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Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll


342 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Honeymoon?

    • Honeymoon
    • Music to Watch Boys to
    • Terrence Loves You
    • God Knows I Tried
    • High by the Beach
    • Freak
    • Art Deco
    • Burnt Norton
    • Religion
    • Salvatore
    • The Blackest Day
    • 24
    • Swan Song
    • Don't Let Me be Misunderstood

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Hope the new album comes out end of June early July

and then sings a few of the songs on the tour

It would be great if she did 2 lps a year, every six months, the more new music, the more total songs we have in front of us to listen to

Much like TV in the USA is now like that- 10 to 13 episodes, two a year.


Thank Lana that we are not sitting around Adele's boards waiting 5 years to have 10 songs that were exactly the same as the last 10 with zero growth

and zero to look forward to for another 5 years (or Lorde still trying to rekindle the 16 years it took her to release her first album and seemingly it

might be another few before her new album is released(and I happen to enjoy her meager output of music).


and it would be great if someone in the country music field would be brave enough to place her songs to some country male artists with the way the country music industry is in America, if one artist had one hit with one song, another 30 artists that are country would record her stuff

(ala Brandy Clark or Shane McAnally).

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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There were better songs on Paradise though. God's and Monsters, Cola, Bel Air, American...


Thank you, I always find it funny when people say that Paradise sucks when it was such an exciting record for (dare I say) everyone, with the Tumblr snippets we had, the nice snippet video she posted ... :whatever: It's okay to find later records more mature but don't act like you hated the EP. We now you jammed to the mentioned songs.

*See right through you like you're bathing in Windex* :point:


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funny how some posters here feel the need to put down other great artists/songs in order to build thier own fantasy..

how could you limit your simple mind to only one? lmfao..


there are a handful or maybe more of great artists that shall remain timeless in their work, like it or not.. :P :legend:

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Hope the new album comes out end of June early July

and then sings a few of the songs on the tour

It would be great if she did 2 lps a year, every six months, the more new music, the more total songs we have in front of us to listen to

Much like TV in the USA is now like that- 10 to 13 episodes, two a year.


Thank Lana that we are not sitting around Adele's boards waiting 5 years to have 10 songs that were exactly the same as the last 10 with zero growth

and zero to look forward to for another 5 years (or Lorde still trying to rekindle the 16 years it took her to release her first album and seemingly it

might be another few before her new album is released(and I happen to enjoy her meager output of music).


and it would be great if someone in the country music field would be brave enough to place her songs to some country male artists with the way the country music industry is in America, if one artist had one hit with one song, another 30 artists that are country would record her stuff

(ala Brandy Clark or Shane McAnally).

I hope that she waits at least till January 2017. 2 lps a year really? What is music for you anyway? I like Lana's voice as any on this forum but I want to listen to something interesting from her again. HM is a good album, different sound-wise from UV and BTD but what was all about? She sang lethargically and sometimes beautifully about what may I ask? UV was a breakup-moving on album and HM was in the same mold but without the passion. She cannot repeat the same thing through 3 albums in my opinion. And it's not about sales this time around, after HM she cannot go back the commercial route for several reasons I don't want to dwell on now, but she needs to stabilize her career as a quality artist who can have a strong following years to come, a more mature fanbase because she cannot appeal anymore to the teenagers who already moved on to Halsey, Martinez and other singers who are younger and more relatable to them. A more mature fanbase needs lyrical consistency (without namedroppings, overused tropes, clicheistic cultural references and ridiculous verses like "stranger than stranger"). She is not a hit maker, she's an album artist and she needs a fresh concept to write about and that takes time. I always come back to VG as an example of good lyricism from her and I hope that she can achieve that level again because she has the talent to do it. For a while she needs to tour, to perform her damn songs that are already out (I would really like to see a passionate performance of TBD from her)

I’m not as interested in flip-floppers

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Thank you, I always find it funny when people say that Paradise sucks when it was such an exciting record for (dare I say) everyone, with the Tumblr snippets we had, the nice snippet video she posted ... :whatever: It's okay to find later records more mature but don't act like you hated the EP. We now you jammed to the mentioned songs.

*See right through you like you're bathing in Windex* :point:

it was exciting because it was BTD follow up not because it was the greatest project ever. 

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@@Flipflopfan - I disagree with all the points you made. You want her to do video games/ born to die again, she did that already. Be kind of silly to do it again.


and if you don't know what Honeymoon was about, or Ultraviolence or Paradise, well, it only goes to show.

Trouble is when those attempt to compare her to other female singers, when she has far surpassed all female singers and is in the rarefied place of the top album artist male/group stars that don't rely on hit singles. (and I say this because the teen stars you mention are all on the top 40 single based circuit


Look at Simon & Garfunkel- they made a 60 year career now on what basically was 5 hits, and their first big hit, ala Summertime Sadness was unbeknownst to S&G themselves, put together in a studio to create a different song than was the one on their at the time release that did not chart well. (Sounds of silence, originally acoustic

someone added later on electric guitar and it was #1 while Simon wasn't even in the US and had no idea he had a hit that he thought was a bomb.


BTW- do you know in the USA, what # on the charts Life on Mars got for David Bowie?

How about Leonard Cohen's own version of Hallelujah? (both actually had the same position on the Hot 100).

How about David Johansen and the NY Dolls?


Personally, Paradise was better than BTD, Ultraviolence was better than Paradise and BTD, and Honeymoon is so far the best of all (music/lyrics/story/book)

I personally assume the new album coming soon will be even better than all of them, as each one incorporates and grows from the one before, as it is all part of the same story (and Lana now has been Lana longer than Bowie was Ziggy).

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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@@graham4anything I really don't think that @@Flipflopfan was saying Lana should re-create Born to Die or Video Games, they were simply alluding to Lana's lyricism and how Lana needs to improve lyrically for the next album. They were saying how much they love the lyrics in Video Games and would like more songs with lyrics as good as them. They aren't saying they want another Video Games, just a song with lyrics as good as Video Games, which I think is a fair enough thing to say considering the high quality of the lyrics in Video Games. Honeymoon has some exemplary lyrics but overall Lana could still be doing better. You seem to have this idea that Lana is perfect and everything she does is perfect, when in actuality, this isn't the case. Yes, she's AMAZING and in my opinion she's never put out a bad song, but there is always room for improvement, even in the best of the best. And to be frank, Honeymoon doesn't have the best lyrics. They're satisfying and they're pleasant but they're not mind-blowing at the same time. I definitely agree with @@Flipflopfan that she could improve next time around. 


At the end of the day, I'll be happy with anything Lana puts out next time around, even if it's Honeymoon 2.0, but I would really like something fresh, new and exciting, which in most ways, Honeymoon unfortunately wasn't. 

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I don't want to talk any shit about her lyrics to be honest. BTD, UV, HM.. The lyrics change obviously as she, a person, changes.

I am not sure but she cannot write like she did during 2011-2012. She learned more and grew up as a human being. It is obviously irrelevant to want her to become BTD-ish again. I am not trying to offend anybody who wants BTD lyrics style back, but you guys all know that will probably never happen. I love Lana's lyrics about their significant changes. I love that she is "evolving". It is like watching your kid grow. (Even though I am not even old enough to have one)

Let's just expect how she will be for the next era. I am totally pumped!

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I hope that she waits at least till January 2017. 2 lps a year really? What is music for you anyway? I like Lana's voice as any on this forum but I want to listen to something interesting from her again. HM is a good album, different sound-wise from UV and BTD but what was all about? She sang lethargically and sometimes beautifully about what may I ask? UV was a breakup-moving on album and HM was in the same mold but without the passion. She cannot repeat the same thing through 3 albums in my opinion. And it's not about sales this time around, after HM she cannot go back the commercial route for several reasons I don't want to dwell on now, but she needs to stabilize her career as a quality artist who can have a strong following years to come, a more mature fanbase because she cannot appeal anymore to the teenagers who already moved on to Halsey, Martinez and other singers who are younger and more relatable to them. A more mature fanbase needs lyrical consistency (without namedroppings, overused tropes, clicheistic cultural references and ridiculous verses like "stranger than stranger"). She is not a hit maker, she's an album artist and she needs a fresh concept to write about and that takes time. I always come back to VG as an example of good lyricism from her and I hope that she can achieve that level again because she has the talent to do it. For a while she needs to tour, to perform her damn songs that are already out (I would really like to see a passionate performance of TBD from her)


Finally an excellently and intelligently and truthfully written post. Well there are some other really good ones here to.. but well said! Agree totally. :gclap: :legend: :rollin:

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@@Flipflopfan "We both know ist not fashionable to love me, but you dont go cause truly there´s nobody for you but me"

it's so true :crying4:

It woukd be nice to have 2 new albums in 1 year but she said she will put out albums in a 15 month time. We get LDR4/5 in December 2016 or January 2017.

Imagine if Paradise would've been a full album. What would've happen? Would we love it more? Would we say, she needed to take more time for it?


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I know she directly said that Honeymoon was less autobiographical but to me it seems that Honeymoon is the most autobiographical album she's done (minus maybe LDR). The fact that she's recently hinted at Lana Del Rey being a persona to her, I wonder if the other albums were autobiographical of the persona and Honeymoon was 'not autobiographical' because she was speaking as Lana Del Rey, a separate person in her mind than Lizzy Grant (of whom Honeymoon is actually autobiographical). My alternate theory is that she made the statement to protect herself in case Honeymoon was poorly received. It is nerve-wracking putting really personal material out there and to go ahead and distance herself from it would soften the blow if the overall consensus was that the album was bad. Then she could just blow it off ('I don't care, its not like it about me anyways'). Just some rambling thoughts. 

Goddesses don't speak in whispers. They scream.

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