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That One Song You CRAVE For

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The only song I really craved for was "Hawaiian Tropic" and I got that already, so I'm completely fine now. I don't care if we don't get any new leaks for months and months, but having the "Off to the Races" demo would be cool since we have demos to all the other Born to Die songs.

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Put Your Lips Together is my top want. I've heard it's one of the last few pop tracks around, so that's a major part of my decision.


High is a secondary want. I just like the title, as I'm sure we all do.


Party Girl is a lesser want. I know we'll probably never get it, but the fact that three versions exist is kind of tantalizing.

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rock me stable, greenwhich, ruby tuesday, mermaid hotel, drive .. RT was like the first 'unleaked' lana song I ever heard about and so it kind of stuck with me.

i crave her old acoustic sad guitar pick songs most.

I have gold in my veins

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Why does everyone want the OTTR demo so much?

Do you really want to hear her unedited sound that bad? :usrsney:


I don't mind what we get, whatever it is I'm sure it will be awesome.

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Party Girl  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:


Never heard of it until everyone kept yelling at the dumb fucks who kept calling it St. Tropez.

                                                                            Life is beautiful, but you don't have a clue

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Why does everyone want the OTTR demo so much?

Do you really want to hear her unedited sound that bad? :usrsney:


I don't mind what we get, whatever it is I'm sure it will be awesome.


Because I'm more of a fan of Lizzy / rawer-sounding Lana & disliked the overproduction in BTD & Paradise, and think some demos were actually superior to the 'finished' products (Diet Mtn Dew & Lolita come to mind, for instance). OTTR is one of my absolute fave Lana songs so I'm really looking forward to hear its rawer version.

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Ahh, I have to choose a few.


1. Because of You ( :angie:)

2. Ruby Tuesday

3. Greenwich ( :angie:)

4. Coconut and Key Lime Pie

5. Kindness of Strangers

6. Roses ( :angie:)


Edited by Elle


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