Limelight 4,709 Posted November 3, 2016 I'm happy all of this mess happened while I was asleep. Y'all should stop attacking Eclipse like that and please have at least just a bit of decency and stop worshipping him for songs that he stole. Eclipse, I'm sure people would be thankful if old songs were leaked but please keep private about any new material you might have and your convo with Lana + stop serving half-baked meals thinking you're being overly-generous with the community (talking about those stupid snippets). It's ok if you don't wanna leak stuff, but then stop trying to get attention with that, don't you have a bf now? 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeadBitch 7,328 Posted November 3, 2016 Lmao ya'll are a mess with your emotions. The fact that Lana has chosen a single and an album release date is enough to know that there's an actual project on its way coming sooner than expected. Clearly king Eclipse is in good terms with Lana too, so any other's opinion beyond that is irrelevant. Save your spam for Interscope. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leaked_version 10,499 Posted November 3, 2016 you know how gays are! thank God I am a mask top. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coney Island King 26,355 Posted November 3, 2016 Another iconic lanaboards thread x 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lauren Bacall 769 Posted November 3, 2016 all i wanna know is why i've read every single page of this thread 17 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melania 2,386 Posted November 3, 2016 <- me at this thread 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRENCH 15,456 Posted November 3, 2016 Wait but how did Lana discover Eclipse's tweet? She randomly goes on twitter and randomly search for it? dont forget that she said that she actually reads almost ALL tweets and stalks her fans on instagram I trust Eclipse, he was always a relieable source. But I still can't at some of you still celebrating him as "King". Of course it's always fun to have infos but it seemingly reached a level where it invades her privacy that much that she feels the need to contact him. Not because she wants to but because he had the audacity to tag her on leaked lyrics. And he keeps the narcissism and entitlement he always displays on this board when he is talking to her, acting benelovent etc. I am also always happy for Lana news but why would you be so into someone who behaves likes this for the sake of it? THIS!!!! 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trash Magic 28,639 Posted November 3, 2016 Lmao ya'll are a mess with your emotions. The fact that Lana has chosen a single and an album release date is enough to know that there's an actual project on its way coming sooner than expected. Clearly king Eclipse is in good terms with Lana too, so any other's opinion beyond that is irrelevant. Save your spam for Interscope. lmaooooo a response. 4 "It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted November 3, 2016 All that happen: Eclipse claimed that Lana directed messgaed him on Twitter and gave a screenshot showing she asked him about the tweet and what's up with Mike. He later gave more information on their conversation by posting some of his own tweets on his Twitter. These tweets including disproving Wild Side and saying she does not know the co-wirter registered to that song and that Mike is false while there is no new album coming in (Jackson)NOVEMber. Nothing really interesting happen for the matter. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperMegaStan 10,030 Posted November 3, 2016 thank God I am a mask top. yes i am jealous of someone who has no respect for lana or her dignity and uses her work for attention. the "king" thing made me chuckle what a bunch of sheeps. hey tiny3. no shade. i didn't directly mean you or any specific member here. it's just an exaggerated emotional reply. don't take that too seriously. plus, KING is just some funny nicknames. i can call you my KING all night long if you like it no negativity on this site, thank you. 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
111 37,685 Posted November 3, 2016 (edited) (Disclaimer) Below i will try to explain my pov based off of findings by not only myself but multiple people using public information. to make it easier i will be going in order of: Reasons for why i said what i said: The neros files His relations with male minors on various social media platforms in which explicit activity occurs his adamant claim that he is the only one with "leaks" How Eclipse is not a real supporter Making a lana fan pay for "resistance" and leaking it right after (bad business deal) How easily people believe everything he says and does Well i will explain everything that i know to you. This is nothing new here. Every time I share my opinion on here i get warning points, threats from moderators, insults from people. I never specifically attacked anyone or made lies. People twist my words around, say i claim to have uv outtakes when i never did ever. All because i don't agree with certain things. Eclipse claims to be a supporter of lana when in reality is he? Or a nuisance? he continuously claims being the "only one" with certain songs and how he "found them" himself and they "didn't fall into his lap" . There is a website called neros. (now defunct due to rise in traffic) (because of the discovery of it, due to multiple people including myself tracing the url code in each picosong link of certain songs he leaked tracing back to a online database that was once filled with multiple demos, finals, and snippets of lana music from 2010-2013. This was an active database owned and controlled by a music label manager of "neros Group". due to the discovery of this database (because of eclipse) the site and all other conglomerate sites were taken down and files were obliterated. Eclipse claims to have only found two songs on there in which he leaked. But there were over 20. (not saying he leaked all 20 on there). In addition to this another reason i decided to respond to the forum is how his disgraceful behavior is unfair. He has multiple occurrences in which he traded nudes with male minors under the ae of 18 in return for the promise of song snippets. So apparently someones dignity is worth .21 seconds of a song snippet to him. This was clearly documented in his snapchats with fans as well as his now defunct "supermovie" tumblr account. Another thing is his proclamation that he is the only one with certain songs such as "uv outtakes" and 2010 "demos" when in reality there are three people who have 2010 demos and multiple lana team members who have them. Eclipse claims he is a lana supporter. Can we be real here? he has consistently betrayed her by leaking songs she had never released for a reason in which is no ones business. and is using her hard work and painful past as a failed pop singer as clout for online notoriety. HE has taken advantage of her to the point she herself contacted him today begging and pleading him with "all her heart" to not leak the uv outtakes. yes it is great that we were able to enjoy her work but put yourself in her shoes. can you imagine something of yours being leaked when you never wanted it out in the first place? he is just as bad as those russian girls that spied on her at night and harassed her in front of her home. he is equally as unfair to her. He made a lana fan pay for resistance when he knew he was going to leak it. Can you believe he had the audacity to earn money from something he has no rights to? He illegally made profit off of a registered song he had no rights to. some fan he is. And finally a common trend on here. I have been abused, berated and made out to be the bad guy by sheeple on here because they worship their godly "eclipse" hakan. The a blinded by his claims without considering how detrimental he is to lanas psyche. No one wants to believe that he is nothing but a poser and user of lana. I am honestly shocked that her team has not taken action yet. Excuse my grammar and punctuation, i am shaking as i write this due to how disgusted i am. If you find it in your heart to understand that all i ask is for you to ask yourself, is this really right? 1-) I already explained that only two Lana related files were on the Neros website and they weren't unleaked. They were just HQ versions of stuff that were already leaked years ago. These terms aren't accurate: "Neros group" "music label manager" "active database" "multiple demos finals and snippet by Lana" Rick left his website open for a few months and many people got the Black Beauty batch and they leaked quickly... and songs from a website like you are claiming to have existed WOULDN'T leak all this time? I wouldn't leave any clues like that for everyone to trace it back. This is not some big discovery to take credit for, you just googled some file names. You so badly want to bring me down. It's not happening. The fact that you don't even know I'm not the leaker of the TIMWUG demo but you are still claiming I leaked "2 songs" from the "Neros database"... "Neros database" was just Peter Ibsen's website and the rest of the "20 songs" there were just his other productions for other artists. How would Peter Ibsen produce 20 songs with Lana? It's not realistic. I just saw the 2 Lana files (SERIAL KILLER HQ AND TIMWUG DEMO HQ) and downloaded them before they realized they left the directories open to the public. You are misunderstanding the facts and therefore stating/making up things that aren't true and acting like you know what really happened. "NEROS DATABASE" is not a thing. 2-) I am a minor myself and I can have any sexual relationship with any minor and that's none of your business. And I never gave any .21 seconds snippets for nudes. Receipts? 3-) I've been a fan since 2011. I have all of her albums + CD singles. She's my most listened artist on People from here know me before I got any unleaked (one example @@wraith) and how much I love Lana. 4-) Never happened. Receipts? 5-) Yeah because I never lied and I won't. I piss people off with my own ways, but I would never spread false info around for attention, I get my attention with real things, I don't have to make things up. 6-) If you actually paid attention, Lana only asked me to not leak her upcoming single. Which I wasn't going to and I won't. She doesn't even know anything about UV outtakes or anything. She didn't even know who I was until yesterday and now you are acting like I'm the cause of her depression. The overreacting. The exaggerating. The jealousy. The pressedness. "and is using her hard work and painful past as a failed pop singer as clout for online notoriety" Wow. Oh my god why am I arguing with someone who is spreading rumors about me to try and bring me down. Know your facts before you attempt to discredit me. Edited November 3, 2016 by Elle Eclipse has been asked to filter the post to be more respectful, check back soon 13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRENCH 15,456 Posted November 3, 2016 (edited) I do NOT want to keep dragging this around but I want to know what exactly makes Eclipse a reliable person? What proof do we have that he did indeed search high and low on his own for those songs hes hiding? For all we know hes can have accomplices and he is just the release-r. What makes him a legit leaker when yet he only leaks 5 second snippets? ^oh ok wow he repsonded & clocked ha Edited November 3, 2016 by Ed55 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
111 37,685 Posted November 3, 2016 i mean as a fully dedicated lana stan, who actually thinks of lana more as a human than just an artist, i have very high regard for how she feels, etc.. esp since i know she probs goes through such bullshit all the time bc shes a celeb. So im a little salty that eclipse, who already has exclusive info, already gets a ton of attention from people on this site, gets pm'd by lana not even because she wants to talk to him, but because he was leaking stuff and she's looking out for her career. (also this isn't the first time he has taunted artists with their own leaked music lol) sad that someone who already has gotten so much, gets to talk to the queen herself and then isn't even that nice to her u should ask all the ppl who just shit their pants over eclipse telling us basically nothing we dont already know. why do they even care? You don't even know how I talked to her. She said she will even consider doing a little Q&A with me about her music. She wouldn't have talked to me for hours and shared info about her upcoming album if I wasn't nice to her. Honestly I'll just ask her my questions about her old work and keep the answers to myself, maybe share it with a few people. This forum deserves nothing. 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRENCH 15,456 Posted November 3, 2016 1-) I already explained that only two Lana related files were on the Neros website and they weren't unleaked. They were just HQ versions of stuff that were already leaked years ago. You are basically an idiot. "Neros group" "music label manager" "active database" "multiple demos finals and snippet by Lana" oh my god like... Can you get any more stupid? I am seriously asking, is this your lowest point or can you get any more stupid right now? Do you think I wouldn't change the file names on picosong if they lead to a goldmine, defunct or not? Do you think I am stupid? No, I'm not. You are the stupid one. Rick left his website open for a few months and everyone including my grandmother got the Black Beauty batch and they leaked faster than your brain cells dying with each stupid thing that comes out of your mouth and songs from a website like you are claiming to have existed WOULDN'T leak all this time? Do you really think I would leave any clues like that for everyone to trace it back? You talk like you discovered a goldmine and want to take credit for that, when you just googled some file names. You are reeking of jealousy and you so badly want to bring me down because of that. It's not happening. The fact that you don't even know I'm not the leaker of the TIMWUG demo but you are still claiming I leaked "2 songs" from the "Neros database"... I have to say it again, but you are a stupid kid. If you had any brain cells actually functioning you would know that the "Neros database" was just Peter Ibsen's website and the rest of the "20 songs" there were just his other productions for other artists. HOW IN THE NAME OF GOD DID PETER IBSEN PRODUCE 20 SONGS WITH LANA? It's not realistic. I just saw the 2 Lana files (SERIAL KILLER HQ AND TIMWUG DEMO HQ) and downloaded them before they realized they left the directories open to the public. You are just making things up and acting like you know shit "NEROS DATABASE" I never laughed so hard in my file. 2-) I am a minor myself and I can have any sexual relationship with any minor and that's none of your business. And I never gave any .21 seconds snippets for nudes. Receipts? 3-) I've been a fan since 2011. I have all of her albums + CD singles. She's my most listened artist on People from here know me before I got any unleaked (one example @@wraith) and how much I love Lana. Shut the fuck up. 4-) Never happened. Receipts? 5-) Yeah because I never lied and I won't. I piss people off with my own ways, but I would never spread false info around for attention, I get my attention with real things, I don't have to make things up. 6-) If you actually paid attention, Lana only asked me to not leak her upcoming single. Which I wasn't going to and I won't. She doesn't even know anything about UV outtakes or anything. She didn't even know who I was until yesterday and now you are acting like I'm the cause of her depression. The overreacting. The exaggerating. The jealousy. The pressedness. "and is using her hard work and painful past as a failed pop singer as clout for online notoriety" I'm laughing so hard. Wow. Oh my god why am I arguing with a stupid kid who's spreading shitty rumors about me to try and bring me down. Every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie. leak Be My Daddy on December 25 and we will leave you #alone 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychedelic Pussy 30,115 Posted November 3, 2016 Ok... @Tinythree just got a scalped and we just live witnessed it. When will your fave? Chances are LIB is on the upcoming album if she just flat out ignored the fact that you even asked bout it and moved onto the next question lmao 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unknown 3,247 Posted November 3, 2016 This is what makes us Lana stans, we don't stick together cus we put unleaked first 23 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
111 37,685 Posted November 3, 2016 I trust Eclipse, he was always a relieable source. But I still can't at some of you still celebrating him as "King". Of course it's always fun to have infos but it seemingly reached a level where it invades her privacy that much that she feels the need to contact him. Not because she wants to but because he had the audacity to tag her on leaked lyrics. And he keeps the narcissism and entitlement he always displays on this board when he is talking to her, acting benelovent etc. I am also always happy for Lana news but why would you be so into someone who behaves likes this for the sake of it? You also look at my last post to see that what you said is wrong. "Narcissism and entitlement" it's called not giving a fuck because when I actually cared and tried to be nice here, I was treated like shit. Some shitty people here used my niceness against me and attacked me. If you want me to be all rainbows and peace, it's never happening. So no, it's not "for the sake of it". 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Platinum Greenwich 13,952 Posted November 3, 2016 Honestly I'll just ask her my questions about her old work and keep the answers to myself, maybe share it with a few people. This forum deserves nothing. the melodrama like not to imply anything but maybe we wouldn't have had to countenance a mess of these proportions if only you had done the left-field thing (for an "insider" anyway) and avoided making some character out of yourself to begin with like correct me if you feel i'm wrong for this, but these posts you're making now come across so much more sincere than the ones you were making while you still had us by the collar leaking shit 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grabmebymyribbons 911 Posted November 3, 2016 This thread is giving me anxiety 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graham4anything 2,859 Posted November 3, 2016 I love the irony Same people who chastise Lana for not doing promo and appearances and stuff want more leaks, which of course don't have any promo, appearances and stuff Me, I just want more, more more music as much as I greedily can listen to All I want to do is get high by the beach or driving in my car, and cranking up the volume (now continue fighting) @atticus 1376- that is funny. 6 Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites