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Wow, I just opened this thread to see her grandma passed away and started bawling. It's so heartbreaking to see :( Sending love to Lana and her family. Really hope everyone can be respectful in the comments, I'm worried seeing how some people came to honeymoon to talk about the dress. I hope Lana takes a break from everything and spends some time to grieve and surround herself with positive people in her life. We're all here for you Lana and we love you 

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 i hope her life and legacy will be celebrated for eternity for creating such a talented family and inspiring everyone in her path. i don’t know what else to say but rest in heaven gramma grant <3 

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23 minutes ago, drugmunny said:

"you not being here has turned me into a different person for now. Quiet." this really is a beautifully poetic way of describing how grief feels. this woman deserves all the love and support in the world i hope she receives it


that "3 white butterflies to know you're near" tho 😭


I don't know how it works for Americans, but in my home country, it is believed that if y'all see white butterflies the day your loved one gone, it is actually that person comes to see you and give you one last goodbye before they move on to the next life, because they just want to spend a few more moments with the people they loved and cared about the most when they were alive.

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

                                      Pokemon Eevee GIF - Pokemon Eevee Flower - Discover & Share GIFs                                   evee-dancing.gif

Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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1 minute ago, Whore of Tropico said:

I don't know how it works for Americans, but in my home country, it is believed that if y'all see white butterflies the day your loved one gone, it is actually that person comes to see you and give you one last goodbye before they move on to the next life.



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6 minutes ago, Whore of Tropico said:


that "3 white butterflies to know you're near" tho 😭


I don't know how it works for Americans, but in my home country, it is believed that if y'all see white butterflies the day your loved one gone, it is actually that person comes to see you and give you one last goodbye before they move on to the next life, because they just want to spend a few more moments with the people they loved and cared the most when they were alive.

On the day I was born, a butterfly flew by my father and landed on his arm while he was holding me. He always thought that the butterfly was his mother who passed a couple months before then saying hello, and then a final goodbye x


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

SF • ATL • ATL • IND • ATL • CHI • LDN • NYC • NYC • DC • ATL • NYC • PDX • SAN • KS • CHI • AL • MD • AL • AL


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1 minute ago, Elle said:

On the day I was born, a butterfly flew by my father and landed on his arm while he was holding me. He always thought that the butterfly was his mother who passed a couple months before then saying hello, and then a final goodbye x

Emotional from all this 

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I'm so heartbroken for her. the pain she's facing rn :( I lost my gramma a year ago and it was like a knife slicing my heart into pieces

still is actually

1.jpg  3.jpg  2.jpg 

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5 minutes ago, Elle said:

On the day I was born, a butterfly flew by my father and landed on his arm while he was holding me. He always thought that the butterfly was his mother who passed a couple months before then saying hello, and then a final goodbye x


that's really beautiful Elle <3 


@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

                                      Pokemon Eevee GIF - Pokemon Eevee Flower - Discover & Share GIFs                                   evee-dancing.gif

Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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23 hours ago, Elle said:

Lana's response to someone criticising her dress - 


Lana said she didn’t write this comment a few hours ago. It sucks that she is having to respond to comments about her dress after her grandmother just passed away though. 


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25 minutes ago, Nectar said:

Lana said she didn’t write this comment a few hours ago. It sucks that she is having to respond to comments about her dress after her grandmother just passed away though. 


dont know what to make of this but i don't see why it matters in the first place tbh. she does not need to deal with getting hate for this right now


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1 hour ago, Nectar said:

Lana said she didn’t write this comment a few hours ago. It sucks that she is having to respond to comments about her dress after her grandmother just passed away though. 


The way she was just walking down the street and saw a dress she liked and bought it and now people are coming at her for “supporting child labor.” I don’t blame her for quitting most social media. Must be tiring 

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If you eat vegetables in this country or buy literally anything in this world you are financially supporting slavery or wage theft in some way. Systemic problems require systemic solutions. Policing individuals is a bourgeoisie way to feel morally superior without actually doing anything about the issue. Also the stans of other artists who do way shiftier promos for really bad companies jumping in on this is….the hypocrisy is deafening. At the end of the day they’re just bullying a woman to get a kick out of their day. I’m sorry its occurring while she just lost her gramma who was extremely special to her


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I just need to say (cos some people seem to be going down that road in here) I am not a fan of "well, you do/use [harmful thing] so you have no right to call out [harmful thing]" because it's about lessening the impact, not eliminating. It's impossible to live without doing some things that aren't ideal. 

I'm vegan and people just love being all, "oh well you're VEGAN and you don't eat animals but did you know [this thing] you use contains [thing]?" And it's like I try to use animal-free products (makeup, clothes, etc) but it isn't always possible. It's about making the best possible choices whilst still living your life.

Anyway I agree that it's bullshit that people are coming for her. Certainly Lana should be aware of where her clothing is being sourced from but there's a time and a place to address that, and that time and place is not right after her nanna died in her IG comments.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Gramma was one of the first Lana songs I ever heard.

It was such a memorable and unique song like the rest i discovered 

It was so relatable to me which i loved 


i kinda consider myself an expert on grief at this point in my life (whatever that means) 

not because i know how to deal with it - i dont.

but because i carry a shit ton of it with me everyday even though im still sorta young 

its extremely hard. the hardest thing any of us will ever live through

its so uncomfortable knowing something thats causing you so much pain is unchangeable and out of your control 

i used to feel like i was special and my grief was somehow the worst

but i know now after suffering through so much of it, im really not special at all

it happens to everyone 

its the most other worldly insane feeling a human can experience 


of course we can never truly know Lana but this has made me feel closer to her as another human being than I ever have. 


I wish I could hug her and anyone else who is in the midst of that pain. 


If anyone is experiencing it right now just know better days are on the way and even though its the most painful thing ever you're never alone in it. 


My heart is with anyone suffering a loss to death. 

If you think no one else knows how you feel, think of me <3 


goodnight guys xoxo


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