Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted March 10, 2013 What are your favorite Lana songs and why? I'm really interested in reading about everyone's overall favorites, since we only have threads about favorites per album. She has so many more songs than what's been officially released and I'm curious to know what you guys rank above everything else out of her huge discography! I'll put my favorites below. Let's discuss. Hundred Dollar Bill: This was the song that really set my obsession in stone. I loved the other songs I'd heard (Lana Del Rey - EP) but I wasn't sure if I'd end up sticking with her music. I think this may have been the first unreleased song I discovered, actually. (What a thought!) This song has always stood out to me. I get so lost in the chorus, with the heavy bass and atmospheric strings and just the way she sings it all. It never gets old. Aside from being my favorite Lana song, it's also one of my favorite songs in general. The lyrics are gold too. Everything about this song is perfect to me. Children of the Bad Revolution: This one kind of snuck up on me. I had always liked it, but I didn't really love it until a few months ago. Something about it just stuck with me one day and it's been a favorite ever since then. It's so different than any of her other songs and I love that; it's also a really good sound for her IMO and I don't know why she hasn't pursued it further. The lyrics are very different than usual but they still feel like Lana. I love the feeling this song gives me; it makes me want to run away with other rebellious teenagers and become some kind of sexy greaser, idk. Us Against the World: Another song that snuck up on me, although unlike COTBR, my love for this one came gradually. I think the high point of this song for me is the lyrics, which I usually don't prioritize. I love the mood her lyrics create. It's kind of run-away like COTBR but less rebellion and more of just because she can. She's a waittress/gogo dancer, she has nothing to lose. I think this is Lizzy at her best. "Lights, lights, ice, ice, buy me Coca-Cola in the middle of the night." is wonderful. Also, the way she sings "If you want a Cola, I can make it colder," in the chorus is everything. Yayo (All Versions): This song is so emotional and beautiful. There's something to be admired in every version, I think, and it's always something different with each one. I definitely believe this is the quintessential Lana song. I think they all share a same kind of raw aspect to them too, and it varies just the same. I don't need to say much for the song because it speaks for itself. Burning Desire: I've loved this song since I first heard it, and it's only grown on me since. I don't understand why people dislike it so much, it's such a sexy mess and that's a good thing IMO. Lana does it well. The slight tinges of electronic make my heart swoon as well because that's my favorite genre of music and it's not really something Lana does, like ever. It's really catchy & I love the husky voice here. It works best in this song over any other. The backing track is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Honorable Mentions: Lucky Ones, Fake Diamond, Disco, You're Gonna Love Me, Last Girl On Earth I only wrote about my top five favorites because I don't want to spend another 30 minutes typing, but don't limit yourself to five if you don't want to! Long responses are encouraged, I love reading other fans' perspectives. I swear. 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lola 6,650 Posted March 10, 2013 Yayo >>>>>>>> 4 Quote Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Cuomo 3,327 Posted March 10, 2013 Okay. I have pretty much have 4 So.. here we go. This is so fun omfg. Radio: This is song is perfect, especially when I'm sad- it cheers me up. The beginning just slays me and her vocals are perfect. I listen to this song a lot and probably is my second fave off BTD. And I'm not even going to get started on the Demo. Back To Tha Basics: Def not her best song vocally or lyrically but I enjoy listening to it and the refrain is kayutteee. Good beats too, It brings back some good memories of when I was little for some reason and I think it's just fab. Bless Lowinthemind for leaking this song. Never Let me go: For some reason I hear a lot of emotion in her voice here and I like it. Gives me good feelings and I came up with hand gestures for this song. The way she sings 'Tell me when I get there, kid" Omfg. That's enough for me to put it on here. I just really love it so much, and If I'm correct it's the first song by hers that I actually memorized. Prom Song: Originally disliked this song but it's grown on me and I like her little rapping in it, it's cheesy but very Lana. Great vocals and a catchy song in general. It's also fun picturing her getting wet over a teacher.... So, I find myself singing it a lot, and boy it's for sure one of my faves now. *EDIT* I must add pawn shop blues One of her most beautiful songs- lyrically, vocally and it gives me shivers some times. this song is actually the first song I listened to from AKA. And since then it's been played a lot. I really can't believe I forgot this, it's really an emotional song and I hope she re-releases it. For sure needs to be added. done Honorable mentions- Lucky Ones, Born To Die and American **Edit** I feel like there's so much more I could add to this list, but I really have to narrow it down which is hard. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yayoop 4,616 Posted March 10, 2013 Oooh, i love this! And i agree with what you have said about those songs ~ Boarding School/This Is What Makes Us Girls I joined these two together because i get the same feeling from both of them. I love the idea of having this wreckless life, i don't know why .. I had a really sheltered childhood until about 2011 .. lol .. and so these ideas of being out at night, walking the streets, drinking, meeting strangers are just so fascinating to me. I listen to them after i go out at like 2am whilst i'm walking the streets and they're just so fun to listen to. I can't even explain it.. But like, argbhsjgsdfgf perfect. Teenage Wasteland WELL, the first day i was in New York City alone i went for an endless walk with my iPod. It was a chilly atmosphere, but it was sunny and the city was beautiful. I could see why Lana loved it so much, New York is beautiful. And i wanted to listen to some new music, and i had this song downloaded but never bothered listening to it because it never struck me as something i would like. But it was actually perfect, i loved it. The way she sings about love, about being wrecklessly in love .. Kinda like what i said with the above songs .. And i just loved it. Burning Desire Holy shit. This song. I just recently got into it, the music video made me love the song even more just because i love the blend of vintage clips and Lana herself .. Like they were blended in with her still on screen, not just solely them. ANYWAYS, this song is so fucking sexy .. Like, it sets the mood perfectly. I close my eyes and i'm driving in the desert alone .. It is such a good song. The piano sounds perfect and Lana sounds her best. Serial Killer This is probably my all time favourite song. Before i went out to parties i used to get drunk at home, with this song playing as loud as possible as i played GrandTheftAuto4, which is set in New York City, and my drunkeness mixed with the song made it sound absolutely perfect. I listened to it when i was content and everything seemed perfect, i was happy on my own, i was happy with who i was and how my life was going and so every time i listen to it i only get good memories and good vibes. The way she cries "Sweet serial killer" during the chorus is one of my favourite Lana moments, it feels as if a firework is shooting out of my chest ((like in Katy Perry's music video)) i just love this song. Hands down. Never Let Me Go This was the first unreleased song I had heard by Lana, and i really got into it during a depressing time in my life and this song just fitted perfectly with me and my mood. I love the dreamy, love-sick rhythm that's slow and .. I just find it "sonically striking" .. Honorable mentions: Noir, I Sing the Body Electric, GoGo Dancer, You Can Be the Boss, Us Against the World, Yayo I don't even know .. hahaha 2 Quote " /> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,226 Posted March 10, 2013 Guys let's have one positive thread I really like it Children of the Bad Revolution is so underrated, the instrumental is incredible and really unique in her discography. That's just me replying, not saying my favorites yet. Okay, I guess I'll get started. Get Drunk: What can I say about "Get Drunk"...I think it's sort of telling that I never expected this song to be regarded as anything less than literally her best song until I joined this community. I heard it and it seemed so special and mesmerizing, a sort of instant favorite. So far I've found it overlooked, an honorable mention, or even hated. For me, it's as good as it gets, maybe as good as it'll ever get--which is totally okay. The repeating guitar, just kind of picking up in urgency; the sinister whisper; the vocals and lyrics completely epitomizing her whole "sexy and sad" brand. It just leaves me silent, freaked out, every time. I can't even play it that often. It's perfect. Cola: I mean, to me this means that Lana hasn't lost it. It's such a good melody, possibly her most anthemic chorus, verging on that darker side of sexy. She hits every note, she nails every overwrought, caricature-esque lyric, and her pussy tastes like Pepsi cola, goddamnit. I doubt there will ever be another song like this from her again. That's the kind of thing I love. Every Man Has His Wish: I guess unlike HDB, I knew I would love every song on this list from the moment I heard it. This is no different. It's almost too personal, for no good reason because I don't relate to it at all. I don't know, every moment resonates with me to a point where it transcends a lot of other things in her music for reasons that seem to involve me more than the actual music. On said music: it's kind of laidback, nostalgic, sweet, lyrically lovely, all culminating in the bridge of the century. Magnificent bitch, I can never thank her enough. Disco: I am my only God. That's sort of all I really want to say. I love that damn lyric. But also the subdued, dark Phenomena guitar going on, her really quiet delivery, the way the emotions sound totally ambiguous--at one moment, sensual; at another, mischievous; at another, as drug-addled and upset as the best Lizzy songs always sound. If I were to meet Lana, this is the song I'd want to talk to her about. Noir: 2 minutes and 20 seconds of this cathartic, desperate rawness that is unmatched in...most music I've ever heard. Bless. For K Part 2: I feel like I could say more about "Kill Kill" or "Mermaid Motel", and yet they don't make the rank. "For K Part 2" is just...simple, I guess. Sexy. The production, like the other two songs in my personal AKA Holy Trinity, is definite Kahne + Lizzy magic. I wonder if that chord is her doing or someone in the Phenomena. It makes me so happy. The clarinet or whatever that highlights certain pauses. The way the beginning sort of wavers in with the guitar. Bowing to Davey as much as I am to Lana. Honorable Mentions: Without You (which deserves a place on the list but I find I can't think of much to say about it), Mermaid Motel, Driving in Cars With Boys, On Our Way, You & Me, Burning Desire 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viva 3,173 Posted March 10, 2013 OMFG this is so hard. My list changes every week and I like the big majority of her songs. Gonna make a list with the favorites favorites. NOIR One of my favorites. It's like seeing someone spit too the sky. Is cathartic, sarcastic and so honest. I truly hear NOIR every day. KINDA OUTTA LUCK One of my favs. So ironic, fun and light song. Good mood. COLA I forever will respect Lana for singing out loud and recording a song that starts with the sentence "My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola". RIDE I love Ride. I can just hear it without actually paying any attention to the lyrics and is a great song. And if I pay attention to the lyrics sounds like her best answer too many questions people have about her and also with a amazing beat to it. Just love it. Children of a Bad Revolution Because is true. We are in fact the children of a bad revolution. So FP this song. CARMEM Is so sarcastic yet delicate and at the same time honest. Its a honest written, emotional simple yet complex masterpiece. One of my favorites and in my opinion one of Lana's best songs ever. DARK PARADISE & BTD As someone who believes in something after this I relate in a personal level to them. I also like the lyrics a lot. In a personal level many things and relationships are born to die. I like the way she uses BTD metaphorically and evolves the thought through the song. The same goes to DP. The hidden meanings in the lyrics are so sensitive and beautiful. ALL YOU NEEDWhen i was young,I dreamt our lives were,Going to be fun.We were always,Waiting to live. Life is what happens while you are busy doing other plans. While we are waiting to live the lfun life we dream to live. So sweet. Pawn Shop Blues I love how much emotion this little song has. And Lana usually doesn't show herself this emotional, naked emotions like that. I absolute love this song is so sincere. Gods & Monsters In my mind everyone is the god and the monster when I listen to it. Like the side we feed the most is the one who will prevail Fake Diamonds Not the best lyrics but I just really like this song. Sparkling when the lights are on/ But when the night time comes/ And all the lights go off/ You turn off with them. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hello Heaven 1,579 Posted March 10, 2013 I can imagine I'm probably going to be adding to this list a lot. But here goes nothing... Trash Magic This was potentially the first unreleased song by Lana that I heard. It was an early faourite and still is probably my ultimate favourite Lana song. I love the layered vocals and that little whisper in the background of the chorus. It's simple and although it's quite long for the basic instrumental and everything, I definatly don't feel like it drags on. It's beautiful, so relaxing and laid back. I love the lyrics too 'I do my hair up all high and wide, wild flowers tied. Green swimming pool, pink flamingoes, high Christmas lights...' Come When You Call Me America This counts for both versions. Originally I prefered the first version because for some reason I absolutely love it when jazz/jazz instruments are introduced in pop songs but then I think I prefer the vocals and how the lyrics are arranged in version 2 so overall, I probably like them both pretty much the same. But nevertheless, this is an incredibly underrated song. Junky Pride So the tracks on Sirens all pretty much have the same effect on me but this one stands out. The way she sings it makes her sound so vulnerable and sweet. I remember being on a long coach journey to Belgium with my school and I hadn't slept or eaten for ages and I was freezing cold and whilst listening to this song I began to notice it was driving me sightly delirious. I think that's when I really appreciated the song, when she says 'she who loses everything and falls into insanity' That line just does it for me. Lolita It's not an overall favourite from the album but this was an early favourite for me. I love all the versions, it's just all the different parts to it that go so well together to make an amazing song. What more can I say? I'm going to add more later when it isn't mornig and I can think. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mileena 2,696 Posted March 10, 2013 come when you call me america: i love both versions but to me, the 2nd version is definitely the best. she sounds so sexy and enticing throughout the whole song and it sounds like a midnight laying in bed kind of song (in a good way) and the actual music itself sounds amazingly beautiful, there's not too much production going on and the drums are the most prominant thing in the song (something you don't often get with lana). and the way she says 'tell me a story daddy' omg. my best days: i had kind of ignored this song for about 2 months until one time i decided to listen to it again recently, i like the way there's not many lyrics and that the music after she stops singing is the main thing of the song - it's one of lana's most unique songs if you ask me. kill kill: this one has always been my favourite, i had heard AKA before born to die 'cause born to die wasn't out when i first liked lana but anyway. it sounds completely different from her other songs, i love the way it sounds so summery and chilled out too, it's a really interesting blend and even though the lyrics are unhappy it still sounds like an upbeat song. off to the races: i had to include this one. i had always liked lana since july '11 but when i heard OTTR as a promotional single in december i was like 'that's it, she's fucking amazing'. the way her vocal range is really explored throughout the song is awesome and the overall quality of the song is sick. diet mtn dew (2nd demo or whichever one it is with the orchestral ending): i've always loved this one, i love the lyrics, i love the atmosphere, i just love absolutely everything about the song, i really can't get enough of it. disco: the way she sings throughout the song is absolutely beautiful and it's so simple and i love the way how at the end of the song you can hear the traffic outside - it just really adds something to the song. honourable mentions: out with a bang, last girl on earth, yayo, get drunk, methamphetamines. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VegasBaby 895 Posted March 10, 2013 So hard to choose but.. Off To The Races/National Anthem - for me the best of BTD. So original, so badass and I fell in love with Lana as soon as I heard OTTR but NA cemented it. Pawn Shop Blues - amazing song. I could listen to it all day. The lyrics, the song, the melody, the guitar..all of it..perfect. One of her most beautiful songs- lyrically, vocally and it gives me shivers some times. this song is actually the first song I listened to from AKA Agreed. Kill Kill - again another song i could listen to all day. Her voice in it is perfect. I love how she can change her voice like that, depending on the mood of the song. RIDE I love Ride. I can just hear it without actually paying any attention to the lyrics and is a great song. And if I pay attention to the lyrics sounds like her best answer too many questions people have about her and also with a amazing beat to it. Just love it. Gods & Monsters In my mind everyone is the god and the monster when I listen to it. Like the side we feed the most is the one who will prevail I love how you explained that. I adore the song. Mermaid Motel - okay at first I admit, I wasn't really into this song. But then I had a breakthrough and I now adore it! The sound effects and the lyrics and the sensuality of it. Uh so good. & Go-Go Dancer - judging on my username. A good beat and the sass "I never have to work 'cause my daddy is rich" Honourable Mentions: Yayo, Cola, Hollywood's Dead, Driving in Cars with Boys, Elvis 2 Quote Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubytuesday 222 Posted March 10, 2013 Last Girl On Earth - I fell in love the second I heard it. It's one of the view songs that are about HER, rather than her and a man, a man ect. Elvis / You're Gonna Love Me - I love all the acoustic laptop-y sounded demos. These two are just sad and beautiful and nothing gets lost in the production. 1 Quote I have gold in my veins Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trailerparkdarling- 86 Posted March 10, 2013 It's crazy, me and my best friend were just discussing this yesterday and we were saying how impossible it is. But I'll give it a go! Pawn Shop Blues- I think if I was only ever allowed to listen to one Lana song, it would be this. It's sad and beautiful and I think it's one of Lana's best lyrical creations. I connect so much with the lyrics and they got me through a time of my life where I gave up someone I loved. The whole song just gives me shivers, it is beyond perfect in my opinion. Trash Magic- This is almost the opposite of what I just said about PSB, because it doesn't really consist of many lyrics, but I adore this song. I love the feel of it, the almost sadness in her voice. It is beautiful. Marilyn Monroe- I love Lana's fascination with Marilyn, I love the lyrics, I love the upbeat feel. It's catchy and lovely. Raise Me Up- This song is another masterpiece. It just is. Junky Pride- I love Lana singing acoustically, and I love this song in particular because the lyrics are so beautiful. It's gentle and honest and I just really think you can see both her strength and vulnerability through this song. Honorable mentions: Yayo, Dark Paradise, Body Electric, For K part 1, Dangerous Girl, Motel 6, Prom Song, Summertime Sadness. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Limelight 4,709 Posted March 10, 2013 Hollywood's Dead: This is definitely my favorite one, I don't even know how to explain. "Try as I might, in the end it's a cruel world" Other songs I love ( there are loads but just some here): Never Let Me Go, Pawn Shop Blues, Yayo, ( Godga, how much I cry with these songs ) Driving In Car With Boys 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creyk 11,833 Posted March 10, 2013 Good thread! Put the Radio On: I never saw this song mentioned on the forum, but I really love it. I like how she's talking about her love for fine things, and I like this obsession with being on the radio, which many singers have. They just want to be heard. Plus the piano parts of the instrumental are just flawless. The Man I Love: This song is just so excellent and unique, it actually makes me feel euphoric. (but for real, so good) When she sings: "I wanna fly, I wanna fly" my mood always soars. Plus the lyrics are genius. I like how she calls reality into question. Body Electric: I just have to say one released song too! I have no idea what they did to her voice in the studio version, but it's freaking excellent. I like how it' so distant and robotic and awesome, the only thing that bothers me is that I have absolutely no idea what is it about. But still, I can't get enough. Butterflies: This song was such an instant love. I love her voice in this, and the tempo of the song. So slow but still powerful. And the lyrics are really complex and very well put together, they showcase what a great lyricist Lana is. Damn You: I can't wait for that studio version to leak, but even the demo is just great! This song is a dream come true for me, because I listened to that snippet at least 1000 times, it's just addicting. And the full version is great, I love her songs which are about young love, there is a sense of lost innocence about them which makes me feel so nostalgic and sad in a bittersweet way. I love it. Honorable mentions: Dayglo Reflection (like, how spooky can you get), Dum Dum, You and Me, Gramma 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beemo 1,373 Posted March 10, 2013 Pawn Shop Blues: This song invokes many emotions in me. I can't directly relate to the song, but the rawness of it really makes me feel so light headed in the most positive way ever. I can almost imagine a movie just based on the whole song itself, plus, the minimal production on the song makes it seem really vulnerable and sensitive - something that I feel gets overpowered by the soaring strings on most songs off of Born To Die and Paradise. Honorable mentions because of the feels: Never Let Me Go, Lucky Ones, On Our Way 3 Quote The Girl You Used To Call The Queen of New York City Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phahad 692 Posted March 10, 2013 Where do i start Blue Velvet: well, this was the first (i think?) song that was actually confirmed for Paradise. I got SO excited and searched every single day for it hoping it leaked beforehand, but as i figured, nothing. so then, it finally came out and i felt my heart melt at the violon(?). i just love the sound of it. and how tragic and sad the song was in some way... it was just.. i don't know. i kept listening to it none stop for a month. it was just so beautiful. i love it so much. Video Games: do i need to explain this? its the song that made lizzy lana. i love this song so much. it was the first song i hear, didn't pay that much attention to it. and i thought it was alright. till one day i stumbled upon the demo version of Lolita (all time best) on tumblr and went on a quest to find out which song it was. when i found it was Lana, i automatically started getting interested. started listening to Video Games a LOT! even though it was a long song(which i hate!) i listened to it from the begging to the end. it was just so beautiful.. like, (almost) everything she does is beautiful but this was just on another level. i still listen to it very often and haven't stopped listening to it frequently since then. Lolita: this was my first favorite. i listened to the demo first, i loved it. gave it that dark purple bat comic pow effect (i know it doesn't make sense) this was my most played on itunes (the demo, the original was from the top 10) till i deleted every song on there and restored em. i don't know why everybody dislikes this, i love it. every single version, remix, whatever. i love it and it all sounds wonderful to me. Paris: i love this song, a lot. i planned my Paris getaway while listening to that song. and i do plan to flee to paris one day and never come back. ever. Off to the Races: i find this as a classic. still dying to find the demo version of it. i bet it sounds amazing. the lolita references her are the cherry on top. love it love it love love love it. Noir: this song is so bad yet so good. i heard it the first three times and barely made it to the end. till i heard it once more and it grew on me. i loved it! i felt like she made this song alone without consulting anybody, made it over night while she was drunk, and i love it. i'd say this is one of the best songs i've ever heard ((((judge me)))). Dangerous Girl: if this isn't one of your favorites you need to listen to it more. sounds a lot like Off to the Races and i love it. hope she rereleases it one day. but not too much autotune. Never Let Me Go: angelic and quiet. just says a lot about lana and i love the tune it reminds me a lot of a lot of things. Yayo: ain't nuthn like LDRAKALG Yayo to set the mood right. Mermaid Motel: "you call me lavandar, you call me sunshine." that song made me think so much about lana's old life hence my interest in knowing her past. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jord 3,481 Posted March 10, 2013 This is just much more difficult than I thought it would be. I love so many songs, it's hard to select them. "This Is What Makes Us Girls": I love the atmosphere and lyrics. There's something so nostalgic about it and the song has a very deep meaning. Probably one of my favorites. "Without You": One of the songs that remind me of a lot of different things and good moments. It's really beautiful. "Video Games": Perfection in a song, most likely one of the most beautiful things I've ever listened to in my whole life. "Queen of the Gas Station": Ugh, give me coffee, king size cup, please. Teleports me to a desert in Nevada and I love the feeling. "Go Go Dancer": I never have to work 'cause my daddy is rich. Love the beat and the lyrics and the attitude. "Cola": Perfect. "Ride": Perfect. "Gods and Monsters": Perfect. "Born to Die": Perfect. "Off to the Races": Perfect. Honorable mentions: "Trash Magic"/"Oh Say Can You See"/"Kill Kill"/"Blue Jeans"/"Backfire"/"Velvet Crowbar"/"Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)"/"Find My Own Way"/"For K Part 2." I exaggerated a little bit, it was too hard to choose. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YUNGATA 14,959 Posted March 11, 2013 Great thread idea, i love seeing how other people respond to Lana's music on a more personal level. I'll try and keep mine short because I could just go on and on for pages tbh Radio Radio is just a melodic masterpiece. One of my favourite things about lana as a musician is that she's not afraid to use melody. That chorus oh God. It kind of feels like being in an ocean of strings and the drumming is the waves which is all very beautiful. It's not an overwhelming or cheesy beauty though, because it's cut with lana's cheeky perhaps a little provocative "how do you like me now?" This is juxtaposed with the empty/minimalist verses and I remember so clearly what it felt like to hear "oh sing it to me" for the first time and being submerged into that lush, beautiful string section. It left me a little breathless and that's something so rare and haunting you know? To truly be moved by a piece of music. Live or Die If you can't dance with me to Live or Die I don't see how I can be friends with you #realtalk. I have dance moves to this song including (but not limited to) shooting actions at "murdering them, murdering them just for fun" and **slow hairflips** at the HEYYYYY's which are best part of the song. I'm 100% convinced they were lana's idea. Like I bet they had the demo for this song down and lana was like "hm... you know what would be really cute? If I just went HEYYY in a really cutesy voice. You feel that? Isn't that great? Okay we're doing that." The whole song reeks of something your 14yo pop princess cousin (who thought Black Eyed Peas were true gangsters) would write, but that's the whole charm. Yayo (all versions) Like Bill, I basically believe that yayo is the audio embodiment of Jesus. Yayo is a very tender song with hints of lust, passion and loneliness. There's a lot in yayo that lyrically speaking really resonates with me. You have to take me right now, from this dark trailer park life now I feel as though anyone, who like me, has grown up in a lower-middle class family in the suburbs can relate to this. My whole life all I wanted was for someone to rescue me from the house I grew up in so I could start again. And then they did. I'll leave it there~ 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sitar 22,226 Posted March 11, 2013 I have dance moves to this song including (but not limited to) shooting actions at "murdering them, murdering them just for fun" and **slow hairflips** at the HEYYYYY's which are best part of the song. For me it's a lot of fanning myself. Will adopt these. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YUNGATA 14,959 Posted March 11, 2013 For me it's a lot of fanning myself. Will adopt these. Bonus points if you do it all while pouting as much as possible. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Cuomo 3,327 Posted March 11, 2013 Radio Radio is just a melodic masterpiece. One of my favourite things about lana as a musician is that she's not afraid to use melody. That chorus oh God. It kind of feels like being in an ocean of strings and the drumming is the waves which is all very beautiful. It's not an overwhelming or cheesy beauty though, because it's cut with lana's cheeky perhaps a little provocative "how do you like me now?" This is juxtaposed with the empty/minimalist verses and I remember so clearly what it felt like to hear "oh sing it to me" for the first time and being submerged into that lush, beautiful string section. It left me a little breathless and that's something so rare and haunting you know? To truly be moved by a piece of music. The way you described this song is pretty much perfect 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites