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LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions

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Also not sure if this is fixable, but the sign up email confirmation thing doesn't really work either. I and many other users have had this issue. It even led to me losing my last account when I tried to change my sign-up email, thus having to create a whole new account through Twitter. It was really sad for me because I lost all of my contributions on my last account and reputation points.

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Another thing that would be awesome to have on this site is a members section that is dedicated to competitions,movie nights MOTM,pictures of you stuff like that etc.


Also I have an idea for members who break rules etc and banning them. Due to the rise of dynamic IP its almost impossible to ban members outright from seeing the site so instead we strip them of all privileges. They can see pages on this forum but are not able to post anywhere etc. Stripping them from being able to PM is a good idea also. Another thing you could do is take away their star rating and reputation votes so that have to start from the bottom/beginning again once a ban has been lifted of course  :hooker:


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i also vote for multiple themes to choose from that are QUALITY and well-cultivated, as well as a main theme that is updated on a semi-regular basis. an @@annedauphine theme would be perfect!!!!!


has the mess with the user icons been solved yet? i'm still afraid to try to change mine since getting the one i have was a pain in the ass. 

  let me be who i'm meant to be

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Also not sure if this is fixable, but the sign up email confirmation thing doesn't really work either. I and many other users have had this issue. It even led to me losing my last account when I tried to change my sign-up email, thus having to create a whole new account through Twitter. It was really sad for me because I lost all of my contributions on my last account and reputation points.

I second this.

Also, would love a bigger profile photo size! Would like to have it bigger than 300x300, since it only allows like 100KB or something. Also, would really love a new layout (I know you said you would @@Elle but just saying)

Anyways, I'm excited for this forums' future! Thanks!!

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I really like the idea of time-zoned mods. I think maybe two per each time-zone? The larger the team, the bigger the input will be and the less pressure will be on few ppl (as it is rn with like 2 mods).

I agree more time zone diversity could be beneficial for things like spam clean-up. But I think expanding the mod staff too much could make consensus on more complicated moderating issues more difficult.


Another suggestion from me would be regarding the current banning/WP situation. I think the LB rules should definitely be updated and there should be a new system regarding bans and WPs in general that make them more reasonable if they are given out by the mods.

As of now, it doesn't seem transparent enough imo and the drama tends to spill everywhere on the forum.

I'm not really sure you're very well-positioned to be making this critique, nor am I sure that our following this suggestion would work out well for you. I'm not necessarily opposed to more transparency and clarity-- there certainly could stand to be more communication amongst the mods and admin regarding these kinds of decisions than in the past-- but I have a feeling this clarity is likely to manifest itself in the form of stricter application.


That said, transparency is not always a positive good. Some disciplinary measures are best handled privately and discreetly. I do agree that our forum guidelines could use some updating, however, as there are certainly some things we don't allow that aren't covered well in the current language.


I'm ready to be stoned for saying this so go ahead, but I really would like the Allie X thread reopened. I literally LIVE in the Entertainment section and it's the only closed thread there and it was the most popular thread minus the Charli XCX thread. Many of us enjoyed that thread a whole lot and it still seems so unfair that a couple lunatics ruined it for everyone. Yes, I know this is LANA Boards, I get that. But the Entertainment section brings in a large portion of our traffic and Allie X contributed greatly to that. There must be some other way to solve this other than punishing all fans together.

In principle, I completely agree. In practice, I completely don't. One thread about this particular extraneous subject isn't worth the attendant drama, let alone lengthy server outages due to DDoS attacks that take down everything else with it. This is why we can't have nice things, or even mediocre things.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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I'm ready to be stoned for saying this so go ahead, but I really would like the Allie X thread reopened. I literally LIVE in the Entertainment section and it's the only closed thread there and it was the most popular thread minus the Charli XCX thread. Many of us enjoyed that thread a whole lot and it still seems so unfair that a couple lunatics ruined it for everyone. Yes, I know this is LANA Boards, I get that. But the Entertainment section brings in a large portion of our traffic and Allie X contributed greatly to that. There must be some other way to solve this other than punishing all fans together.

:deadbanana: We live in there together haha

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so imma leave a few suggestions.. TBH i have no idea about how capable @@Elle is to be able to change the technical parts of lanaboards, or add new features, or even how customizable the template/site is... but maybe u could find someone to do stuff? here are some of the suggestions i think would help the site a lot.. whether or not they're doable is another thing i guess (im gonna put my suggestions in bold just so that they're easier to read apart from the explanations)


first off... plz dont let the site look like its from 2005 anymore :icant: also i think lanabaords should maybe have its own instagram account? that way all lana fans have a more reliable source for news, and snippets.. etc.. I think this would also help bring more people to lanaboards, since it would lead people from insta to lanabaords. (imma put the rest of my ideas in a spoiler thing so i dont take up too munch space)



i wish there was a setting so that, if a certain amount of people report someone for posting inappropriate pictures, or harassment, they will have the ability to post temporarily taken away? until a mod or admin can review the posts...that way when people are posting porn the problem can be fixed sooner.. but i guess the alternative to this idea would be having mods that are actually on enough. 


if community is gonna be a bigger part of lanaboards, it would be cool af to have a better messaging system


I think updated emoticons would be rad? maybe just an expansion of what there is now... god there are so many great lana images to add. 


It would also be cool if there were more collaborative opportunity/projects, would be cool to have an area where we could maybe help each other out with projects, or find people to help. 


i also kind of think the mobile version of lanaboards needs help! .. its kinda ugly and sooo different from how the desktop site works .. i usually just go to the desktop version on my phone, cuz its that bad xD 


If all links in the status bar would work that would be iconic... 


IDK if its changeable but like.. the text box thing you type in when making posts... looks and feels like its from 2005, would be cool to see something more updated post/reply window panel, with the ability to share from more places as well.


tumblr_mxk6xrLiob1r4y0tco1_500.gif Instagram: pxpi_gringo

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Thank you so much for this! So my suggestions are:

_ bring back MOTM. This is basically what I care about the most in terms of community haha.

_ get a mod from Europe timezone. I'm logged in all the time and so often I see the stuff coming and it's absolutely not their fault but the timezones make that the other mods aren't logged in and that's so frustrating!

_ get the possibility to choose various themes, perhaps one per album like in Diamond Garden. I can definitely help with this too if there's a need :)


Edit: I agreed with everything anal said and I'm really opposed to a no holds barred section, drama is already rampant on here


Edit 2: I absolutely love the design of Diamond Garden, only thing I miss is the time online function I would love if it was kept :)


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I'm ready to be stoned for saying this so go ahead, but I really would like the Allie X thread reopened. I literally LIVE in the Entertainment section and it's the only closed thread there and it was the most popular thread minus the Charli XCX thread. Many of us enjoyed that thread a whole lot and it still seems so unfair that a couple lunatics ruined it for everyone. Yes, I know this is LANA Boards, I get that. But the Entertainment section brings in a large portion of our traffic and Allie X contributed greatly to that. There must be some other way to solve this other than punishing all fans together.

Personally, I think it is great to have multiple artists' sections on the Entertainment section, but nobody knows if any lunatic will be back again and attack this website once again. I can't be sure about having a thread that has some deadly potentials.. Not to offend an Allie X fan, but there is already a forum dedicated to her, so I am sorry to say this but I think that place will be the best for true Allie fans :) Now that the forum will be re-made, we mustn't have any negative stuff here at least from the start  :ohno:



I don't know if anybody said it but the gallery is in a DESPERATE need of a proper update. HUGE tons of links are dead and it is too messy to actually look through the photos! There must be a few people that can be in charge of the gallery thread. Like someone who can add photos in the master post on each thread instead of replying new photos

(I volunteer but I think there are obviously better people than me :facepalm: )


There are so many stuff to be redone as this is a very big community! I think something can be made better after the reborn of LB. LB2.0 era starts now YAS :crying:

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I would absolutely love for a improved mobile version because I predominantly go on LBs thru my phone and I need to remember the :example: thing in order to put in each smiley, I can't see how many likes each post has, and formatting posts is mostly downright impossible as I would need to type all the HTML tags or whatever they're called.


I understand a lot of these issues are probably out of your control but it would be nice to get some improvements. Best of luck for the future ahead, Elle!


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Hello @@Elle thank you for buying LB, best of wishes for you.

I'd like to know your views (and everyone else reading this, if you will) on;

a. the Top 5 Online Users section on the front page.

b. Chat vs Shoutbox

c. if SU with embedded media should be in/out of spoiler.

d. if the soundcloud links are playing just fine for everyone else, cos I can never play them here




ps: is the LB favicon left blank after the last downtime,or is it just me?

ps2: would love to read the suggestions recapped/compiled/listed in the first post

..but believe me when I say that the surveillance we live under is the highest privilege compared to how we treat the rest of the world.

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