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Random Lana Discussion Thread

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Me reading the past 10 pages to dua and taylor hate for no reason :crossed::deadbanana:

anyways on the case of ben/ed’s attention to lana vs dua... do y’all not realize they are very different kinds of artists? Dua is a main pop girl, one of the most popular female artists rn - of course she’s gonna get all the attention.

As for lana, well. she’s lana. she doesn’t seem to want/need promo besides the bare minimum so

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tbh i'd rather see her stretch out the chemtrails era rather then forget about it and move on to bb... even paradise had more time to rest, cocc feels more like an ep than a proper album

but i do wanna see what she's preparing to promote for this next record, hopefully the gucci collab is for this next album and we get a photoshoot

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