg Ska-rmavbild-2023-03-15-kl-15-03-56.jpg 


The following bit is irrelevant but to cute to not share xo

"In the mystical realm, hollyhock flowers were thought to be skirts for flower fairies, while the seed head was called fairy cheese as it resembles a large wheel of cheese.

Hollyhock flowers combined with wild thyme, marigolds and hazel flowers were used to make a concoction that when consumed was believed to allow humans to see fairies"




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22 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:
















that’s definitely a list!!


Tunnel in the top 3 where she belongs tho 

and Norman at number 9 where she belongs

"Don’t forget me"

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