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6 minutes ago, Mer said:


but chuck commented that 3 days ago and Lana's been posting since then like nothing's wrong so that would be odd to say the least. + IF this were true, it would be someone in that photo (otherwise why would Chuck comment on a random pic), and I think we'd know about it by now. 


Actually, the broken hearts make me wonder if Chuck knows this is the last album under Interscope, and she's mourning the end of this era? 

This could be true! i would certainly hope no one die as well, since the only person I can think of is Rick or her grandma :ohno::krylie:


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Maybe she’s… pregnant and that’s why she wants privacy?


Feels awful to speculate. :toofloppy: I already regret posting this reply, lol. But it’s just so weird. Or maybe she’s receiving some sort of treatment somewhere. The whole “she needs privacy” thing is intriguing and also somewhat concerning. But I guess we aren’t owed an explanation. 

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5 minutes ago, Poor Stacy said:

Maybe she’s… pregnant and that’s why she wants privacy?


Feels awful to speculate. :toofloppy: I already regret posting this reply, lol. But it’s just so weird. Or maybe she’s receiving some sort of treatment somewhere. The whole “she needs privacy” thing is intriguing and also somewhat concerning. But I guess we aren’t owed an explanation. 


i mean... possibly? :toofunny: weren't we speculating about this in the pre-release thread the other day? we really are always ahead of her :toofunny:


of course, if that's the case (which it very well might be something else) i totally understand needing privacy during a time like that, at the end of the day, i hope she's going okay and she's doing this for her


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Im so sad to see Lana leave social media because it bars me from showing her the support I’m continuously giving her, but I’m so happy she’s finding peace in her life and no longer needing social media. I think we should all follow in her footsteps and take a step back TBH!

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15 minutes ago, Coney Island King said:

I just think it’s hilarious that the roll out for this new album has been so good, especially compared to Chemtrails and now she’s all “here’s my old passport photo, oh and i’m leaving public view now, enjoymynewalbumbye”.


She never fails to surprise :fabcat:



She’s so chaotic, makes my borderline personality look like nothing at times lol

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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My body is a map of L.A.
And my heart is like paper, I hate ya
I'm not from the land of the palms, so I know I can't stay here



They built me up three hundred feet tall just to tear me down
So I'm leavin' with nothing but laughter, and this town


Maybe she was giving us a heads up in Arcadia?

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I’m not too worried because she often goes months without really saying anything significant apart from the odd birthday message and random insta photo. I’m guessing she just hates the criticism side of things when albums get released and it affects her well-being and creative process. So it’s probably better for her to get away from it all while the album drops. 

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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4 minutes ago, Style said:

okay yall i’m doing this as fast as i can please support if u want 


There are programs that let you download from Instagram,  it might be easier to download everything and the post here, so you don't have to rush. 


You can download pictures and videos/stories/igtv

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Didn’t expect to return from a mini internet break to this news :deadbanana:

I’m going to miss her sporadic social media presence very much. Her posts felt personal, and her personality can be very cute/endearing. As long as this is a decision she’s making on her own and in peace, what else can we do but hope for the best. I will say, there are a few parts of the video I thought felt weird. When she said “I’m really, um, blessed...thank you” at the end, there’s something I can’t quite place that seemed off about it. There’s endless variables that could contribute to that, projection on our part, there could be some shit going on in her life, she’s just stressed about making this video... In any case, I hope she’s okay. And that she will come back to sharing things with us one day, if she feels comfortable ?

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Wow. I agree with the people who said she seemed sad, and I hope that she's doing well and this is what's best for her. It can be tough to make a big decision like that, so I think it's only natural to feel sad even if you know you're making the right choice. It does feel like this is the end of an era, with Blue Banisters closing out and summarizing her journey from BTD to now. It feels like this is Lana Del Rey as we knew her saying goodbye, because I think that this chapter in her life is officially over and whatever comes next will be completely different from her work thus far. Like Lana said in WTWWAWWKD,

Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of America?

No, oh
It's only the beginning
If we hold on to hope
We'll have a happy ending
Here's to hoping for a happy new beginning for Lana.

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I have to say, regardless of her being wildly successful, I'm pleasantly surprised that she truly doesn't care for likes/attention/popularity in the end. People live for and die over that shit, and even more so as they become bigger/more recognized. 



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