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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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Something that really annoys me about her is the permanent overuse of the word 'like' as conjunction in a sentence. Whenever I hear an interview, I always wonder... can't she like ( :troll:) form a freaking sentence without 'like' when she thinks about what she's going to say next?  :defeated:


~like an American~


No really that's it, I say it all the time :defeated:

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I've even started using it myself... occasionally without even noticing most of the time.  :oprah2: Because of her.


Off-topic but it reminds me of a Sky Ferreira interview which she says "like" about a thousand times, and I'm not even joking.

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I really don't like it when Lana fans call Lana flawless, their queen, a goddess etc.....it just irks me.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I really don't like it when Lana fans call Lana flawless, their queen, a goddess etc.....it just irks me.

I find most of that comes from the 13 year old 'who's lizzy grant?' part of the fanbase.


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Sometimes I think she looks better as a blonde. Am I the only one?


I mean, the brunette hair makes Lana look classy, but her being blonde is just so much sexier and younger.

I love blonde Lana :flutter:



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I'm 13 and i perfectly know who Lizzy Grant is. Don't judge by the age.

Im just saying in general-it's younger fans, who have only heard one or two songs that always just spew out the 'LANA IS MY QUEEN FLAWLESS' All the time. Did not mean to offend.


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I really don't like it when Lana fans call Lana flawless, their queen, a goddess etc.....it just irks me.


The internet :legend:


My queen is a flawless goddess :tyvm:

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I'm 13 and i perfectly know who Lizzy Grant is. Don't judge by the age.

I was a harcore Lana (and Lizzy) fan when I was 13 (I'm only 14 now) so to be honest I think it's just a matter of where abouts you are on the internet. This is why I don't use Twitter. :eek:


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Im just saying in general-it's younger fans, who have only heard one or two songs that always just spew out the 'LANA IS MY QUEEN FLAWLESS' All the time. Did not mean to offend.

Oh ok then no problem!


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Any sentence involving the word "sonically" or "thematically" produces a similar effect for me.


I think I've gotten used to the trilogy: sonically, thematically and visually. My brain has created defenses against them.  Apparently I want to make my life a work of art is here to stay playing like a  broken record in all interviews. Just hope my brain creates defenses against that pretencious sentence as well.


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I think her tattoos are extremely tacky. I love tattoos but hers are pretty awful, especially the "trust no one" and "paradise" ones.

I hate the song "Daddy Issues" it's really awful tbh. Sometimes when Lana has dressed down I'm just like "what the fuck are you wearing??" I expected more glam for the Brits tbh, especially since she was nominated (and won woo!) that dress/shirt thing may have been Chanel but that doesn't mean it looked great.

tumblr_moza5y59Ri1r09ldbo1_400.png ~ataraxia~

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Here are, i think, two unpopular opinions.


1. I find the term Sadcore to be inane and embarrassing. Not only the term but also this kind of cult of sadness that follows her around and is built up by some parts of her fan base. Many people here have already astutely pointed out how she seems to have quickly been boxed-in (by the media, the general public, her label/management, and even by her fans and her herself) to this role of playing the sad songstress and representing all the sad, lonely people. The fucking sadcore club. Oy. 


2. I am not even remotely interested in finding out/knowing who K is. I don't understand this fascination. At all. What does that even mean to know who he is? Like, what, finding out his full name and what he looks like? Then what? What happens once you know? Would it make a difference if his name was, say, Kevin or Keith or, i don't know, Keenan? Or what if K is the initial of his last name? What if the K doesn't even pertain to his name, but rather is a reference to the guy's ketamine habit? What then? What about whether he had a shaved head or long hair? Short or tall? Black? White? Filipino? I mean, i can see a minor/passing interest in it, like, perhaps if someone came forth with a photo of him, it'd be interesting to look at for a minute. But i find this ongoing fixation to be totally perplexing and kind of pathological. 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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