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Do any Lana Del Rey albums have special meaning to you?

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Pardon me if there's already a thread for this!


But are there any LDR albums that are especially important or have special meaning to you?


For me, Born To Die and Lust for Life represent key points in my life. BTD was the soundtrack to me beginning my transition and Lust for Life represented the surgical phase of it. I hope DYK will represent the next stage of surgeries I have planned, too.


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for me NFR is special. I became a hardcore lana fan when it came out and I can relate to a lot of the songs on that record 


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Lust for Life came out during a transition summer for me (high school to university), so it's always had a very special place in my heart--especially the last three tracks. "I hope that I'll come back one day and tell you that I really changed," and "out of the black, into the blue." BRB gonna mourn that time in my life again.

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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NFR reminds me of a really poignant time in my life, particularly a time in which I was basically in a situationship (that I still can't listen to How To Disappear because of :bebe:) But the album itself rings of summer 2019 nostalgia, which was right before I met that person, so I still hold it very close to my heart. 


AKA was an album I discovered very early on in 2019, and it was the soundtrack to my life from January-July. I don't think I'll ever fall out of love with that album. Lust For Life was my first release cycle as a Lana fan as well, so that one is very special to me. I can't hear Love without feeling like I'm in 2017 driving through forests and hills on my way home from iowa


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in a way def LFL cause it’s the album that first got me into Lana, the gateway to me discovering the rest- I wouldn’t say it’s even in my top3 but it’s still so beautiful n important! i mean had i not loved it, i obviously wouldn’t have gone thru the rest of her catalogue up till that point & became a stan! 


besides that one probably BB, just because so many of the songs about her family lineage (specifically her relationship with her mother) + relationships with men are extremely relatable to me & as she’s said, God it feels good not to be alone 

i have a feeling the upcoming album will also be very special to me for similar reasons

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Born to Die, I'll never forget the first time I listened to it the day it came out over ten years ago. :xcry:


Norman is also very important to me. I associate it with someone I loved dearly who isn't here anymore. He loved the album so much, and I remember going to the NFR tour with him. I think of all the good memories we had, and I struggle listening to it sometimes because of that, but it's still such a beautiful, timeless and nostalgic album for me


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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BTD -- Just a 12 yr old kid getting into alt music, plus it encouraged me to write music by myself

LFL -- I was living such a weird life during this time, a life that I remember so beautifully but it's also so so distant now, also it encouraged me to change my body (I was obese/very  fat as a teenager)

NFR! - My very first heartbreak.  Let me tell you a bit of this lol... During all of 2019 I was writing my album (about my exboyfriend) and I wrote and composed all of the songs at a cafe we used to go all the time. It was small but cozy and by the river. Then I could spend hours just walking by the river listening to my voice notes and NFR. Haha. I also have such strong and beautiful  memories of going for looong bike rides blasting MAC and VB back in September/October 2018.


I guess those are my "most important" Lana albums.


HM also has some importance as I felt very lonely in 2015/16 and had such a self-discovery phase and I listened to it a lot, but not as much as other albums (Pink Floyd and Bjork mostly)

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Probably NFR since it was the first Lana album that I actually participated in the fandom for. (Absolutely horrible first experience might I add, even though the album is my favorite of hers)

COCC is also hitting a lot for me right now since I'm in a really transitional point in life  (finally getting on meds for my bipolar, in the middle of a gap year, trying to figure out wtf im gonna do with myself for at least the next few years) and something about that album makes me feel like I'll actually be content with life at some point :poordat:

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NFR and UV are my favorite albums but LFL might be the most special one for me. It came out the summer before I moved out for college so the songs kinda defined my first semester :trisha: I can listen to any of the songs and be immediately transported back. I remember blasting it in my dorm on repeat and people coming by to compliment it during lazy afternoons 


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7 hours ago, deepseafishing said:

Probably NFR since it was the first Lana album that I actually participated in the fandom for. (Absolutely horrible first experience might I add, even though the album is my favorite of hers)



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Honeymoon encapsulates really well the tormentin cycle of a break-up, an experience that I was not prepared or equipped for as a socially awkward young adult. It came out right after my first heartbreak, and... yeah

Now the older I get, the meaning of the album has changed, but it is still emotionally relevant poetry

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Honeymoon, feel such a strong connection to it. And Violet if it counts lmaooo


Also feel very attached to Tunnel already but won't know for sure till it comes out :hooker::fabcat:

Y0jLcfB.gif.˚₊‧.༻𓆩❤︎𓆪 My love's pourin' 𓆩‪‪❤︎𓆪༺.‧₊˚. yxuiMLe.gif

°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||Like a waterfall.||l°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||


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NFR was the first ever album i stayed up to listen to at midnight.

Chemtrails came out a few months before i got my first ever job at a restaurant, so White Dress and that whole album tbh just reminds me of such a weird period of my life


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Lust for Life was one of my comfort albums during a point in my life when my mental health was completely in the toilet. I really connected with the themes of hope and change and to this day three of my top five Lana songs are LFL songs. It’s more or less earned a permanent spot in my top 4 Lana albums


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BTD-Paradise: See, I was a little late and didn't know Lana's music until after Paradise was released. Anyway, as I've mentioned previously in other threads, her name just got stuck in my head, and I'd see her face in every H&M store (and it's nearly impossible to avoid them if you live in the Stockholm area), so I got curious and decided to look her up. Didn't like what I heard. But then her name popped up in my mind again and I was like "hmm, maybe I should listen to her music" because I have the memory of a goldfish and forgot I had already looked her up. Same thing, didn't like what I heard. Third time though, something clicked, and I got obsessed. I listened and watched her videos on youtube, and it didn't take long until I decided to buy the album. And, like, I wasn't even that familiar with the songs, I remember reading the booklet at a train station, trying to remember the melodies as I read the lyrics. I didn't remember them very well, haha. But Lana was the first (western) artist I had really found myself, and not some artists my family liked, she was mine to discover and her music was mine to fall in love with. I even caught my brother playing her music because of me sometimes, but he tried to hide it in the beginning I think lol. I think I was around 16-17 when I became a fan. I'd listen to her music on my iPod between classes, and I remember one time I was crossing a street (I had a green light!), listening to the song Born To Die, and a car almost ran over me... and all I thought was how funny it'd be if that was the last song I'd listen to before dying lol. Not that the thought of dying is fun, of course. I wasn't depressed back then.

LFL: Now I was something like depressed though. I hadn't found this site quite yet so I didn't know anything about Love leaking. I played that song so much after it was released: my dad was quickly becoming worse in health, I started to fail exams, had no real friends, forced to move around because of the shitty student housing situation, my dad eventually passing away, and I just needed to hear Lana sing "don't worry baby" and pretend that I and everything was fine. I finally found LB after looking for a fan forum sporadically for a few years. I remember listening to the radio premiere of Summer Bummer and Groupie Love as I was making pasta in the kitchen, haha. I also played Get Free a lot, especially after I finally booked my first appointment with a therapist working for the university's student health. I think I tried to gaslight myself that I was turning better with that song. I wasn't. But Lana's music was there as support, as stupid as it might sound.

NFR: Similarily, I played VB a lot. If I was happy, or when I was pretty sad and depressed too. I'd lie in my bed just listening to it on repeat sometimes. I was just really proud to be a stan of Lana with this album, as I thought her lyrics and songs had evolved a lot, to the better. This album meant a lot for me, as I was slowly going from what surely must've been some form of depression to a better state of mind. I love it with all of my heart for this reason.

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BTD: I used to love Summertime Sadness way back, but never got into Lana at that point. Was the only song besides Video Games I knew.


UV: UV and Brooklyn Baby were the songs that made me a stan. I still have vivid memories of listening to those 2 songs on New Year's Eve 2014. I also have some very fond memories attached to Old Money.

Honeymoon is the soundtrack to my first ever relationship.


Paradise: American is a song that makes me happy. I used to listen to it all the time when I took the train to visit my ex. 


Not an album, but similarly, Breaking My Heart - I was on summer break while my ex had to work. I lay in bed beside him at 3am, scrolling thru Lana unreleased songs and somehow, Breaking My Heart really stuck with me.


(Just realized this sounds an awful lot like I'm not over my ex, but trust me that's not the case lmfao)


Not an album again, but Butterflies Pt. 2 and Paris were the quintessential songs of summer 2016, and I listened to them nonstop queuing for my first 2 Lana shows I attended.


Lust for Life: For some reason, I associate GBA-AATBWII with the summer of 2017.

Get Free is very dear to me. The "Out of the black, into the blue" lyrics helped me get through a lot.


The entirety of COCC - White Dress, Yosemite and Wild at Heart in particular - helped me tremendously when I felt down during the pandemic. They are literally the songs that made me get a driving license to go on a road trip in the states. It sounds ridiculous, but I probably would have never taken driving lessons if it wasnt for those songs. They were kind of like a light at the end of the tunnel, for me - knowing, that once all this was over, I'd be experiencing these feelings of the open road, the desert, Sierra Nevada on my own, in real life. It all paid off last summer - apart from one of the most amazing holidays I have ever had, I also met this amazing guy in LA who I've been dating. 



There's lots more, I have lots of very specific memories attached to certain albums and songs, but those are the most important ones, imo.




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