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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023

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6 minutes ago, Topanga said:

And this is only the pre release thread I cant imagine the bad vibes that are gonna be on the post release 


Hopefully everybody will just focus on their favorite tracks. 


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54 minutes ago, Venicebiatch69 said:
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did you even read my post i said it's experimental in terms of lana's music. 



Let's move off that, if you don't mind?  Or we can chat on DMs. Don't want the discussion to run too long. <3

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1 hour ago, Golden Hour said:


2018 - mid July 2019 we were in the PITS.

Indeed!!!! Worst part was when Hope had been released and there was nothing to cling on to. We already knew the album was done and mastered at that point (that was before Doin Time was even recorded though), and nobody was giving us anything: no post, no livestream, no snippets, Billie’s album « taking the place » of Lana’s (or so we thought), the false release date Billboard went along with… 

i can’t say that this pre-release has been formidable for LB, perhaps I take it now with a grain of salt, but it doesn’t seem as worse. 

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yea i wont lie peppers is not my jazz, the same way a&w isn't (though it's at least grown on me somewhat)  whereas ive been living for sweet, fingertips, the grants & title track. i'm still glad however, that for others, peppers has almost been rejuvenating in a way- for the people who are less big on the singer/songwriter ballads, esp after a few albums of em. it's just nice to see the "other" fans more enthusiastic again!


this album has almost a very clear 50/50 divide in terms of production/sound but i think its for the best for the fanbase & obviously for lana too, it's important to go in different directions creatively , healthy even.

expecting every single track on a 16 track album to cater to your exact tastes/preferences is silly af n unrealistic anyway. so far it seems like for most of us, with this album, there will be a handful of songs we stream daily & a handful we probably only touch like once a month or less & also a few that fall between those two extremes. oh well


let's all just enjoy what we enjoy, let others enjoy what they enjoy & leave the rest:kiss3: :kiss3: :kiss3: 8 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!

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15 minutes ago, Topanga said:

And this is only the pre release thread I cant imagine the bad vibes that are gonna be on the post release 

It usually gets very quiet, if the album leaked before. Yes, there are some harsh reviews, but many are vibing to the album or being a bit blue now that the excitement has died down. 
But expect people who had way too high of expectations to say this album isn’t good… Usually, after a month or two, we begin to see praise for the one BEFORE that was so heavily sh*tted on for much of the pre-release era. :oic2:

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why are some people on here complaning that some other people don't like the track?

people have different music tastes and experience music in a different way, what's weird about that?

we all knew that this album would have "something for everybody" meaning some people will like some tracks more and some people will like some tracks less, if you're so bothered by someone simply stating their opinion then you should log off

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13 minutes ago, Three White Butterflies said:

Okay I caved and listened :true:


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And omggggg a certified bop. Parts of it are giving early unreleased Lana photobooth MV era. The “I’m in love” reminds me of west coast. It’s quite a complex song production wise especially with the transition into that surf rock part. I’m definitely gunna need more than one listen to fully grasp it so I can’t wait to hear when the album comes out. 



The last tracks of the album are shaping  up to be the summer bops I had completely given up on from her :oprah2: Not that I believed she couldn’t do them anymore, but that maybe she wasn’t into that headspace. I can’t wait to listen to the album form start to finish and be on that long and intense trip she is taking us on.:hair:

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8 minutes ago, Topanga said:

My mum loves the grants and my dad loves ocean Blvd but they both hate A&W… I’m living with crazy people 

my mums ranking i think is A&W>Tunnel>The Grants 

She doesn’t like the swearing in A&W but she said it’s a very raw and vulnerable song

shes only listened to the grants once but when she hears the lyrics i think it’ll be her fave 

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55 minutes ago, Furor Poeticus said:

So you’re telling me 

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That we’re allegedly getting a surfy bop we’ve been dying for and now you’re bitching about it being conventional or experimental or not at all experimental?


The forum is so unhinged :crying5:


This forum should lower their expectations on everything. Period. :oprah3:

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Lana is so funny cause she said she had to be dragged to the studio to write lately yet she started the album randomly with Mike and a guitar and said this was the easiest record she has done :thumb2: I love her.


It's probably due to the fact that she didn't censor herself at all this time and just let the words come to her :krylie:




I wonder if the upbeat tracks being placed at the end were to have a bit of fun and be more careless after the heavy topics of the album or if it's also an indication about where she's going next.

This was her "easiest" album but it had to be tough (but also therapeutic) to write and put out all those things so I'm really curious if she's continuing this journey of looking back at the past and introspection  :um2:


Not me talking about LDR10 without even listening to LDR9 sorry :hide:



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a lil theory



it's pretty evident the album is going to be divided into sections from the tracks we know of... like Act 1 could consist of The Grants to A&W and Act 3 for sure would end with the last 3 tracks: Fishtail to Taco Track. 


we won't know what each act/section or whatever you're gonna call it consist of which tracks but i feel like Act 1 is solid so far :oprah3:


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