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[Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK

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I also hope that the moderators have been considering how to possibly handle future situations like this, should another member attempt to use their fellow peers and their love for an artist to gain profit, and fail to carry out their obligation as a vendor/seller with the utmost integrity and consideration; and so it is not misunderstood (as I love and respect each of the mods here,) I am not saying "I hope" as a passive-aggressive jab. I am saying it as a genuine inquiry because as a fellow member here, the integrity of our community is just as important to me as I know it is to everyone else, no matter who was involved in this.





This is definitely something we're talking about. I think we're mostly disappointed that we did not catch this sooner and just assumed it was going okay, as Moy has had previously successful projects. You can see through above posts we have given our individual thoughts on the matter, but ultimately we feel there's not very much we as a team can do for this specific case at this point. Money was exchanged off the site and lanaboards was merely used as a platform to advertise. Personally, I do not wish to ban these kinds of projects because I believe there are a lot of creative and trustworthy people on the forum. I suppose what we can gain from this is that these projects need to be monitored more carefully and perhaps from this point on we should try and encourage mod approval before posting something like this.


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You know what I did when my Spotify Premium subscription was up and I couldn't afford to pay another month? I didn't renew it.


You know what I did when my PlayStation Plus subscription was up and I couldn't afford to pay for another month? I didn't renew it.


You know what I did when I quit my job in November under the false pretense that I had another job lined up, and couldn't afford Christmas gifts because I was unemployed? I didn't spend money I didn't have, and I told everyone not to worry about me for Christmas.


I especially did not use money given by people, who were customers expecting a product to be developed and distributed to them as promised, to pay off debts I racked up under my own accord.

I was so emotional when reading this. Such meaningful words ;_;

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I am literally SHOOK!


So I nearly bought this *book* THREE TIMES but luckily each time I tried my boyfriend came in the room and said "You ain't buying that book are you?" Thanks Jesus and Mary for that because if I did I would've been scammed!

I would expect to be scammed from some other fandoms that I won't mention, but never from the Lana Del Rey community who are obviously the brokest of them all it's just so cruel and immature.


Moy's *apologies* when reading them actually sound like an intentional joke and I don't buy any of his sarcastic pity BS because he spent £6.5k of people's money that nobody is going to get back. No-matter how much he promises, guys this guy will never be able to refund 100% of the customers who bought this unless he is taken to the courts (not that I am saying you should do this because this would cost more than the £30 you paid for the book). I'm actually slightly heartbroken at what has happened and I'd like to think Lana would be too, maybe we can all write a song called Summertime Scamness and get it played to her to convey our pain. 

As I've said, what annoys me the most is that this douche bag is very obviously not sorry and has been laughing all the way to the Apple Store and Superdry with this his new laptop and wardrobe makeover. That's all I have to say, but I hope Madam Karma will bite off his ass cheeks and give him what he deserves. 


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Do you think I would have the same issue with a book of drawings of Lana? I suppose that yes tbh :( And even if I can get it printed, I'm afraid that if her team sees it they get to me


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Do you think I would have the same issue with a book of drawings of Lana? I suppose that yes tbh :( And even if I can get it printed, I'm afraid that if her team sees it they get to me


tbh I wouldn't actually instantly assume yes because they are your own unique work, she was merely the inspiration. I think the biggest problem would be using any of her lyricism. but at this thread reveals, definitely worth researching before you commit.


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