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i know he's there to perform the hits but he could've left that tired ass 50 shades song off the setlist and performed faith instead. he also could've performed a song from kiss land eg wanderlust to replace either the hills or can't feel myself... but anyways it was cute.

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8 minutes ago, Yosemite said:

Loved it a lot, he was looking hot and serving vocals but I gotta be honest: it was missing something, I don't know.

It's like, all that build up for it to end like that? 

Still a solid 8/10

We all know Stargirl Interlude featuring Lana Del Rey was the missing part

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I liked it a lot. I loved the spooky vibe and all of the visuals. House of Balloons into Blinding Lights was fire. 

However, I thought it was super short. Idk if it was just me. With the pace he was going and the amount of great music he has, I was expecting him to do way more songs. When he started doing Blinding Lights, I was like “oh, he’s doing this in the middle of the set list? Weird but okay.” And then it ended and I was like “... oh.”


Blinding Lights was definitely the best part, but I thought it was just the rising action, not the actual climax already. So it felt a bit anticlimactic to me. 

  It’s not about having someone to love me anymore

This is the experience of being an American whore

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It was all around a good performance, but kinda just that: good. It was at times a bit underwhelming. I find that very few performers these days are really, and unanimously found to be, entertaining all on their own. He would've definitely benefitted from having two or three collabs in there. 'Blinding Lights' was kind of the highlight for me. Also, 'The Hills' is always a moment. :sluttybunny:



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I thought it was really cool. The part with the mirrors was interesting and I don't think I've seen visuals like that during a Super Bowl performance before?

The ending with Blinding Lights was def the best part though.

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I think one problem is that some of the songs he sang are pretty slow compared to what I feel like we usually see at a show like Halftime. Songs like Earned It or the Hills are...pretty slow lol which is why I think most people enjoyed Blinding Lights the most. The visuals weren't that noteworthy either, though I loved the mirror maze part and the segment with House of Balloons. He could've easily replaced one of the slower songs with In Your Eyes and In The Night. Also the fact that he had no guest stars - I think people like seeing the mashups of the various artists. 


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I loved his performance.. for a man he is actually interesting unlike most mainstream male artists. Still not as entertaining (IMO) as if a female artist e.g. Miley or Taylor etc performed but definitely better than last year LOL 

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Just watched it (I don't watch the superbowl but always watch the halftime show after the fact) and I don't see how anyone couldn't have liked it. It was a good performance and at least there wasn't anything necessarily controversial that happened. The mirror room with the masks which related to the latest music videos was actually a really good idea, whoever in costumes did that needs a pay raise. I just couldn't see Taylor or anyone else doing a Halftime show and making it this interesting. She would either do her hillbilly songs she's re-releasing or her latest snoozefest of a Lana impersonation. Couldn't see that being enjoyable at all lmao


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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18 minutes ago, HydroponicWeeds said:

Just watched it (I don't watch the superbowl but always watch the halftime show after the fact) and I don't see how anyone couldn't have liked it. It was a good performance and at least there wasn't anything necessarily controversial that happened. The mirror room with the masks which related to the latest music videos was actually a really good idea, whoever in costumes did that needs a pay raise. I just couldn't see Taylor or anyone else doing a Halftime show and making it this interesting. She would either do her hillbilly songs she's re-releasing or her latest snoozefest of a Lana impersonation. Couldn't see that being enjoyable at all lmao


100%. I'm in love w the Weeknd ?

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I kinda think he should have taken a break before releasing The Dawn, like this project already seems like it was rushed:

Take My Breath sounds like it could have been a filler on After Hours and Moth To A Flame is forgettable, i'm interested in seeing how the rest of the album is gonna sound like

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