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LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread

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like can we all just agree that "being nice" and "giving us what we want" aren't necessarily the same thing


i'm in hospitality school rn and lemme tell ya -- if i were to be rude to a guest while still doing everything exactly the way i was asked to, they'd still dislike me (and very much so, understandably) and give me shit (via my supervisor lol) for it


like is that illogical? i thought it was an obvi thing



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This whole thing is getting ridiculous, everyone just needs to remember that this is a Lana Del Rey forum board. Go outside and meet up with friends or something rather than bicker on lanaboards. Im going to stop paying much attention to this thread and instead just wait for official announcements. Hopefully if lana and eclipse do an interview he'll post the whole thing. But I'm really not too concerned with this and neither should anyone else. I have exams and I'm applying for medicine. things are more important that your favourite singer and lots of things are more important than unleaked songs.  :kiss:  we should be a community not a cliquey high school mess


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You also look at my last post to see that what you said is wrong.


"Narcissism and entitlement" it's called not giving a fuck because when I actually cared and tried to be nice here, I was treated like shit. Some shitty people here used my niceness against me and attacked me. If you want me to be all rainbows and peace, it's never happening. So no, it's not "for the sake of it".


You don't have to share anything with anyone but going into a forum and boasting/teasing about what you know/have but won't tell/share with others is quite a lot of entitlement in my eyes if you are actually not really the person who is legally allowed to have/know these sort of things. Because either way you share something or you decide to keep it to yourself, making big announcements about how you won't share something is not really "not giving a fuck".

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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How many tracks are you all hoping for? I'm greedy and want at least 14.

I think there will be 12 tracks


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I liked the HM concept of having 14 tracks and no bonus. You don't have to buy several versions and it feels like a director cut of the album like every song has its place, even the good sis Burnt


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How many tracks are you all hoping for? I'm greedy and want at least 14.

I'd rather have a 11 track album with a bit more "spice" insted of an album that has 14 tracks feels like a drag. I'd prefer to have a shorter regular version with some bonus traks that are a bit "outside" of the album-concept. But PLEASE no Itunes, Japan and Target exclusives - just one regular and one deluxe edition.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I liked the HM concept of having 14 tracks and no bonus. You don't have to buy several versions and it feels like a director cut of the album like every song has its place, even the good sis Burnt

I always want as many songs as possible, but I totally agree that every song having its place in one album without any of that bonus bs (even when I adore the bonus songs!). It really makes the album a whole, complete experience. 

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Honestly I have no calm left for this forum so yeah if you have nothing nice to say just shut the fuck up

I would have never returned if it wasn't for this



She doesn't know shit

She just saw me tweeting lyrics from her new song(s)

And saw the Mike guy

Reported us both to her label and manager last night

Then she contacted me today, girl literally begged me to keep the songs to myself

Awh, she sounds like such a nice, caring and sweet person (she always has though)! I just love this thread. Thanks for sharing

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we can't call it a pre-release period if we don't have a meltdown.

listen you all, the release cycle of Lana Del Rey is:

--> first the thirst, then the meltdown, comes with the announcement, then the mess, and finally the single/album and no promo.

(it'll be in the mid-term and finals so you better jot some notes!)

anyways, LDR5 is coming sooner than we think.  :creep:


but seriously, i agree with anne.

I really hate the target bonus/walmart exclusive thing.... i just only want one version that has all released songs on it.


i can only take the standard/deluxe and the special edition with a different cover.


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